
Resist the False Attack upon the Mass


A terrible document aimed at destroying the Mass of All Time is upon us. It goes against the Church's ancient Tradition; against God Himself. Hence we cannot obey it. We must stand fast despite being persecuted. Sadly, many Catholics do not realize that there are limits to the authority of the pope and bishops - limits witnessed to by the Church Herself. The hierarchy has authority so as to guard, protect, and transmit the Catholic doctrinal, moral and liturgical tradition - not to eliminate it! We have been infected with the falsehood that the liturgy is our work. No. It is [...]

Resist the False Attack upon the Mass2021-07-19T09:15:03-04:00

The Holy Ghost is the Power of God


The Holy Ghost has infinite power. He is frequently symbolized as the 'Mighty Hand' or 'Finger' of God. He multiplies, perfects, confirms, and establishes grace in man. He seeks to guide the faithful Christian. Yet in addition to the True Faith and True Worship, one needs humility and docility to be attentive to His promptings. The Holy Ghost awakens in us an urgency to fight against the world, the flesh, and the devil. He reminds us that the devil goes about as a roaring lion (or monstrous serpent) seeking to devour us. As an example, consider Sister Lucia's "Vision of Tuy," [...]

The Holy Ghost is the Power of God2021-08-02T14:57:19-04:00

Thou Hast Redeemed Us In Thy Blood


Beware of false prophets, whom you shall know by their fruits. There is much 'rotten fruit' in the Church. Things are not good. The faith is very weak. Few make Holy Hours, vocations are scarce, and the Mass is everywhere shut down. Even worse, the Mass of All Time - which yields much good fruit - is being persecuted. The grave crisis should be obvious to everyone. In response, grow in your devotion to the Precious Blood and seek to imitate Christ in His Passion and Sacrifice. At Mass, "see" with faith our Bloody Lord (instead of the priest), for thus [...]

Thou Hast Redeemed Us In Thy Blood2021-08-04T13:09:50-04:00

Participate at Mass Through the Precious Blood


The Mystery of the Precious Blood is extremely important to our Catholic Faith and the truth about God. It is very neglected today and few appreciate it. This is one of the reasons why we are suffering through such a grave crisis of Faith. The Feast of the Precious Blood was eliminated from the new liturgical calendar; yet Holy Mother Church's tradition dedicates the entire month of July to this Mystery. In order to believe in God, you must believe in the Precious Blood. It is deeply connected to the Message of Our Lady at Fatima. A marvelous way to participate [...]

Participate at Mass Through the Precious Blood2021-07-24T10:47:10-04:00

Two Great Obstacles to Grace


The Church gives us the lengthy time of Pentecost to grow in grace. There are two great obstacles which prevent us from responding to the Holy Ghost: the world and the flesh. These are ever-present and unceasingly attack us. Do your best to constantly fight against these two nefarious influences upon your soul.

Two Great Obstacles to Grace2021-07-24T10:47:26-04:00

Affirm the Real Presence


True Faith in Jesus Christ means that we MUST receive Our Lord in Holy Communion - for He has commanded this! It is not just a faith of words or feeling, but the act of receiving the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ and conforming our life to this truth. If we truly believe, we must do our best to receive Him well; to fast, to prepare well and to thank Him abundantly. An excellent preparation is to renew your baptismal vows and make an Act of Fatih as our First Communicant does.

Affirm the Real Presence2021-07-12T08:10:16-04:00

Walk in the Spirit


The Catholic religion exists in order to make the Mystery of the Holy Trinity known and to glorify God. We give Him glory by praising and adoring Him, by thanking and loving Him, by serving Him, and by leading other souls to Him. Reflect upon this often and ask yourself each day, "Am I glorifying God?" How does man render special glory to God the Holy Ghost? By obeying Him, by responding well to the graces He offers, and by begging Him for more grace. Yet how can one differentiate the Holy Ghost's promptings from the devil, the world, and the [...]

Walk in the Spirit2021-07-12T07:10:58-04:00

St Alphonsus on Queenship of Mary


In the Church's prayers, we address Mary as Queen. St. Alphonsus explains her queenship. As Our Lady's merits exceed that of all the saints and angels, so too does her glory. Let us dedicate ourselves to the service of our Heavenly Queen.

St Alphonsus on Queenship of Mary2021-06-28T03:52:47-04:00

Vatican Two Had the Spirit of the World


This Pentecost, we highlight just one aspect of the Holy Ghost's mission, that of sanctifying and saving souls. In order to receive the Holy Ghost, we have to 'make space' for Him. In so far as one is filled with the spirit of the world, of the flesh, and of self-love, one does not allow Him to work in our souls. The choking spirit of the world is ubiquitous within the Church. The doors were flung wide for this false spirit at Vatican 2 and it remains the single greatest source of the Church's evils today. Note how tell-tale signs of [...]

Vatican Two Had the Spirit of the World2021-06-28T03:49:36-04:00

Mission of Grace and Truth


The mission of the Holy Ghost is to give testimony of Jesus by leading men into all truth and bestowing that grace which divinizes souls, forming Jesus Christ in them. But He does not do this work alone. He does it in union with the Blessed Virgin Mary. This pattern is clearly seen at the Incarnation and at Pentecost. He descends in response to Mary's prayer, faith and love. With the Holy Ghost, Our Lady forms Christ in souls, enabling one to think and act like her Son. With the Holy Ghost, Our Lady always witnesses to the truth. For example, [...]

Mission of Grace and Truth2021-06-05T06:59:58-04:00
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