
Three Questions Three Enemies


The seed falling on different types of soil represents great enemies of our salvation. Consider the following questions, that your soul may be good soul yielding a hundred fold. [1] Why stand you here all the day idle? Be about the work of doing everything to secure the salvation of your soul. [2] Lord, what will Thou have me to do? Hear Him, and answer with promptness, fidelity, and fervor. [3] What gift, of my time and treasure, shall I offer Thee? The gifts we choose are our response to the graces received from God.

Three Questions Three Enemies2024-05-13T11:47:53-04:00

Christ is the Foundation


As a fruit of the Resurrection, Jesus is now present in a new way, different from before His Passion. He is alive and present by the power of the Holy Ghost in His Church! In His Church, He teaches the truths which save us. In and by His Church, He bestows life through His sacraments. The Scriptures clearly profess this. So too the witnesses of the Resurrection, who teach with the authority that Christ Himself has given. Contemplate Christ. Keep your eyes constantly fixed on Him. Set your heart on Him alone.

Christ is the Foundation2024-05-08T20:21:58-04:00

The Road to Emmaus


Contemplate Christ. Keep your eyes fixed on Him. Set your heart on Him alone. Meditate upon the gospels and epistles from Easter week. St. Peter and St. Paul teach – by the power of the Holy Ghost – not their own ideas but they 'teach Christ.' The disciples journeying to Emmaus pattern a progressively deeper encounter with the Risen Lord. [1] They desire Christ, sharing their limited knowledge and love of Him. [2] Jesus then teaches them the Scriptures, showing we all need proper interpretation from the rightful authority. [3] Christ remains with them and feeds them. Every Christian is called [...]

The Road to Emmaus2024-05-02T06:41:00-04:00

Two Lessons from the Easter Encounters


Contemplate Christ's words and actions following the Resurrection. He abides in our midst, teaches the truth, calls us to faith, feeds us, and commands us. Clearly, the foundation of the Catholic Faith is Jesus Christ. He is alive and active in the Church He founded. He commands that we go to all nations (no exceptions) teaching everyone the truth and baptizing all.

Two Lessons from the Easter Encounters2024-05-02T06:22:28-04:00

That You May Have Life


Christ came, suffered and died, rose and ascended that we might have the life of grace. Nothing is more precious.

That You May Have Life2024-05-02T07:00:37-04:00

In the Cross is Our Salvation


Every element of the Easter liturgy proclaims the connectedness of Christ's death and resurrection. By this the Church impresses upon our minds and hearts two important spiritual truths: [1] Jesus can never be separated from His Cross. [2] The Cross is the road to life everlasting.

In the Cross is Our Salvation2024-04-22T09:51:24-04:00

Kiss the Cross with Great Faith


Look to the Cross. Adore the Cross. Kiss the Cross. From you heart, make a resolution, to reject a particular grievous or habitual sin (such as the sin of selfishness).

Kiss the Cross with Great Faith2024-04-22T01:12:07-04:00

Seven Gifts from the Passion and Death


These are the holiest days of the year. Our Lord gives us a Great Example of true charity, humility, service, and giving of oneself without expecting anything in return. He imparts to us seven great gifts. "As I have done, so you do also."

Seven Gifts from the Passion and Death2024-04-21T14:39:01-04:00

Four Points for Victory


Palms symbolize Christ's victory. By His passion and death He conquered satan, sin and death. Here are four points to help keep His passion and death in our mind and heart.

Four Points for Victory2024-04-11T19:54:11-04:00

Christ’s Passion and Our Lady


Christ's Passion and Death is what saves us. These final two weeks of Lent – Passiontide – are privileged weeks. The Church calls us to reflect upon Our Lord's Passion and the unique role fulfilled by the Holy Mother of God. No exercise is more profitable for our sanctification. St. Bonaventure, St. John Eudes, St. Bridget of Sweden, Ven. Maria of Agreda and the benedictine monk John Lydgate serve as helpful guides.

Christ’s Passion and Our Lady2024-04-01T10:24:02-04:00
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