Holy Ghost

The Holy Ghost and Our Lady


Frequently pray the Church's three most important prayers to the Holy Ghost. In the time between the Ascension and Pentecost Our Lady humbly guided the Apostles. Our practice of praying novenas originates from these days. Our Lady is a most perfect Mother, and her concerns for us, her children, are centered on eternity, grace and sin. Christian Mothers, imitate HER! The Holy Ghost is particularly active in carrying out the Mission of Christ where – and in whom – He finds His Spouse, the Ever Virgin and Holy Mary.

The Holy Ghost and Our Lady2024-06-17T17:36:38-04:00

To Undergo a Mystical Death


One who "walks in the Spirit of God" is not guided by the world or governed by his natural likes and inclinations, The Holy Ghost is always opposed to our three-fold concupiscence: lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, of the pride of life. On a practical level, if I am not fighting constantly against these, then I am not being led by the Spirit of God. The Mass is meant to help us overcome this fallen tendency. Yet one must strive to have the same dispositions Christ had upon the cross. One must deny himself and freely do penance [...]

To Undergo a Mystical Death2023-09-29T09:03:01-04:00

Powerful Links in Church Feasts


Time is ordered to God and serves God. The liturgical feasts of June are clearly connected; they reveal how the Holy Ghost is at work. After Pentecost, feast of the Holy Ghost, we turn to the Blessed Trinity because the Holy Ghost reveals who God is. Yet faith in God and faith in the Eucharist are inseparable, so next we celebrate Corpus Christi. Our Lord requested the Feast of the Sacred Heart conclude the Octave of Corpus Christi. In the Blessed Sacrament Our Lord manifests His love and continues to suffer immensely, on account of man's ingratitude and indifference. The Holy [...]

Powerful Links in Church Feasts2023-07-04T08:27:58-04:00

Each of Us is Wounded


Who is the Holy Ghost? What does He do? How are we to pray to Him? We find a simple answer in the Church's prayer. Come, and bring us the Truth. Come, and fill us with Thy Love. The Holy Ghost comes to heal the wounds which we all carry in our heart and soul, wounds caused by those we should trust most and who should most willingly sacrifice for us. We can't do it on our own. Without Him we are lost. Invoke the Holy Ghost, asking Him to enlighten, purify, console, heal, strengthen and sanctify you.

Each of Us is Wounded2023-06-22T09:45:36-04:00

The Original Novena


I exhort you to live according to the world, but according to the liturgical year. For example, this period is the origin of the novena, a privileged form of prayer. I recommend you pray a novena to the Holy Ghost in the nine days leading up to Pentecost and another during the nine days following Pentecost.

The Original Novena2023-06-22T08:41:32-04:00

Modern Day Montanists


Montanus was a faithful priest turned heretic. He claimed to be filled with Holy Ghost, so much so, that his teachings excelled even that of Tradition and the Apostles. He leaned heavily on emotionalism. He preached revival and renewal, but many of his practices were from the devil. His heresy was condemned in the 2nd Century. Yet his error has returned in greater force today. Let us not confuse the Holy Ghost with the spirit of the world, of revolution, or of the devil. Forget not the Holy Ghost, pray for His gifts, and hold fast to Tradition.  

Modern Day Montanists2023-06-07T06:08:36-04:00

Gods Ways Are Far Above Our Ways


Too often we complain to God, we doubt God, or even think He is cruel. Our error lies in interpreting God based on our experience and understanding. Instead, the foundation must be the Blessed Trinity. All the mysteries of our faith flow from and lead us to that Ultimate Reality. God's was are incomprehensible to us. We must trust and make continual acts of faith in His infinite wisdom and goodness. In hindsight, I see how great blessings have come from my trials and sorrows. This is true for everyone who remains faithful.

Gods Ways Are Far Above Our Ways2022-09-05T10:22:58-04:00

Father of the Poor


Consider what the Holy Ghost does, why we need Him, and how we can more effectively gain His assistance. All the spiritual goods that we possess come from the Holy Ghost, for He is the Love of the Father and the Son. He purifies man from sin and unites man to God. He gives grace upon grace so long as one is disposed and requests. Love, adore, and thank the Holy Ghost. As man is terribly weak and poor, he ought to ceaselessly call upon the Holy Ghost’s assistance.

Father of the Poor2022-08-02T11:23:00-04:00

Pray for Perseverance


Holy Mother Church teaches us perseverance; not so much in words, but more so in her prayers, her sacraments, her disciplines, and her saints. The Catholic life, including every vocation, requires perseverance. If you pray with a sincere and pure heart – and persevere – you will receive. A great failure by many is they simply don’t persevere or their prayers are imbued with a worldly spirit. So pray with ever greater devotion and an ever purer heart. May Our Lady be our model and great intercessor.

Pray for Perseverance2022-07-16T20:05:22-04:00

The Gift of Truth


God unceasingly offers us gifts. He gives all men natural gifts, but the ‘perfect’ gifts He bestows are supernatural gifts. For example, He gives truth (through the teachings of the Holy Catholic Church). How necessary is this gift, especially as we live amidst so much error, deceits and misinformation. Powerful forces are even compelling us to accept things which are clearly not true. The world, the secular media, even many in the Church hierarchy believe they can create truth. Let us instead pray for the grace to love what God commands and to desire what God promises.

The Gift of Truth2022-07-16T19:51:39-04:00
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