Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Focus on Heavenly Not Earthly Things


Especially during this month of November, we are to turn with greater fervor and faith to the Church beyond this earth. Many are the enemies of Christ; their minds and hearts are always fixed on earthly things. Stay focused on Heaven, on our Savior, and upon His Second Coming. This is one of the great purposes of Holy Mass, where the angels and saints ceaselessly praise and worship the majesty of God. We entreat God to allow our voices and prayers to be one with theirs! We can help the Poor Souls by our suffrages and by offering to God the [...]

Focus on Heavenly Not Earthly Things2023-11-06T10:34:15-05:00

Holy Mass and the Precious Blood


Devotion to the Precious Blood should be a great help in participating well at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Both of these ought to be very dear to the Catholic heart. Truly believe that Jesus sheds His Precious Blood for you at Mass! Then unite yourself to this Sacrifice of Christ and invoke His Precious Blood.

Holy Mass and the Precious Blood2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

Which Blood Shall be Shed


Ours is a culture of death because so many seek to solve 'problems' by resorting to violence and death. Revolutionaries seek to inflame anger; thereby increasing violence and killing. This makes us liable to much judgment (the wrath of God) and deserving of chastisement. Expect more of the same as long as the causes of anger in man's heart remain far from being resolved. In humility, we should admit that we too are infected, to some degree, by revolutionary anger. And all these problems are not unrelated to the Holy Mass, to its power and purpose. For if we do not bring our [...]

Which Blood Shall be Shed2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

Mysteries of the Precious Blood at Holy Mass


At Holy Mass, the minds of the faithful are to be raised to the contemplation of the most sublime mysteries which are hidden in this Sacrifice. They are veiled to our physical senses and to our human reason. Yet this contemplation is the most important way by which we participate in Holy Mass. Three marvelous mysteries concerning the Precious Blood hidden in Mass are: [1] The shedding of Christ’s Blood is renewed at Holy Mass. [2] The Precious Blood is sprinkled upon those who are present and poured out upon their souls. [3] The Precious Blood intercedes for us and calls [...]

Mysteries of the Precious Blood at Holy Mass2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

Recover the Majesty of God


Christ our Savior made a great sacrifice to which all are invited. But many make excuses, having more 'important' things to do. Consider our situation today. So many have 'Covid related excuses' for canceling or missing Mass. God desires us to give Him glory and make Him first in our life. The most important way we do this is by uniting ourselves to the glory that only Christ can give God, and that is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. If the Mass is set aside, it is impossible to give just and due glory to God! Yet we are 'too [...]

Recover the Majesty of God2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

The Fundamental Duty of Man


Christ is present and lives in the Most Holy Eucharist. Under the impulse of His divine Love, He ceaselessly renews His Sacrifice. This Sacrament is the very soul of the Church. From this source the Church draws and has all her strength. From the rising to the setting of the sun, there should be no cessation of the Hymn of Praise and Thanksgiving [the Mass] which man owes to God. Indeed, man's chief duty and supreme dignity is to participate in the Eucharistic sacrifice. This is all Catholic teaching from the popes. Listen to it with faith, begging our Lord to [...]

The Fundamental Duty of Man2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

Great Gift and Responsibility of Motherhood


God's best gifts come from above. They are perfect and unchanging. They make us more like Him. We are to conform our lives to them. Motherhood is one such gift. It is sacred and unchanging. However, our fallen world is doing much to try to change, devalue, even destroy motherhood. It is so great a gift that God provides us with two spiritual mothers: Our Lady and the Church. It is through them that God chooses to transmit His life (grace) to us. A mother [1] gives life and she [2] nourishes life. She must also strive to [3] bring the life of [...]

Great Gift and Responsibility of Motherhood2020-11-13T21:49:51-05:00

Come to Me and I Will Refresh You


What has happened to our Catholic Faith that we have fallen into this present abyss? How can some speak as if taking our Lord in the Eucharist away is the will of God? The very words of Christ run counter to this. He promised to remain with us always in the Holy Eucharist - to nourish and strengthen us. He calls all who labor and are burneded to come to Him, always and everyday, and He shall refresh us. Compare the words we hear today from our prelates with those of the saints and teaching of Pope Leo XIII. The Mass [...]

Come to Me and I Will Refresh You2020-05-14T00:26:22-04:00

Value Mass Above All Else


Let us marvel at the mystery of Holy Mass and believe, love and adore Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. Consider: (1) The connection between the Incarnation and the Eucharist. It is through the Eucharist that Christ continues to make present this greatest of blessings - God amongst us. (2) How at Mass and through the Eucharist, Jesus is shielding the world from the just wrath of God. To abandon or cancel the Mass for human considerations, to think 'we can just make do until the Mass returns,' is simply not Catholic. Such reactions betray a lack of faith. But do not [...]

Value Mass Above All Else2020-05-04T22:06:31-04:00

Do You Really Believe


St. John teaches that true faith in Jesus Christ conquers the world. The Easter Gospels are replete with examples of belief that Jesus is God. Moreover, true faith in Jesus must necessarily be a Eucharistic faith. Our human nature wants to "see" and understand, but this Mystery is beyond human limits. Many profess to be Christians but do not believe; even many Catholics. When urged to go see a Eucharistic Miracle, St. Louis IX remained before the Blessed Sacrament explaining, "Let those who do not beleive by faith go and see. I believe more firmly than if I saw Christ with my eyes!" Would [...]

Do You Really Believe2020-04-26T05:16:51-04:00
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