
Three Marian Advent Feasts of Salvation


The very name "Jesus" means "God saves." All His comings (advents) have to do with the salvation of souls. We pray: O Lord show us Thy mercy and grant us Thy salvation. Can there be a more important prayer? And this God answers through the Blessed Virgin Mary. Consider the Church's three feasts of December 8, 10, and 12. They emphasize: the glory and power of God, the purity we require, true faith, true worship, and our duty to form homes where we work out our salvation. God created Our Lady and made her our Mother to show us His mercy [...]

Three Marian Advent Feasts of Salvation2023-12-26T05:49:04-05:00

The Advent Wreath


The Advent Wreath is full of rich symbolism. The circular shape evokes eternity and the evergreen represents hope and renewal. Purple stands for penance and rose for joy. Each colored candle represents a millennia and a person(s). A blessed and lighted candle always symbolizes Christ. Each candle also represents a great truth about Christ: [1] He will come again in power to judge all. [2] He will judge me at the moment of my death. [3] Jesus comes to me with His grace, now, especially at Mass. [4] Jesus came in the flesh to save us - to save me. Hope [...]

The Advent Wreath2023-12-22T08:21:13-05:00

Eternity Always in View


Nothing impure can enter Heaven. Thinking about Purgatory inspires penance and self denial (which we all struggle with). Here are five important means to avoid Purgatory. Our Lady is the Mother of everyone in Purgatory and there is no soul there whose pain is not alleviated by her. Happy is the he who loves with eternity always in view; with a lively faith that he must shortly die and enter into eternity.

Eternity Always in View2023-12-17T10:22:20-05:00

The Saints on Purgatory


You will be judged by God at your death, the moment your soul leaves your body, at the very spot where you breathe your last. All you ever said, thought or did shall come under God's judgment. Consider your end and the Last Things. Can the souls in Purgatory help us? When can our normal prayers not aid a soul in Purgatory? What grace is there in a mother who forgives even murder for the love of God? May the teaching and example of saints help motivate us.

The Saints on Purgatory2023-12-11T16:30:52-05:00

The Great Thought


For Christ to truly be King, He must reign in men's minds. This means man assents – with perfect submission and firm belief – to the doctrines taught by Christ and His Church. How terrible that many occupying high places in the Church are instead seeking to undermine His teachings. We instead must remain steadfast and faithful to the Great Truth. As an example, consider the Church's teachings on the Four Last Things. Review a 'Short Catechism on Eternity.' Heed the example of St. Anthony Mary Claret. And in all thy works, remember thy last end, and thou shall never sin [...]

The Great Thought2023-12-08T16:58:46-05:00

The World Beyond


The Church's feasts at the end of the liturgical year lead us to contemplate the Four Last Things. The enemies of Christ mind earthly things but those who seek to follow Christ contemplate the world beyond us. Tell yourself often, "I am going to die and I will be judged." This judgment shall be rigorous; are you prepared? Man must perfectly submit his mind to the truths of Christ, which always flow from the truth about who God is. And man must live in accordance with truth. As an example, consider the Church's teaching on Purgatory. It must be true for [...]

The World Beyond2023-11-26T16:55:07-05:00

Viva Cristo Rey


Jesus Christ is God. Jesus Christ is Lord. Jesus Christ is King. We were born to profess this Faith. A major problem is how many claim to know and feel Jesus, but it is not about believing in Jesus "in our own way" but according to His way. Everything must be subject to Him: governments, schools, media, entertainment, sciences, arts, families, marriages, and each individual. Consider these examples of how He must reign in every person's mind, will, heart and body. [Father José María Robles was killed for Christ on June 26, 1927. He helped build a huge statue of Christ [...]

Viva Cristo Rey2024-10-23T14:17:40-04:00

Dominus Universorum


We say that Christ is King – but what does that mean? It means He must be king over all - every person, every family, every nation. His kingdom is one of truth and eternal life. So it means we must be supremely faithful to the truth. And it means we must reject the values of this world in favor of His kingdom than the values of this world. Now if Christ is King for all eternity and all-powerful [by nature], then His Mother is Queen of all eternity and all-powerful [by grace]. Nothing is excluded for Christ's dominion or from [...]

Dominus Universorum2023-11-13T22:46:22-05:00

The Fourth Sorrow of Our Lady


It is ordained by God, from all eternity, that the sorrows of Our Lady be united with the sufferings of Jesus Christ –in the great sacrifice of Calvary– to make reparation for sin. On the Via Dolorosa, Our Lady fell prostrate and adored Her Son with profound reverence. The more she suffered, the more she drew nearer to the Cross. Yet what causes her the most suffering is to see her spiritual children dead. On Calvary there were two altars: one in the body of Jesus and the other in Mary's heart. She sacrificed her soul by compassion. Imitate Our Lady so [...]

The Fourth Sorrow of Our Lady2023-11-06T06:57:16-05:00

Humility of Intellect and of Will


St. Francis is the first recorded instance of the stigmata. Suffering with Christ –the Cross!– is central to our faith. The Cross is the source of all blessings, the cause of all grace, and the only path to Heaven. Carrying our cross well is what it means to be Catholic. Yet pride leads us to reject the cross. So we must grow in humility. Humility of intellect (an honest acknowledgement of our total dependence on God and of our real incapability of doing anything good without His assistance) makes us faithful to prayer. Humility of will (the readiness of the heart [...]

Humility of Intellect and of Will2023-11-07T09:45:37-05:00
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