
Saint Longinus


St. Longinus was present both at the crucifixion and the resurrection. He was miraculously healed and instructed by the Apostles. Refusing to worship demons, he was tortured and martyred. Yet he preserved relics of the Precious Blood for all generations. We have access to the Precious Blood at Mass; but we must exercise Faith. The Sacraments are like seven channels by which the salvific stream of the Precious Blood flows to mankind. At every Mass, the shedding of His Blood blood is repeated in a manner imperceptible to our senses. How ardently do you believe –and live– this great truth?

Saint Longinus2024-09-08T21:31:02-04:00

Know Them By Their Fruits


We must learn to pray as Holy Mother Church prays. Make petitions in union with her solemn prayer. It is clear that many of us are failing in our fundamental duty. We are living through the consequences thereof. Discern the false shepherds by their fruits. Consider as well the wondrous fruits of the Precious Blood. His Blood is shed for us at Holy Mass. Do you really believe?

Know Them By Their Fruits2024-08-02T16:40:18-04:00

Grant Us An Increase of Religion


The Mass' Collect Prayer is a solemn petition on the part of the Universal Church. Today we ask God, "Graft in our hearts love for Thy Name and grant us an increase of religion." Religion is the highest moral virtue; by it we render to God the worship and honor due to God. This virtue necessitates being convinced of God's greatness and our own nothingness. It calls us to overcome our self-love and pride, both great obstacles which prevent us from loving God. At Mass, make a special effort to consider the Sacred Heart. "O Jesus, take my heart and change [...]

Grant Us An Increase of Religion2024-07-26T19:10:43-04:00

Take My Heart and Change It


Most Catholics never learn what it truly means to participate at Mass or having a true conversion of heart. The Sacred Heart is instrumental in these matters. He manifests His love to us especially from the crib in Bethlehem, the Cross on Calvary, and the Holy Eucharist in every church. Yet this Heart which loves without limit is not loved in return. At Mass, look to share the sentiments of the Sacred Heart. Pray for the grace to change your heart!

Take My Heart and Change It2024-07-23T13:24:05-04:00

Participate at Mass with Faith


Man's chief duty is to participate in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. it is not enough for one to simply be present. How many times are we distracted and daydreaming? Rather we must assist with earnestness and concentration, uniting ourselves with Christ the High Priest. Note, what is most essential to our participation is not perceptible to our senses. Rather, it is of the Faith. If the majority of us don't participate well, then what will happen to our families and our Church? "Eternal Father, permit to offer Thee the Heart of my Savior Jesus Christ."

Participate at Mass with Faith2024-07-09T13:29:53-04:00

Four Elements of Our Fundamental Duty


Pope Pius XII teaches that man's fundamental duty is to orient his person and life towards God. Man does this by [1] accepting all divinely revealed truths, [2] obeying the law of God and His Church, [3] rendering God right worship, [4] and centering all his acts and aspirations on God. These four are carried out perfectly by the Sacred Heart. Devotion to the Sacred Heart is a compendium of our holy religion. It comprises a devotion of love, reparation and imitation. Attaining this fundamental duty is hard. Hence, we must pray to the Holy Ghost for His assistance.

Four Elements of Our Fundamental Duty2024-07-07T13:05:59-04:00

What Does It Mean to Love God


The Holy Trinity is the central mystery of the Faith. The Catholic Faith exists to make this mystery known to all souls. In this sermon, Father provides a basic catechism on the Blessed Trinity and God Himself. Man is called to know, love and serve God so as to be happy with Him forever. Yet a terrible sin of omission, the one Catholics most frequently commit, must be overcome.

What Does It Mean to Love God2024-07-03T08:22:48-04:00

Practice True Devotion to the Holy Ghost


Our prayer is meant to express our Faith. Consider how much we learn from Holy Mother Church's prayers directed to the Holy Ghost. We are completely dependent on the Holy Ghost to do anything good. He is the giver of every good gift. He enables us to think like Christ, speak like Christ and act like Christ. Now the world and the flesh are opposed to the Holy Ghost, hence we must unceasingly fight against their influence.

Practice True Devotion to the Holy Ghost2024-07-01T17:06:30-04:00

The Holy Ghost and Our Lady


Frequently pray the Church's three most important prayers to the Holy Ghost. In the time between the Ascension and Pentecost Our Lady humbly guided the Apostles. Our practice of praying novenas originates from these days. Our Lady is a most perfect Mother, and her concerns for us, her children, are centered on eternity, grace and sin. Christian Mothers, imitate HER! The Holy Ghost is particularly active in carrying out the Mission of Christ where – and in whom – He finds His Spouse, the Ever Virgin and Holy Mary.

The Holy Ghost and Our Lady2024-06-17T17:36:38-04:00

Five Simple Points


Our Risen Lord made His first resurrection appearance to His most Blessed Mother. This Easter, we have asked "What is the foundation of the Christian Religion?" It is Christ, His Mission, and His Church. Understanding this answer helps us love our Catholic Faith and live it well. Five simple points from the resurrection narratives in the gospel help us summarize this answer.

Five Simple Points2024-06-18T09:15:56-04:00
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