
Every Best and Perfect Gift


Listen to these true words of St. James with faith: "'Every best gift and ever perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights." These best gifts include grace, truth, and eternal life. They all come through the hands of Our Lady. I urge you to grow in your devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the collect, the Church prays that we [1] receive the grace to love what God commands; [2] desire what God promises; and [3] fix our heart on Heaven. Each of these three is very connected to the message Our Lady brought at [...]

Every Best and Perfect Gift2019-06-01T13:37:15-04:00

102nd Anniversary


Every Catholic should know the following three important elements of the Message of Fatima. [1] It is an urgent call to conversion specific to our times; to return to God as He has revealed Himself; to believe, adore, hope, and love the one true God. [2] The Fatima plan includes the Rosary, Brown Scapular (living chastely), daily duty, reparation, and Five First Saturday Devotion. All these are to be done in union with the Immaculate Heart of Mary. [3] The importance of the pope, and the pressing need for us to pray and sacrifice for him.

102nd Anniversary2019-05-19T23:04:50-04:00
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