
Have Recourse to Mary


How to survive the widespread apostasy? In part two of his three-pronged plan, Pope Leo XIII encourages Catholics to follow the example of our holy fathers and all our tradition by turning in a special way to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Given the evil of our times, all the popes for nearly a century repeatedly insisted that Catholics have recourse to Our Lady and her intercession. God Himself confirmed this papal exhortation by sending Our Lady to Fatima and requesting devotion to her Immaculate Heart. This devotion entails a particularly intense turning to the Mother of God and should be practiced [...]

Have Recourse to Mary2019-10-28T15:59:03-04:00

Temptation in a Crisis of Authority


We are currently enduring a grave crisis in authority. Our Lady forewarned this in the Vision of the Third Secret of Fatima. As if in a mirror, Sr. Lucia saw a ‘bishop in white.' He is not acting as the pope ought and Sr. Lucia does not refer to him as the pope. Then she does see the pope: he is martyred, followed by all the ranks of the Church in proper order. Understandably in this crisis, a great temptation is for the laity to lead themselves. Instead it is highly advisable that the laity find a good trustworthy priest (a [...]

Temptation in a Crisis of Authority2019-10-22T07:29:25-04:00

The Devil Has Intensified His Constant War


St. Augustine teaches that "Our enemies are ever on the alert to work our ruin and we are ever forgetful of our salvation." Religious are especially consecrated for this battle against the world, the flesh and the devil; yet we too must wage it continually. St. Michael aids us, for one of his principal offices is to wage incessant war against the arch fiend, satan. The devil is the father of lies and a seducer. In particular, he wishes to seduce religious and the hierarchy of the Church. He traps  men by cloaking his evil with good and leading them to think he is not [...]

The Devil Has Intensified His Constant War2019-10-11T07:10:40-04:00

Reverence for God and Truth


Central to the Message of Fatima is God's will to make the Blessed Virgin Mary known and loved through devotion to her Immaculate Heart. Two very important devotions to the IHM are the First Saturday Devotion and Consecration to the IHM. This consecration is diametrically opposed to the three great sins of our time: blasphemy, heresy, and impurity. It is a marvelous way of helping the soul recover reverence for God, the truth, and purity. The one who consecrates himself to the IHM strives to keep in his heart the five dominant spiritual dispositions so proper to the Heart of Mary.

Reverence for God and Truth2019-10-03T07:00:20-04:00

Chief Mysteries and Truths


One of the surest ways of responding to the terrible crisis is by turning to the Blessed Virgin Mary and her Message at Fatima. This includes wearing the Brown Scapular and praying the Holy Rosary daily. At Fatima, the Queen of Heaven designated herself by the title of "Our Lady of the Rosary." There is NO problem the Rosary can't solve, including the great crisis. Pope Leo XIII called the Rosary the great weapon we need in our times. He taught that the Rosary contained the chief mysteries by which God has chosen to reveal His goodness, power, providence, wisdom and love. [...]

Chief Mysteries and Truths2019-10-03T06:57:11-04:00

In the Cross of Christ God is Triumphalistic


In the Church's history, many miraculous triumphs have been accomplished with and through the Holy Cross. We marvel at these Triumphs because they are clearly by Heaven’s intervention. The Roman Breviary is very clear that this day is about the Holy Cross triumphing. Thus, we note that it is God Himself who is 'triumphalistic' - desiring man to see what Heaven has to offer to His faithful souls! As typology helps us meditate more deeply upon God's designs, let us consider the Message of Our Lady of Fatima in light of the Exaltation of the Cross.

In the Cross of Christ God is Triumphalistic2019-09-22T07:19:46-04:00

Turn to Marys Heart


In the wake of the mass murders in El Paso (and Dayton), many of us ask "Why does God allow such terrible evil to occur?" In response, I encourage you to always keep before you the perspective of eternity and the salvation of souls. Many bewail this great tragedy (rightfully so), but far more should we bewail the loss of so many souls falling into hell. What man should really dread is eternal damnation. Yet God has given us a tremendous grace to help us in any and every danger: the Immaculate Heart of His Mother! He wills that we turn [...]

Turn to Marys Heart2019-08-11T09:04:54-04:00

The Power of Compunction


On 13 Oct 1917, the little shepherdess Lucia asked Our Lady at Fatima, “I have many things to ask of You: to heal some sick people and to convert some sinners…” The beautiful Lady responded: “Some, yes; others, no. People must amend their lives and ask pardon for their sins. [then growing still more sad, She added] They must not offend Our Lord any more for He is already too much offended.” Our Lady said some of the prayers, conversions, and healings would be denied. Why? These people were not committed to amending their lives. They did not have true contrition. [...]

The Power of Compunction2019-07-30T07:40:34-04:00

A Clear Understanding of Faith


Man must believe the truths revealed by God; this is what saves us! "Without faith it is impossible to please God." (Hebrews 11:6) Hence, we must have a clear understanding of what faith is. Faith has four main elements. [1] It is infused by God (source). [2] It believes the truths revealed by God (object). [3] One believes due to God's authority (motive). [4] God has revealed His truth through His Church (means). The Catholic Church exists to transmit the one same unchanging faith revealed by God. No one, not even the Church's hierarchy and the pope, can change the faith [...]

A Clear Understanding of Faith2019-07-10T05:35:54-04:00

Stand Fast and Firm in the Faith


There are many attacks on our Church from outside and within. This is why we must stand fast and firm in the faith. It’s difficult because the vast majority of Catholics, including those in the hierarchy, have lost the Faith. So pray for this grace and look to Our Lady and her message at Fatima. She came to warn us about dangers to the Faith and to always preserve the dogma of the Faith. She emphasizes the truth about God and her Son and especially that the truth about Christ centers upon the Mass and the Holy Eucharist.

Stand Fast and Firm in the Faith2019-06-25T09:58:06-04:00
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