
Mysteries of His Sacred Infancy


Devotion to the Child Jesus means devotion to the Mystery of the Incarnation. Meditate on the mysteries of His sacred Infancy to grow in love for Him. These mysteries highlight His humility, poverty, obedience and love. In particular, consider that He purposefully chose each of these events to begin His saving mission on earth. To love Him you must strive to imitate Him. For example, every one of us can be more detached from the world; by this we imitate His poverty.

Mysteries of His Sacred Infancy2022-02-07T09:49:04-05:00

A Child is Born to Us


For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given. You and I can now love the Father with the Heart of Christ. We can offer all the sufferings of the Christ Child as an infinite act of reparation. On account of the Christmas Mystery, those in the state of grace can love God with the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Divine Infant is born for us; the Messiah has been given to us. Let us use this Christmas gift well so that we may gain the gift of Eternal Life.

A Child is Born to Us2022-01-23T13:39:53-05:00

Mary Spouse of the Holy Ghost


Many saints have pondered the infinite fertility of the Most Blessed Trinity. The Heavenly Father eternally begets the Divine Son. From the infinite love of these Two Divine Persons eternally proceeds the Holy Ghost. Yet the Third Person does not bring forth another Divine Person. Rather, He is fruitful through His union with Holy Mary. Together they brought forth the Incarnate Christ. In each Christian they bring forth "another Christ." Thus, the Church is the continuation of the mission of the Incarnate Son of God; what Jesus is by nature, we become by grace. We could say Mary is the mold of God [...]

Mary Spouse of the Holy Ghost2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00
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