
Catholic Origins of Thanksgiving


Have you ever wondered why we eat turkey at Thanksgiving? Most Americans know the story about the Puritan Pilgrims who came aboard the Mayflower and landed at Plymouth in 1620. They nearly starved to death but were helped by the Wampanoag tribe. The next fall they held a food-filled autumn fest celebrating their friendship and thanking God – for their survival.It was quite natural for the pilgrims to hold such a celebration, as autumn harvest feasts had been celebrated in Europe since time immemorial. But have you ever wondered why a large fowl served as the centerpiece?Although the protestant Puritans had [...]

Catholic Origins of Thanksgiving2023-11-21T12:21:42-05:00

Is it Catholic to Support Illegal Immigration?


We are witnessing a Great Replacement via mass immigration. This is not a conspiracy theory merely a factual observation. A mass population influx can destabilize a country similar to a military invasion. Nations in Europe and North America are experiencing such tremendous ethnic and civilizational substitution that one wonders if traditional Western cultures will be lost. Mass migration is a new form of slavery, hurting the immigrant and inflicting terrible damage on his homeland. Thomas Aquinas and our Popes have provided sound teaching regarding immigration but few Catholics know it. It is part of the Natural Law that we love and [...]

Is it Catholic to Support Illegal Immigration?2023-10-07T20:21:03-04:00

Suppression of the Jesuits


By his decree, Dominus ac Redemptor, Clement XIV suppressed the Jesuits in 1773. The sons of St. Ignatius's had done much to stem the protestant revolt, evangelize new lands, and defend the Church. This was one of the Church's lowest moments. It opened the door to great evils ushered by the French Revolution and Communism. Why does God allow such things? So that greater good may come of it. This is an important lesson for us to learn today when we face a very dark time in the Church's life. Good orders and authentic Catholic life is being suppressed, but this [...]

Suppression of the Jesuits2019-09-01T06:06:23-04:00
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