The Harrowing of Hell


By way of comparison, Our Lord used his own 'Trojan Horse' strategy to strip hades (death) and satan of their spoils. He took a human nature and flesh from the Virgin's womb so that by dying He could pass through the gates of the netherworld. The 'Gospel' of Nicodemus, an ancient Christian text, piously narrates this tradition. We profess our faith in this truth every Sunday when we pray the Creed, "... He descended into hell."

The Harrowing of Hell2023-06-30T19:31:49-04:00

The Harrowing of Hell


By His Incarnation and Death, Our Lord employed a 'Trojan horse' type strategy. In His human nature, Christ could suffer and die. Contending with Death, Christ descended into, and conquered, the netherworld. His spoils of victory were the holy souls from the Limbo of the Fathers. The traditional doctrine of Christ's 'descent into hell' is summarized by four main points. These dispel the blasphemous error, in vogue today, that Christ suffered fire and despair in hell, similar to the souls lost for all eternity.

The Harrowing of Hell2021-05-21T14:50:00-04:00
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