45 Easter 3rd Sunday

Christ is the Foundation


As a fruit of the Resurrection, Jesus is now present in a new way, different from before His Passion. He is alive and present by the power of the Holy Ghost in His Church! In His Church, He teaches the truths which save us. In and by His Church, He bestows life through His sacraments. The Scriptures clearly profess this. So too the witnesses of the Resurrection, who teach with the authority that Christ Himself has given. Contemplate Christ. Keep your eyes constantly fixed on Him. Set your heart on Him alone.

Christ is the Foundation2024-05-08T20:21:58-04:00

Teach and Baptize All Nations


Let us dwell on the final words Christ speaks on earth before ascending (Mt 28:16-20). Do you believe Christ has power to do all things? Do you act as if He does? He told the pope and bishops they must teach His truth to everyone. He call you to this as well, i.e. according to your state of life. In the Infant Church we see already present every essential element. It is here that Christ fulfills His great promise: to always remain with His Church. It is here that Faith grows.

Teach and Baptize All Nations2023-05-23T07:52:17-04:00

Five Saints Model Devotion to Mary


Devotion to Mary is necessary for salvation! In giving us the Incarnate Word, Our Lady has obtained all the graces we need and she continually pours them out upon us. So have an ever greater union with the most Holy Virgin and depend more on her intercession and assistance! Here are five saintly examples to help inspire you: [1] St John Damascene, [2] St Ignatius Loyola, [3] St. Philip Neri, [4] Bl. Elizabeth Picenardi of Mantua, and [4] Four year old St. John Marie Vianney. Also, consider ten simple ways to practice devotion to Our Lady.

Five Saints Model Devotion to Mary2022-06-12T14:18:28-04:00

No Sympathy for Satan


A good shepherd removes all blockages that prevent his sheep from reaching their end. Like a boxing trainer, he prepares those under his care to persevere unto victory. On the other hand, the world seduces men into accepting these blockages. It leads us to feel sorrow for whom we ought not feel sorrow. A clear sign of warped evil is sympathy for satan (this theme runs in literature, art, music, movies). It even motivates many within the Church Militant (think of those who sympathize with Judas). Be on your guard! Avoid supporting anything that does not have a solid Catholic foundation [...]

No Sympathy for Satan2021-04-26T23:51:28-04:00

Our World is Being Forever Altered


A new social ethics has been created with its own twisted sense of virtue, false commandments, and moral imperatives. That in itself is terrible. Yet even more sickening is how these values—of a materialistic God-denying culture—have become the standard for so many within the Church Militant. The eternal good of the soul, and those things necessary for salvation, are discouraged or cancelled. The opinions of men are believed over the divine word of God. Any wonder why many are leaving the Faith? May God forgive us!

Our World is Being Forever Altered2021-05-01T22:19:29-04:00

Come to Me and I Will Refresh You


What has happened to our Catholic Faith that we have fallen into this present abyss? How can some speak as if taking our Lord in the Eucharist away is the will of God? The very words of Christ run counter to this. He promised to remain with us always in the Holy Eucharist - to nourish and strengthen us. He calls all who labor and are burneded to come to Him, always and everyday, and He shall refresh us. Compare the words we hear today from our prelates with those of the saints and teaching of Pope Leo XIII. The Mass [...]

Come to Me and I Will Refresh You2020-05-14T00:26:22-04:00

NotreDame Abandoned Mother


Children who visit their mothers regularly are sorrowful when they see her die, but their grieving is healthy and natural. They are sad but still hopeful. But children who distanced themselves from their mother, even abandoning her in her old age, are struck with a grief at their mother’s death … a grief that can be coupled with a deep guilt. Now consider the scene which horrified us all - Notre Dame burning. Parisians gazed upon their mother dying and they were filled with grief … and with guilt, for so many have abandoned Holy Mother Church. Let us make sure [...]

NotreDame Abandoned Mother2019-05-29T11:59:50-04:00

Motherhood and Priesthood


It is helpful to consider how various faithful members of the Mystical Body of Christ act as branches on the vine, supplying what is needed for dying branches to be saved or for dead branches to return to life. This theme naturally leads us to focus on priests, especially in light of the current crisis in the Church. However, on this Mother’s Day, let us consider the connection between motherhood and the holy priesthood. Sacrifice is essential to both. Holy mothers help raise good priests. In particular, let us examine two historical cases: Concepcion "Conchita" Cabrera de Armida (1862-1937) from Mexico [...]

Motherhood and Priesthood2019-05-19T22:41:31-04:00
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