10 Christmas Day

Prayer to the Infant Jesus


From the sermon Twelve Lights of Epiphany given on January 6, 2017 O most sweet and amiable Infant Jesus, though I see Thee in this cavern lying on straw poor and despised, yet faith teaches me that Thou art my God, who camest down from Heaven for my salvation.  I acknowledge Thee, then, for my sovereign Lord and Savior; but I have nothing, alas! to offer Thee.  I have no gold of love, because I have loved creatures instead of Thee.  I have not the incense of prayer, because I have lived in a miserable state of forgetfulness of Thee.  I [...]

Prayer to the Infant Jesus2025-01-19T16:01:46-05:00

Christmas Petitions


This Christmas Season, make the same petitions as the saints. Thus will you better understand what it means to truly love Jesus. St. Alphonsus repeatedly prayed to obey God alone, to seek to please God alone, and to desire God more and more (even while others crave worldly goods and fortunes). May God dispose of me and my affairs as He wills. St. Louis de Montfort constantly prayed for the grace to imitate the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It was her heart which hastened the Incarnation, bringing the True Light to men. Reflect upon the fact that Christmas is a great [...]

Christmas Petitions2025-01-01T16:03:27-05:00

Day of Joy and Pardon


Christ was born to save sinners [us!] at midnight in Bethlehem in piercing cold. What a wondrous night of joy, of salvation, and of of pardon. Yet we must acknowledge sin as sin and not dismiss it under a pretext of focusing on the "positive." Otherwise, Christmas loses its true meaning. Let us not fail to ask Him for the great spiritual graces He wishes to grant this day. The shepherds brought their gifts; you must also bring your gifts to Him. What will you bring to Him?

Day of Joy and Pardon2024-01-01T07:38:58-05:00

Fix Your Eyes on Heart on the Divine Child


Keeping our physical gaze on the Divine Child helps us keep our heart fixed on Him. Imitate Our Lady and never take your eyes off Her Son. The world has many attractions and human weakness fills us with doubt. Imitate. Yet Christmas is filled with beauty to help incline us towards the grace and truth Christ brings. We set our heart on Christ alone by always obeying Him, pleasing Him, desiring Him, and submitting to God's holy will.

Fix Your Eyes on Heart on the Divine Child2023-01-08T07:42:35-05:00

The Nativity Scene


In 1223, with the Pope's blessing, St. Francis created the first Nativity Scene. He wanted to kindle devotion by reliving the historical birth of Christ. Indeed miracles were subsequently associated with this "Feast of feasts." Throughout Advent we longed for His Coming. Angels now beckon us to the Nativity Scene. Jesus comes in gentleness and mercy, not judgment or condemnation. He comes as a Lamb (Agnus Dei), a willing victim, born for the purpose of dying. Come, let us adore Him.

The Nativity Scene2022-12-28T08:49:49-05:00

Mandatory Rejoicing


The Coming of Christ the highest point of sacred and secular history. The only proper response for us on this day is to rejoice. Pope St. Leo the Great even says it would be unlawful to be sad on Christmas Day. And why rejoice? We must rejoice for the destroyer of sin and death has come to cleanse us and to grant us eternal life. Our Savior has come to free us from sin and satan’s tyranny.

Mandatory Rejoicing2022-01-01T15:55:41-05:00

Beauty of the Christmas Mystery


The Holy Virgin Mary invites all to enter the cave of Bethlehem and to adore her new born Son. We owe Him our supreme obedience, love and adoration, but often fall short. However, on Christmas Day, not only is what God does perfect, but manu2019s first response - by our Blessed Mother - is also perfect. The Word was made flesh so that every single person might adore Him in Holy Communion, and yet u201cHis own received Him not.u201d If one truly believes Christ is God, how can one not do everything in his power to receive Him with profound love [...]

Beauty of the Christmas Mystery2023-12-23T07:46:36-05:00

Human Sacrifice of Aztecs and Vaccines


Despite having a highly developed civilization, the Aztecs demanded human victims as tribute from subjugated tribes for their demonic rituals. However, Christ conquered this barbaric kingdom for Himself. First, Hernan Cortez, who allied himself with many indigenous who despised the Aztecs, conquered militarily. Next, the Spanish Crown outlawed human sacrifice and sent many good missionaries. Yet despite the great efforts of Church and State, the ordinary means of evangelization only bore modest fruit. Something more was needed. The Queen of Heaven herself would have to bring the true u2018Son Godu2019 for the full spiritual conquest of Mexico. Sadly, these demons have [...]

Human Sacrifice of Aztecs and Vaccines2021-01-24T20:18:31-05:00

Love Effects a Likeness


After four millennia, despite many Old Testament priests, prophets and kings, charity was cold and fallen man still lacked the ability to have a true and wholesome friendship with God. Man needed Love Itself to come and effect some likeness between God and man, for love is only possible among those who have some level of equality. Thus, God's Perfect Love was so inflamed that He planted His Love in the Blessed Virgin’s womb and He is born to us today - to draw out love. Yet love not only equates, but willingly subjects the lover to the loved one. Dear [...]

Love Effects a Likeness2019-12-31T16:08:44-05:00

Love Jesus with the Heart of Mary


The Infant Jesus grants special graces during Christmastide. [1] Pray for these special graces and persevere in asking Baby Jesus for them. I urge you to put greater faith and trust in the Love of Our Savior Jesus Christ. [2] Especially pray for the grace to love God from this day forth with your whole heart. Now, it isn't just about loving Jesus "in our own way" because each one of us is a fallen human whose soul carries hurts, sorrows and scars. Amongst other things, this prevents us from truly loving after the example of our Savior Jesus Christ. Our love is all too [...]

Love Jesus with the Heart of Mary2019-12-31T16:04:22-05:00
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