53 Corpus Christi Octave Sunday

Be Devoted to the Blessed Sacrament


What nations or people are so favored as to have God as close as Catholics? Nothing is so precious as the Holy Eucharist, truly a memorial of that exceedingly great love which Christ showed for us during His suffering. Hence it is fitting to have Eucharistic processions rendering Him due honor. Yet remember the dangers of complacency and worldliness, lest we follow the path of the Israelites of old. God granted them victory over Jericho following a proper procession with the Ark (God's presence in their midst); yet when they used that same Ark as their tool, they were roundly defeated [...]

Be Devoted to the Blessed Sacrament2019-07-22T06:12:57-04:00

You Shall Find Rest to Your Souls


We give each other gifts, but the greatest expression of love is when you give yourself totally. This is what our Lord does in the Blessed Eucharist. He gives Himself completely to us. What a tremendous example that on the night when He is betrayed, He responds with total love! On that night, He was fully aware of how much He - in the Eucharist - would be outraged and blasphemed by men throughout history. What a lesson in meekness! Yet Christ is alive right now and calling us to the tabernacle where He willingly 'imprisons' Himself to be near us. [...]

You Shall Find Rest to Your Souls2019-07-12T16:01:57-04:00

Mass is About Believing not Understanding


If we hope to stand firm in the faith we must go to Jesus. At Holy Mass, Jesus Himself is calling us to believe in Him. In fact, the greatest grace helping us to stand firm in the faith is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Holy Eucharist. You see, Mass is about believing, not about understanding (don't fall for the false complaint: "I don't understand the Latin Mass"). What is most important at Mass are the sublime hidden realities of our Faith (which can't be seen or understood by human reason). At Mass, all the visible signs of [...]

Mass is About Believing not Understanding2019-07-12T08:11:08-04:00
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