Holy Communion with Mary and Joseph
DVRodriguez2024-10-27T17:39:01-04:00Sermon at the First Communion of one of Father's nieces. Saint Teresa, ora pro nobis.
Sermon at the First Communion of one of Father's nieces. Saint Teresa, ora pro nobis.
Jesus Christ is King. This is a great dogma of our faith. All things are created by Him and for Him. The State has an obligation towards Him and man's laws must be subject to His Law. The only way to have peace is for all nations to submit to Christ the King. Yet many so called Christians – even in the Church – reject His kingship. Our presidential candidates do not confess Christ's Kingship. Bishops are not defending this truth. Francis' recent statements are blasphemous and heretical against this doctrine. As small individuals we may not be able to change [...]
Christ is Lord of All. This truth is upheld by the reaching on the social and universal Kingship of Christ. Few Catholics proclaim this truth today, yet we must accept it to be saved for it is an infallible dogma. We also celebrate several feasts of Our Lady in these days. October 11 is her Divine Maternity. This is the principal mystery of her life from which flow all her privileges. On October 12 we celebrate her first apparition to St. James (a type of her miraculous pillar is found in Exodus). Our Lady wrought the great Miracle of the Sun [...]
In 1571, Pope St. Pius V called all Christendom to pray the Rosary. In response, Our Lady routed the superior Moslem forces at the naval Battle of Lepanto. At Hiroshima, She protected eight Jesuits priests, living the Message of Fatima, from the atomic bomb. In the 1960s, Brazil was saved from communism by the Rosary. The Blessed Mother told St. Dominic that the Rosary is a most powerful means to [1] dissipate heresy, [2] extinguish vice, [3] spread virtue, [4] implore God's mercy, and [5] obtain her protection. And in our time, God has granted the Rosary even more power, so [...]
Jesus and Mary were united at the foot of the cross – in His passion and death. When carried well, the cross is the source, food, and proof of love. To truly love Jesus, one must first learn to suffer. Now the gifts of grace do increase as trials increase. It seems a new phase in Father's trials has begun on the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, which has been the date many trials have begun throughout his priesthood. As many of you know, Fr Rodríguez dedicated his priesthood to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary at ordination. He [...]
Catholics follow many devotions and apparitions, yet 99% do not know the full Message of Fatima. This is a glaring red flag because Fatima is the greatest of all apparitions and the one most necessary for our time. No other apparition has received as much papal approval or so great a sign of divine confirmation. Every Catholic must know about the First Saturday Devotion and the need for Russia’s Consecration. St. John Eudes also gives us reasons why devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is so important.
Many mysteries are commemorated in the Assumption. They are a window into the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Our Lady stayed on earth making the greatest sacrifice to help build up the Church and propagate the Faith. These mysteries teach us how to live as faithful Catholics. We must persevere in God’s grace, greatly desire Heaven, not be attached to this earth, and prepare for a holy death.
In the heat of Rome's summer, Our Lady dropped snow to indicate where the greatest church in her honor was to be built. St. Mary Major is home to both the manger from Bethlehem and Salus Populi Romani, St. Luke's miraculous painting of Madonna and Child. Our Blessed Mother is inseparable from Her Divine Son. Jesus chooses to enter the world – and our life – through her! At many of her apparitions, Our Lady requests a church be built, not only to receive our prayers and come to our aid, but to renew the Sacrifice of Her Son. Strive to [...]
Practice devotion to the Most Precious Blood! This is outstanding way to participate in Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Spend fifteen or twenty minutes – or more – praying thus: Precious Blood of Jesus, I adore Thee (or I thank Thee or Have mercy on me or make any specific intention such as Wash over me or Heal me). . Pray in particular for the Precious Blood to forgive and free you from any serious sin - one that has a strong hold on you. Seven petitions in particular, linked to Our Lord's seven blood sheddings, cover the entire range of the [...]
May the saints who had a a great devotion to the Precious Blood be our guides in participating more fruitfully at Holy Mass. They help us believe in – and focus our attention upon – Our Lord's great mysteries. Saints Mechtilde, Mary Magdalene de Pazzi, Margaret Mary Alacoque, John Vianney and St. Dominic are but a few examples. At Mass, Our Lord presents His wounds to His Heavenly Father. Upon seeing them, the Father forgives us. We too should look upon His wounds, for it will move us to repent of our sins. His Precious Blood shall move us to confidence [...]