22 Candlemass

Guardians of Chastity


One thing that greatly tarnishes mankind is the sin of impurity - lust. It darkens our intellect and stains our souls. It is thrust upon us everywhere we go and seemingly wherever we turn our eyes. We must practice the virtue of chastity. Yet our holy tradition reminds us that chastity is a fragile virtue. It is easily tarnished or broken. Chastity is like a precious vase that needs guardians to protect it. These guardians, the saints teach us, are other virtues, including humility, obedience, temperance, and love of Jesus and Mary.

Guardians of Chastity2020-02-26T08:55:06-05:00

Saint Simeon and a Faithful Servant


Tradition tells us that as St. Simeon translated the Scriptures, an angel prevented him from adjusting the word 'virgin' to 'young maiden' in Isaias' prophecy (7:14). The angel then revealed that Simeon would not die until he had seen the long-awaited Messiah (Lk 2:26). Upon that predestined day, though he was quite old, he hastened to the Temple with the spring of youth. Simeon’s eyes immediately noted the Child Jesus, he reverently approached the Holy Family, and falling to his knees, adored the Divine Child in Mary's arms. The old man then prayed to God to release him from this life (Nunc Dimittis). St. [...]

Saint Simeon and a Faithful Servant2020-02-20T06:59:50-05:00

Blessed Candles and the Heart of Mary


The Christmas Season engrains in our minds Our Lady's great love for Jesus. This is what is characteristic of her heart. Mary teaches us to contemplate Jesus, for her eyes and ears were only focussed on Him. What about us? Today's feast also reminds us that Our Lady has a sorrowful suffering Heart. She suffers so that our hearts will be purified. In Christmastide, God is giving us the heart of His Blessed Mother, so that we may love, contemplate and suffer for Jesus after her example. Today is also Candlemas, the end of the Christmas season, when the Church uses [...]

Blessed Candles and the Heart of Mary2020-02-18T06:40:12-05:00
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