Liturgical Year

Value Grace Above All Else


The Immaculate Conception is a singular example of the infinite power of God's grace and how God grants grace to overcome sin. She gives us the perfect example of what it means to "put on Christ." In this mystery, we see the full grandeur of God's grace. Make it personal! God's grace can overcome any difficulty, temptation or sin which plagues you. This feast dispels a heresy, promoted by Bregoglio, that at times our "best effort" is a sin, or that God might ask of us a sinful act (in Amoris Lætitia). With God's grace you can always grow in holiness. [...]

Value Grace Above All Else2024-12-20T08:59:36-05:00

Maranatha – Come Lord Jesus


From the sermon given on Gaudete Sunday in 2014 Almighty and ever-living God, let all the assembly of Christ’s faithful ones laud the graces that are near, and sing their highest praises to Thee, our Creator. When Thy only-begotten Son, through Whom Thou created this world, redeemed us, He fulfilled the promises which Thy prophets spoke in the ages past. The Word, having come down from Heaven, and shown Himself to men, took away the punishment due to our sins; and assuming our nature, though but dust, He vanquished the prince of death. Born of a Mother in time, but begotten [...]

Maranatha – Come Lord Jesus2024-12-18T12:09:55-05:00

Put Ye On the Lord Jesus Christ


In giving us His Son, God could give us nothing more. And He gives us everything. God provides this season of Advent so that we will change! Strive to make it a holy season. Father lists numerous ways to grow in Advent. Do not displease Christ. Conform your will to His. May He reign over you. Behold His Heart which has loved so much that It has given itself completely and spared nothing. How do I respond? By Christmas, we must be clothed more with Christ and less with our own self will. Unite my heart with Thine and my will with [...]

Put Ye On the Lord Jesus Christ2024-12-08T21:14:44-05:00

Little Children, Love One Another


Jesus loves us and calls us to love Him in return His judgment of each one of us will be based on truth and charity. Because we love Him we obey Him and seek to follow His will. Conform yourself to His signified will (as expressed in His commandments, sacraments, church teachings and the commands of our lawful superiors). Conform yourself to the will of His good pleasure (i.e. have a wiling and cheerful acceptance of everything that happens, realizing it comes from His loving hand). Detach yourself from creatures - including self – in order to attach yourself to God.

Little Children, Love One Another2024-12-02T09:20:12-05:00

Charity Must Begin at Home


Faith, hope, and charity are like a mustard seed. Meant to grow from the moment of baptism, they are essential to the Kingdom of God. Charity means loving God above all things for His own sake and loving our neighbor for the sake of God. We must patiently endure the faults of others, forgive injuries, and do good to our enemies. God also calls us to practice charity towards the souls in Purgatory. To be more effective, sacrifices, prayers and indulgences should be offered with true charity. Look to the teaching and example of the saints, such as St. Gertrude the [...]

Charity Must Begin at Home2024-12-01T12:29:50-05:00

Glorious is God in His Saints


Christ the King has redeemed and transformed all time. Living in accordance with the liturgical year is a basic and daily way by which we truly live as Christ's subjects. Yet the vast majority of Catholics ignore His being Lord of all time. The recent feasts emphasize the importance of the saints. Make a special effort to draw closer to them. The examples of St. Rita of Casia (+1457), saint of the impossible, and St. Humility (+1310), illustrate how the saints made Christ sovereign over mind, will, body, time, and life. By their intercession may we too enthrone Christ over our [...]

Glorious is God in His Saints2024-11-21T16:48:59-05:00

Our Lady of Sorrows Carried Her Cross


When one makes the Sign of the Cross, he professes the two greatest Christian mysteries. In fact, the cross is the primary symbol of the Christian Faith. It is the source of all blessings and cause of all graces. It represents the mystery of Christ and His infinite love. There is no health of soul or hope of eternal life without the cross.  Yes, the Cross is the proof that God loves us, but it is also the proof He requires of us to show our love fro Him. We must carry our share of the cross. Has anyone done this [...]

Our Lady of Sorrows Carried Her Cross2024-11-21T16:47:42-05:00

Guided by the Feasts of the Church


Too often we want to know or experience directly what Heaven is saying to us. (This leads some to give undeserved attention to unapproved private revelations.) Instead, put more faith in what, without any doubt, comes from God. He speaks to us through the Church's feasts. For example, in these past weeks God is speaking to us about the importance of Christ's Kingship, venerating the saints, aiding the poor souls, pondering the Four Last Things, and growing in faith, hope, and charity. It is so important that you make a greater effort to live based on the Faith, not on secular [...]

Guided by the Feasts of the Church2024-11-13T06:23:39-05:00

Fidelity to God’s Grace


Saintly mystics of the Church provide us with an account of Mary's birth, which we celebrate today. Our Lady was conceived without sin and with the ability to know and love God. Within St. Anne's womb, Mary was already faithfully corresponding to this first grace – and thus growing in grace. Let us be more aware of the graces God gives us and do our very best to correspond with them. Yet attachment to sin and to the world impedes our growth. We prefer what is easier and more comfortable. To counter this, grow in your devotion to Mary, especially Our [...]

Fidelity to God’s Grace2024-11-11T07:58:05-05:00

Prayer to the Holy Trinity for the Holy Souls


From a sermon given on November 9, 2019 God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on the souls of the faithful departed. God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on the souls of the faithful departed. God the Holy Ghost, have mercy on the souls of the faithful departed. Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on the souls of the faithful departed.Through Thy infinite love, O Lord deliver them. Through Thy sorrow and anguish, O Lord deliver them. Through Thy bloody sweat, O Lord deliver them. Through Thy bonds, O Lord deliver them. Through Thy scourging, O Lord deliver them. Through Thy crowning [...]

Prayer to the Holy Trinity for the Holy Souls2024-11-08T16:30:05-05:00
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