13 Circumcision of the Lord

Ponder These Christmas Mysteries in Your Heart


Both Jesus' Name and the shedding of His Precious Blood manifest that Christ has come to save us. He gave His life for us, so as to gain our affection. The ingratitude of men is a great source of sorrow to Him and Our Blessed Mother. Consider how insufficient an effort we make to love Him in return. Resolve this new year to love Him more faithfully.

Ponder These Christmas Mysteries in Your Heart2025-01-25T21:01:58-05:00

Present a Loving Heart to the Divine Child


Let us present a loving heart to the Divine Child and be willing to suffer for Christ; for the Faith. Already as a newborn, Jesus shed His Precious Blood to save us. Keep Jesus in your mind and heart, so that you will never deliberately offend Him. Don't forget the great truths of His four comings and continue to ponder them all year. Consider the link between Our Lord's coming at Christmas and His coming at Holy Mass. Meditate upon the moment of your death when you must render a definitive account of your time on this earth. How loving and [...]

Present a Loving Heart to the Divine Child2024-01-21T08:01:20-05:00

Mary Kept All These Words in Her Heart


Be not like those lost in worldliness or who forget Christmas after the 25th. Christmas lasts until February 2! During this time, focus on the great mission God entrusted to Our Lady. No one knew Christ as profoundly as Mary. No one is a more competent guide and teacher. She lived the very life of Christ. Imitate her 'Christmas' example of pondering every word, deed and detail of her Divine Son and of comforting her life to those most sacred mysteries. Know that the Hail Mary is an exemplary prayer of praise and petition which glorifies God.

Mary Kept All These Words in Her Heart2023-01-09T08:03:09-05:00

Two Ways to Grow in Your Love for Jesus


Christmas brings new grace, specifically to love Jesus more and to adore Him more faithfully. We cannot live this reality without the help of the Holy Ghost. All the Saints had an immense love for and trust in the Name of Jesus. Therein they saw all His love, all His power, all He said and did while on earth. Two practical recommendations: [1] Invoke His Holy Name to overcome a specific sin you continue to struggle with — for only Jesus has the power to overcome sin. Children struggle with disobedience to parents, spouses repeatedly hurt each other, and everyone has habitual [...]

Two Ways to Grow in Your Love for Jesus2021-01-25T06:15:36-05:00

How to Begin the New Year


How important for Catholics to pray for the grace to grow in love for Jesus! There can be no greater new year's resolution. Let us use the privileged means given by God, namely devotion to Mary's Immaculate Heart. This devotion's end is to conform one's hearts to the Sacred Heart. Our Lady's Heart is strong and mighty to conquer all enemies, obtains from God whatever it asks, and showers men with many graces and blessings. Three ways to practice devotion to her Heart, as given by St. John Eudes, are: [1] Live a true conversion to God, fulfilling your baptismal promises. Pray [...]

How to Begin the New Year2020-01-16T12:31:42-05:00

Despair Patience Blood


Many are expressing frustration at the state of affairs in the Church and the world; the problems seem institutionalized and intractable. It is as if the devil is taunting us: “Give up! These problems can't be fixed. I own this world." In response we must turn to the One Who shed His Blood, for it is His Precious Blood which conquers evil and can bring about all healing. Thus, we must remain utterly confident, full of faith and patience, in this dark night. DO NOT DESPAIR! You may think there are problems stemming from sin in your life, and those around [...]

Despair Patience Blood2020-01-07T06:30:09-05:00

Christ Empties Himself


With the mystery of the Circumcision, the sacrifice of the Lamb of God begins. His innocent flesh begins to be wounded, causing the first precious drops of His Blood to flow. This is but the prelude to the final act on Calvary. Though but a few days old, the Father’s Son and Mary’s Child condescends to suffer, humbly submitting to a law that never was intended for Him. To free us from the sin of pride, Christ empties Himself completely, taking on a real human nature and the physical mark of a sinner, thus resembling the sinners He came to save.

Christ Empties Himself2020-01-07T06:07:22-05:00

Heresy of Apollinarianism and the Tilma


We have reason to rejoice in our Holy Mother: The Church and Our Lady. Mary is the perfect type of the Church.  The miraculous tilma of Guadalupe points to numerous truths about the Church: She is divine, she is alive, Jesus lives in her, she is indestructible, she is sweet even as she corrects and reproves. We also recently celebrated Pope St. Damasus (+384), who battled an anti-pope, upheld the Sacred Scriptures, and condemned heresy. He defended the Person of Christ and His two natures. These truths dispel today's popular errors that animals may be resurrected, redeemed or have eternal souls.

Heresy of Apollinarianism and the Tilma2024-12-20T12:26:04-05:00
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