Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Prayers to Our Lady of Sorrows to Better Participate at Mass


Fr. Rodríguez mentioned these prayers in his sermon 'The Fourth Sorrow of Our Lady' given on September 10, 2023 Eternal Father, I unite myself with the intentions and affections of Our Lady of Sorrows on Calvary and I offer Thee the sacrifice which Thy beloved Son, Jesus, made of Himself on the Cross and now renews on this altar: to adore Thee and give Thee the honor which is due to Thee; to thank Thee for the innumerable benefits received; to appease Thy justice irritated against us by so many sins and to make satisfaction for them; to implore grace and [...]

Prayers to Our Lady of Sorrows to Better Participate at Mass2023-11-07T09:10:47-05:00

The Fourth Sorrow of Our Lady


It is ordained by God, from all eternity, that the sorrows of Our Lady be united with the sufferings of Jesus Christ –in the great sacrifice of Calvary– to make reparation for sin. On the Via Dolorosa, Our Lady fell prostrate and adored Her Son with profound reverence. The more she suffered, the more she drew nearer to the Cross. Yet what causes her the most suffering is to see her spiritual children dead. On Calvary there were two altars: one in the body of Jesus and the other in Mary's heart. She sacrificed her soul by compassion. Imitate Our Lady so [...]

The Fourth Sorrow of Our Lady2023-11-06T06:57:16-05:00

Humility of Intellect and of Will


St. Francis is the first recorded instance of the stigmata. Suffering with Christ –the Cross!– is central to our faith. The Cross is the source of all blessings, the cause of all grace, and the only path to Heaven. Carrying our cross well is what it means to be Catholic. Yet pride leads us to reject the cross. So we must grow in humility. Humility of intellect (an honest acknowledgement of our total dependence on God and of our real incapability of doing anything good without His assistance) makes us faithful to prayer. Humility of will (the readiness of the heart [...]

Humility of Intellect and of Will2023-11-07T09:45:37-05:00

Our Lady’s Eternal Thanksgiving and Greatest Sorrow


The Blessed Virgin Mary united herself to her Son's Sacrifice in an all together unique way. Her participation in His Passion and Death was so profound, that she truly merited the title of Co-Redemptrix. Her thoughts and actions, as detailed in the Mystical City of God, provide an ideal model for how we are called to truly participate at Mass.

Our Lady’s Eternal Thanksgiving and Greatest Sorrow2023-10-30T22:51:28-04:00

Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart of Mary


Devotion to Our Lady's Immaculate Heart means to know and imitate her love and perfect charity: [1] her love for God, [2] for Jesus Christ, [3] and her maternal love for us, her spiritual children. These three loves lead us to reflect upon three stages of her life: [1] annunciation / incarnation; [2] passion and death of her Son; [3]  Mediatrix and Queen in Heaven. Truly, her heart is sorrowful. The fact that she willingly suffers so much is one of the greatest signs of the immensity of her love. And by her suffering she gives us a perfect example of [...]

Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart of Mary2023-10-24T14:08:33-04:00

The Immaculate Heart and Holy Mass


At the heart of the Message of Fatima is the Immaculate Heart of Mary. She is our refuge and the way that leads us to God. This Message carries graces particularly necessary for our times. Her Immaculate Heart also shows us how to truly and actively participate at Mass. Strive to keep in your heart the five primary sentiments which are in hers. Devotion to her Immaculate Heart, fostered also by reparation and the First Saturday devotion, will lead us to a profound union of hearts with her Son.

The Immaculate Heart and Holy Mass2023-10-06T16:08:32-04:00

The Assumption The Mass Union with Christ


"By the grace of God I am what I am and His grace in me has not been void." This passage from today's epistle aptly summarizes the life of St. Paul. But it should also hold true for each one of us. And it is especially applicable to Our Lady, in whom we see the grandeur and effectiveness of God's grace when man cooperates with God. The mysteries of Our Lady, which show her always full of grace and increasing in grace throughout her life, also reflect what God desires for each of us. The goal of Our Lady's Assumption, and [...]

The Assumption The Mass Union with Christ2023-09-29T08:50:39-04:00

To Undergo a Mystical Death


One who "walks in the Spirit of God" is not guided by the world or governed by his natural likes and inclinations, The Holy Ghost is always opposed to our three-fold concupiscence: lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, of the pride of life. On a practical level, if I am not fighting constantly against these, then I am not being led by the Spirit of God. The Mass is meant to help us overcome this fallen tendency. Yet one must strive to have the same dispositions Christ had upon the cross. One must deny himself and freely do penance [...]

To Undergo a Mystical Death2023-09-29T09:03:01-04:00

Even Greater Than the Transfiguration


Could anything be more important than being in the presence of Jesus in His glory? Anywhere else one rather be? St. Peter on Mt. Tabor give us a good model for how we should respond to Holy Mass: "Lord, it is good for us to be here!" The Council of Trent teaches we must attend Mass with devotion and purity (exterior) and a pure heart (interior). What is a pure heart? Consider the visions of St. Mechtilde.

Even Greater Than the Transfiguration2023-09-23T19:43:05-04:00

What an Immense Grace We Possess


After the words of Consecration, the same Blood that flowed from Christ's side on the Cross is in the chalice at Mass. This is a tremendous mystery; a profound truth we can't see with our eyes or even understand with our mind. One must accept it on faith. Christ sprinkles the souls of the faithful with His Blood which is shed for them in the Mass. The greatest cry that goes up to Heaven begging for our forgiveness comes from the Precious Blood. Father provides seven petitions to pray to the Precious Blood at Mass.    

What an Immense Grace We Possess2023-09-19T09:51:25-04:00
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