Holy Ghost

Religion and Piety


We must ask the Holy Ghost for His light to enlighten our minds, strengthen our wills and inflame our hearts. Without the Holy Ghost we cannot love rightly (our love is self-centered, self-seeking and weak). In order to bring forth any good fruit, we need the Holy Ghost. Pray for an increase in the virtue of religion (i.e. rendering due honor and glory to God). Pray too for the corresponding virtue of piety (an interior disposition by which we truly love God as our Father). By religion we carry out our duties to God in an exterior way. This is certainly important and necessary. Yet [...]

Religion and Piety2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

St Vladimir the Great


Before the coming of the Holy Ghost, the world was full of idolatry, superstition, tyranny, oppression and revolting practices. The poor and suffering were uncared for. Half the world was enslaved. Yet the Holy Ghost renewed the face of the earth! Civilization flourished and the world became a far better place, filled with truth and compassion. By way of example, we can look to Prince Vladimir of Kiev (+1015). He was a cruel, vice-ridden leader who even offered human sacrifice. Then he was baptized, married a Christian princess, destroyed idols, brought his nation to Christianity, and became a saint. Sadly in today's [...]

St Vladimir the Great2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

We Desperately Need Fortitude


Fortitude is the gift of the Holy Ghost that strengthens our will to banish all timidity and human respect;  it strengthens the soul to hate sin, to practice virtue, and to prefer contempt, temporal loss, persecution, and even death, rather than to deny Christ by word or deed. By this gift, we are empowered to fight and overcome the enemies of our salvation. Fortitude enables us to fulfill the will of God in the midst of temptations, difficulties, and persecutions. It makes us ready and courageous to undertake the greatest sacrifices for our salvation. Today, we need to grow in fortitude! [...]

We Desperately Need Fortitude2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

Recover the Majesty of God


Christ our Savior made a great sacrifice to which all are invited. But many make excuses, having more 'important' things to do. Consider our situation today. So many have 'Covid related excuses' for canceling or missing Mass. God desires us to give Him glory and make Him first in our life. The most important way we do this is by uniting ourselves to the glory that only Christ can give God, and that is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. If the Mass is set aside, it is impossible to give just and due glory to God! Yet we are 'too [...]

Recover the Majesty of God2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

Mary Spouse of the Holy Ghost


Many saints have pondered the infinite fertility of the Most Blessed Trinity. The Heavenly Father eternally begets the Divine Son. From the infinite love of these Two Divine Persons eternally proceeds the Holy Ghost. Yet the Third Person does not bring forth another Divine Person. Rather, He is fruitful through His union with Holy Mary. Together they brought forth the Incarnate Christ. In each Christian they bring forth "another Christ." Thus, the Church is the continuation of the mission of the Incarnate Son of God; what Jesus is by nature, we become by grace. We could say Mary is the mold of God [...]

Mary Spouse of the Holy Ghost2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

Hold Fast to Tradition


Over the last few months, everything has appeared in a state of fluidity and uncertainty. Random protocols are made and revised, often making little sense. Those who favor the destruction of God's order, such as communists, thrive by promoting conflict and revolution. They leave men's souls in troubled unrest. The Holy Ghost, on the other hand, provides peace amidst trials and tribulations. Whereas fallen man, spurred by the spirit of evil, entrenches himself in error and sin on account of stiff-necked pride, the Spirit of God leads man to an immobility in divine Wisdom beyond his nature. Through Him, the Christian is unflinching in [...]

Hold Fast to Tradition2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

Extinguish Not the Spirit


Frequently invoke the Holy Ghost, imploring Him to enlighten your mind, inflame your heart, and strengthen your will. He is the never ceasing font of truth, love and grace. He is the Author of all supernatural gifts and nothing good begins without His help. Now there is a tremendous battle going on between the Spirit of God and the spirit of the world, of the flesh, and of the devil. The spirits contrary to God must be cast out if the Holy Ghost is to abide in us. One who saturates himself with these evil spirits extinguishes the Holy Ghost from his [...]

Extinguish Not the Spirit2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

From Visible Signs to Sublime Mysteries


An extremely important aspect of the Holy Ghost's mission is that He teaches all truth. He helps us truly know who Christ is and to truly love Him. The most important way He does this is through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. We are to use the visible signs at Mass to grow in our Faith in the invisible mysteries. If we remain only at the level of the visible, at what we understand with our human reason, then we are missing the most important things at Mass! Sadly, all the changes introduced into the Mass after Vatican Two have [...]

From Visible Signs to Sublime Mysteries2019-08-05T05:41:31-04:00

Veni Dator Munerum


The season of Pentecost provides Christians with important spiritual lessons: [1] the primary of grace; [2] the importance of prayer; [3] the Church's life centers on prayer and holiness; [4] the role of Our Lady; [5] and the importance of purity - in mind, heart and body. This is a time for every Catholic to cultivate a special devotion to the Holy Ghost, especially since [1] He is God, [2] His mission is to impart divine gifts (e.g. truth for the mind and charity for the heart), and [3] we are all spiritually poor (weak) and desperately need His aid. Yet [...]

Veni Dator Munerum2019-07-22T06:16:38-04:00

Spirit of Truth vs Spirit of Teilhard


The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of Truth. He confirms the true teachings of Christ in our very souls. There is truth; hence the mind's primary function is to discover and to conform to Christ and the created order He has established. The human mind is not meant to create its own reality; it is not independent or alone. It has not license to create its own version of truth, for things are what they are. But in this modern world in which we dwell, the Spirit of Truth has been put aside in favor of the Spirit of Deception from [...]

Spirit of Truth vs Spirit of Teilhard2019-06-26T07:55:13-04:00
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