90 Assumption

Our Lady of the Assumption, Ora Pro Nobis!


From the sermon given on the Feast of the Assumption - August 15, 2019 We acknowledge thee and we venerate thee, Most Holy Virgin, Queen of Heaven, Lady and Mistress of the Universe, as Daughter of the Eternal Father, Mother of His well-beloved Son, and most loving Spouse of the Holy Ghost. We rejoice at thy glorious Assumption into Heaven; and now that thou art enthroned as Queen of Heaven and earth, forget us not, thy poor servants. From Heaven thou seest more plainly our miseries; hence thou must compassionate and succor us the more. Make us thy faithful servants on [...]

Our Lady of the Assumption, Ora Pro Nobis!2024-08-13T10:07:07-04:00

Two Truths of Our Lady’s Assumption


By the Feast of the Assumption (which honors numerous events), we call to mind the happiness, gory and power with which God crowned Mary at the end of her earthly life. [1] The glory she receives corresponds exactly to the life she lived. This encourages us to imitate her so as to mirror her glory. [2] Our Lady is all powerful by grace. She opens the abyss of the mercy of God and no sinner, however great, is lost if Mary protects him. May these two truths give you much hope and encouragement.  

Two Truths of Our Lady’s Assumption2023-08-20T17:15:06-04:00

Spiritual Lessons from the Assumption


All the mysteries of our Lady's Assumption proclaim the greatness and the goodness of God. They also indicate in what the Christian life consists. Her death was joyful and beautiful because it was free of the three things which make death better: attachment to the world, remorse for sin and uncertainty of salvation. We in turn must strive to detach from the world, grow in humility and resign ourselves to the divine will. Our Lady is all-powerful by grace because she was perfect and sinless. The more we grow in sanctity, the more powerful will be our prayers and intercession.

Spiritual Lessons from the Assumption2021-09-02T07:17:17-04:00

The Assumption Crushes Neo-Gnosticism


The world is currently enduring neo-gnosticism, which is a form of occultism. Gnosticism was the first heresy to attack the Church. It offers salvation through secret knowledge. Yet its very essence is to reject the revealed Genesis account of creation and substitute an unreal world for the real. Thus, it cannot be reconciled with Christianity. The reemergence of gnosticism constitutes the very essence of modernity. The fact that gnosticism has returned so strongly, and we are inundated in it, ought to concern us - especially since it has deeply infiltrated the Church. Neo-gnostics have given up on Heaven above and instead look to salvation by 'moving forward' to [...]

The Assumption Crushes Neo-Gnosticism2020-11-13T21:49:49-05:00

Our Prayers as Marys Cargo


The Vigil of the Assumption is meant to be a little 'one day Lent' to prepare for the great feast of Our Lady's Assumption, body and soul. Our Lady is able to take all our prayers, each and everyone of them, with her to Heaven. Nothing hinders her. An excellent example of this is seen in the Fatima Event. She does indeed care for us and has an open ear. Let us, then, add our petitions to her freight and have confidence in her great intercessory power.

Our Prayers as Marys Cargo2019-08-23T17:15:02-04:00

Chastity and Reverence


Blessed Mary’s perfect and immaculate purity, of both body and soul, are contributing causes to today’s mystery of the Assumption. Nothing impure can enter into heaven says the Apocalypse! After all, no human being can be good or truly happy, in this life or the next, without chastity. Rob man of chastity and you take from him self-respect and his desire to pray. No wonder the devil likes to start with impure temptations! To remain truly chaste, it greatly helps to understand the connection between chastity and reverence. Yet we need the aid of the Blessed Virgin to deal properly with [...]

Chastity and Reverence2019-08-23T06:23:33-04:00
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