96 All Saints

The One Thing That Prevents Your Sanctity


All Saints is time to reflect and celebrate those men and women who accomplished what they were born for. We are all meant to be saints and to reign in Heaven. Yet the Saints were at a time ordinary men and women. There is no difference between them and us on the level where we begin. So what did they do differently? What iron clad gates do we build up around our soul to prevent sanctity? Examine yourself and firmly resolve to eliminate just one simple thing which holds you back.

The One Thing That Prevents Your Sanctity2023-11-21T07:43:24-05:00

Enslavement is Inescapable


Slavery is inescapable! You can however chose your master. Yet there really are only two choices: the dreary slavery of the devil or the sweet yoke of Christ. Heaven or hell. The saints see infallible dogmas as golden chains that bind the mind to the One Truth, God. The damned are held fast by only one principle, 'Do what you will.' The saints are yoked by a holy routine of prayer, penance, fasting, study and duty. The damned are imprisoned by the routine of habitual sin and regular indulgence. If you pick Christ as your King and allow Him to draw [...]

Enslavement is Inescapable2019-11-14T16:54:26-05:00
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