48 Ascension Thursday

A Good Leader Enables His Followers


When a good leader goes on ahead [1] he leaves behind what is needed for those following and [2] he leaves markers so they will not get lost. Thus, they can ultimately be reunited. This is certainly true of Christ, the perfect leader. He gave commandments, instructions and promises. He provides the Church, sacraments, grace, His own Mother, His Sacred Heart, etc. He has not left us powerless or orphans. He showed the way - in His own flesh - and opened the way to Heaven, leaving us all we need to follow Him up!

A Good Leader Enables His Followers2021-05-21T09:05:18-04:00

Heavenly vs Worldly Joy


In relationships we often find four stages: infatuation, realization, despair and, if it endures, then true love. When the Apostles first knew Jesus, they thought of Him in worldly terms. In the forty days leading up to the Ascension, Christ dashed their illusions with a far better reality. We too must learn to have a spiritual joy. Our joy ought not be giddy, hasty, or without reason, like the fleeting glee of worldlings. The Christian's joy is serene, stable and tinged with sadness over spiritual causes. Sacred Gregorian chant is a wonderful example of true spiritual joy. Like the Apostles, our [...]

Heavenly vs Worldly Joy2019-06-14T10:33:13-04:00

City of God and the Ascension


Our Lord had to ascend for many reasons. Among these are: [1] He is the Great Pioneer who blazed the path for us to follow. [2] He is the Great High Priest, eternally offering His Sacred Wounds and Precious Blood as intercession for men in the Divine Tabernacle not made by human hands. [3] He now provides us with His gifts from above, most notably the Holy Ghost. [4] It is not fitting that one Whose Body is glorified should remain below in a realm of physical decay and death. [5] His ascension enables the theological virtues (Faith, Hope, and Charity) [...]

City of God and the Ascension2019-06-14T07:56:42-04:00

Command Obedience Promise


The Ascension bridges all the mysteries of the Incarnate Word on earth and in Heaven. Three central aspects of the Ascension which you should reflect upon are: [1] It directs the mind and heart to Heaven. The Christian must follow Christ - all the way to where He is now. Your strongest conviction ought to be that you exist for the purpose of getting to Heaven. Orient all your life in conformity with this truth. [2] It teaches us how to get to Heaven, for Our Lord provides the means. One must believe the truths He taught and live by the [...]

Command Obedience Promise2019-06-14T05:53:43-04:00

Christ Ascended to a Real Place


His Majesty ascended into Heaven today. He did so fully human, body and soul (glorified). We are all to rise again, and those with sanctifying grace will ascend to their place in Heaven. Yes, Heaven is a real place - because real human bodies are there. Many in our day, even high-ranking prelates, doubt (even outright deny) that Heaven is a place. This is because they start with the faulty science of relativity, thinking that there is no direction in our cosmos. Sadly, they then end by denying the bodily resurrection, asserting instead only a "resurrection of persons" This reflects the [...]

Christ Ascended to a Real Place2019-06-01T10:40:24-04:00
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