
Jesus is Inseparable from the Holy Family


Jesus brings us salvation — but He does not come alone. He comes as a member of the family. With His Incarnation and Nativity, He brings the model for all families. Through this Christmas feast, Christ teaches: [1] Marriage is something supremely sacred. It comes from God. He has willed it to be a primary instrument of our salvation and provides the laws which govern it. (Never fall into the deadly trap of thinking man can redefine marriage or determine how it ought to be lived.) [2] Marriage is meant by God to bring forth life — specifically life in Christ. [...]

Jesus is Inseparable from the Holy Family2021-02-11T08:05:14-05:00

Forgiving Enemies to Free Poor Souls


We can help the poor souls in Purgatory by our seeking to be reconciled with those who have offended us here on earth. St. Teresa of Jesus liked to forgive her enemies because she would then turn to God and ask Him to fulfill His promise to forgive her all her faults. A powerful example comes from the life of St. Gerard Majella, reputed for his pace-making ability. Through him God shows that our forgiveness can even cancel the debts of the poor souls. This is yet another reason not to let enmity simmer or desire revenge, but to seek a [...]

Forgiving Enemies to Free Poor Souls2019-11-14T06:30:31-05:00
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