Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Our Lady Within St Annes Womb


Within St. Anne's womb, the Blessed Virign Mary was continuously occupied with ten pious exercises. These express the sentiments in her Immaculate Herat. They did not require external activity as she was still a tiny infant. Thus, we can practice them at Mass. We will thereby more actively participate at, and derive more spiritual fruit from, the Holy Sacrifice. Too often we doubt - deep down - that God is all-good, all-wise, and all-powerful. If we had greater confidence - faith! - then we would have nothing to worry about. Strive to foster a greater devotion to Mary's Immaculate Heart and [...]

Our Lady Within St Annes Womb2021-09-13T10:22:14-04:00

Sancutuary of Divine Love


St. Paul exhorts us to "walk in the Spirit" which is another way of saying "be devoted to the Immaculate Heart of Mary." The Twelve Fruits of the Holy Ghost are a perfect description of Mary's Heart. Choose one of those gifts (e.g. benignity, goodness, longanimity, mildness, faith, modesty, etc.) and ask the Blessed Virgin Mary to form this virtue in your heart in her likeness. Like the Mass, Our Lady's Heart is an altar. Christ's Sacrifice is renewed therein as she offers her Son and herself with unspeakable love. At Mass, we too must offer Jesus - truly present - [...]

Sancutuary of Divine Love2021-09-10T11:24:07-04:00

The Greatness of the Mass


Over the centuries, the Church - guided by the Holy Ghost - has adorned the Mass with holy prayers, hymns, lessons, and ceremonies. The Church has enveloped the celebration of this adorable Sacrifice in a mystic veil in order to fill the faithful with religious awe and profound reverence, urging them to earnest pious contemplation and meditation. Pope Innocent I (~400 AD) affirms that the Roman liturgy comes from St. Peter and all must observe this rite. We do not know how this grave attack upon the Mass - upon the Catholic Faith, upon Christ Himself - will play out, but [...]

The Greatness of the Mass2021-08-18T23:44:33-04:00

Offer Reparation for the Lack of Faith


The great tragedy of 'Traditionis Custodes' is that Catholics today have almost completely lost faith in the infinite grandeur, sanctity and richness of the Mass. What was most sacred and filled with graces for past generations must remain so for us. If anyone, even the pope, wanted to radically change the Bible, hopefully you would respond that no one has the power to do that. Yet the Mass is even more sacred than the Bible. Consider four truths about the Mass. It is [1] The mystery of the Incarnation made present; [2] The birth of Jesus Christ; [3] The same sacrifice [...]

Offer Reparation for the Lack of Faith2021-08-06T23:38:31-04:00

The Mass is a Divine Work Not a Human One


The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is not about us (man), but about God! This is an extremely important principle, but it has largely been forgotten on account of the diabolical changes proposed to the Mass in the aftermath of Vatican II. Holy Mass must be offered in a way that pleases God not man! It is the Holy Sacrifice of Christ which gives perfect glory, adoration and thanksgiving to God. It perfectly satisfies God's justice for the terrible offense of man's sins. God is eternal. He does not change nor do His great works. The truth He reveals does not [...]

The Mass is a Divine Work Not a Human One2021-08-06T23:32:05-04:00

Deeper Problem of the Motu Proprio


Over the past sixty years, the Catholic world has been losing Faith in the Mass. It is not an imitation or memory of Calvary, but the same Sacrifice that Christ offered on the Cross, differing only in the manner of offering. Nothing gives God more glory or provides men with more benefits than the Mass. If one believes this infallible dogma of God, then how could on ever dare make radical changes to something so perfect and divine?

Deeper Problem of the Motu Proprio2021-08-06T23:31:32-04:00

Resist the False Attack upon the Mass


A terrible document aimed at destroying the Mass of All Time is upon us. It goes against the Church's ancient Tradition; against God Himself. Hence we cannot obey it. We must stand fast despite being persecuted. Sadly, many Catholics do not realize that there are limits to the authority of the pope and bishops - limits witnessed to by the Church Herself. The hierarchy has authority so as to guard, protect, and transmit the Catholic doctrinal, moral and liturgical tradition - not to eliminate it! We have been infected with the falsehood that the liturgy is our work. No. It is [...]

Resist the False Attack upon the Mass2021-07-19T09:15:03-04:00

Thou Hast Redeemed Us In Thy Blood


Beware of false prophets, whom you shall know by their fruits. There is much 'rotten fruit' in the Church. Things are not good. The faith is very weak. Few make Holy Hours, vocations are scarce, and the Mass is everywhere shut down. Even worse, the Mass of All Time - which yields much good fruit - is being persecuted. The grave crisis should be obvious to everyone. In response, grow in your devotion to the Precious Blood and seek to imitate Christ in His Passion and Sacrifice. At Mass, "see" with faith our Bloody Lord (instead of the priest), for thus [...]

Thou Hast Redeemed Us In Thy Blood2021-08-04T13:09:50-04:00

Participate at Mass Through the Precious Blood


The Mystery of the Precious Blood is extremely important to our Catholic Faith and the truth about God. It is very neglected today and few appreciate it. This is one of the reasons why we are suffering through such a grave crisis of Faith. The Feast of the Precious Blood was eliminated from the new liturgical calendar; yet Holy Mother Church's tradition dedicates the entire month of July to this Mystery. In order to believe in God, you must believe in the Precious Blood. It is deeply connected to the Message of Our Lady at Fatima. A marvelous way to participate [...]

Participate at Mass Through the Precious Blood2021-07-24T10:47:10-04:00

The Mass Must Instill Deep Reverence for God


The foundation of the Catholic Religion is a very deep reverence for the supreme majesty of the true God. As Catholics, we must be filled with this reverence. At the start of the year, leading into Lent, the Church presents us with examples par excellence of those who rightly adore Jesus as our God and King. More than anything else, it is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass which imbues this profound reverence for God within us. And a lack of this reverence lies at the root of the grave crisis in the Church, in families, and in society. Insufficient reverence [...]

The Mass Must Instill Deep Reverence for God2021-02-17T17:53:39-05:00
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