80 Pentecost 20th Sunday

St Teresa and Mental Prayer


Church tradition honors St. Teresa of Avila as the virgo seraphica, doctrix mystica, and reformer of the Carmelite Order. Her life was marked by such miracles as a 'resurrection' and the transverbration. She can teach us much about mental prayer, including overcoming failures. Prayer is essential for salvation and meditation is necessary for growth in virtue. Mental prayer is nothing else than an intimate friendship, a frequent heart to heart conversation, with God. [This sermon includes a brief, yet excellent, explanation of how to do mental prayer.]

St Teresa and Mental Prayer2023-10-30T22:50:57-04:00

Divine Maternity of Mary


The central mystery of Our Lady's life –from which all her mysteries, privileges and perfection flow– is her Divine Motherhood. It is the reason God graced her as immaculately conceived, sinless, and perpetual virgin. Her assumption into Heaven and crowning as Queen are likewise rooted therein. It is also why she is Mediatrix of all Graces and our Spiritual Mother. In fact, all of Our Lady's apparitions manifest both her divine maternity and her spiritual motherhood of all the faithful.

Divine Maternity of Mary2023-10-29T12:12:33-04:00

Never Deformed Never Reformed


St. Bruno of Cologne (+1101) founded the Carthusians after witnessing the revival of the corpse of a man condemned for all eternity. This order is considered to be the most ascetic. It has never experienced radical change. The Order has never needed to be reformed because has never been deformed. The Carthusian motto: 'The Cross Stands Still While the World Turns.' The world is always restless. Modern man is rarely at peace and easily distracted. Covid and the vaccine have caused great disruptions. The Church too is greatly agitated from within. Yet tradition remains firm and consistent. Our love for the [...]

Never Deformed Never Reformed2021-10-14T07:27:41-04:00

Holy Angels and the Rosary


Pray and meditate upon the Rosary with the holy Angels; share their joy, sorrow and exaltation. Souls who unite themselves to the angels upon earth have great confidence they will be so be united in Heaven. God sent His most important message for our times through angelic messenger. If you want to help convert sinners (including those whom you love), then offer prayers and sacrifices. Put into practice what the Angel at Fatima asked and imitate his example.

Holy Angels and the Rosary2023-10-05T16:50:04-04:00
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