
Purpose of Lent and Ashes


Four Short Daily Sermons from the Start of Lent Ashes remind us that we will die. Lent is a time to do penance that purifies us and brings us into closer union with God. It is a privileged time of grace when we must hear and heed the divine call to works of mercy.

Purpose of Lent and Ashes2024-03-07T17:36:17-05:00

Fruits of Fasting


The goal of Lent is to grow in your love of God: to do His holy will, to live for Him, to be with Him. Fasting gives strength against sin, represses evil desires, repels temptation, humbles pride, cools anger, quenches fires of lust, renders the heart contrite, detaches from the world and and helps practice every virtue. It has great spiritual fruit: [1] makes satisfaction for sins, [2] protects the soul from its enemies, [3] and obtains grace from God. What better motives can you have to fast and abstain!

Fruits of Fasting2023-04-06T14:32:08-04:00

Fasting and Prayer Dispel Spiritual Blindness


In today's Gospel, Jesus Himself teaches us how to see supernatural realities (the value of grace, of union with God). Satan works to tempt him in worldly ways. Take to heart the importance of prayer and fasting. Without these, we are guaranteed to lose the spiritual battle. Make efforts to grow in your prayer repertoire and to pray with a pure heart. Fasting is urgently needed to do necessary penance and to recover our Catholic Faith. Write down your Lenten plan for accountability!

Fasting and Prayer Dispel Spiritual Blindness2023-04-05T10:15:04-04:00

The Great Fast


Consider the Transfiguration from the Apostles' point of the view. They perceive a coming struggle and prefer to stay where its comfortable. So Christ immediately ends the consolation. We want to be saints; we want great results; but, we flee from the struggle it requires. This is a natural problem, not just a spiritual one. We want everything to be fine and everyone to be nice. But there is no "ok" or "nice" when it comes to the Catholic soul. It takes hard men and women to break the Gates of Heaven. Lent is not so much a time to 'suffer' [...]

The Great Fast2023-03-13T07:50:24-04:00

Lenten Spirituality of St Francis de Paola


St Francis Paola (1416-1507), an extraordinary miracle worker, founded an order of Franciscan hermits: The Minims. They were to be ‘minimal’ in their possessions and diet and in the eyes of the world. They also took a fourth vow: to perpetually live in accordance with the Church’s ancient Lenten discipline. Theirs was a lifelong fast and abstinence from meat and all animal products. St. Francis required this rigor as a heroic act of mortification and to make reparation for the laxity that had entered into Christians’ lenten practices — in the 15th century! He knew that any austerity can be embraced [...]

Lenten Spirituality of St Francis de Paola2021-02-16T07:37:37-05:00

To Love Fasting


When it comes to fasting, one’s internal disposition is of key importance. Let us therefore keep its benefits in mind. By fasting we obey God and please Him. This penance, greatly advocated in Scripture, gains the forgiveness of sins and averts divine punishment. Fasting is cleansing, lends clarity to the mind, and bridles the tongue. It disciplines us to say no to our self-will. Fasting helps us avoid sin and strengthens us against the devil’s temptations. It even prepares us to fulfill our vocation and enables us to help other members of the Mystical Body of Christ. So pray to love [...]

To Love Fasting2021-03-30T07:22:20-04:00
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