
Fatherhood in the Ditch


The Church Fathers provide insightful understandings into the parable of the Good Samaritan. Our father, Adam, is the man going down from Jerusalem (Heaven) to Jericho (hell). He is waylaid by satan and his minions. The Old Testament priests and prophets are powerless to help him, as they too are on their way down. It is Jesus (the Good Samaritan) who saves man with His own flesh (beast of burden, cross) and entrusts him to the Church (inn) until His Second Coming (return). God's Fatherhood is needed to rescue man's fatherhood. Today, fatherhood is once again in the ditch; we are in [...]

Fatherhood in the Ditch2020-11-13T21:49:46-05:00

Fortress of the Valiant Woman


During Holy Week, Our Lord taught in Jerusalem every day, but ate and rested elsewhere - for example, in the house of Lazarus, Martha and Mary in Bethany. Jerusalem represents the world ruled by forces opposed to Christ, whereas Bethany is the Fortress of the Valiant Woman. It represents the Church and models our family home. Are our homes places for the Lord to rest? In commenting on Psalm 31, St. Albert the Great describes the many elements of this fortress. It has a moat of mortality. We must suffer and die because this saves us from pride and reminds us this [...]

Fortress of the Valiant Woman2020-11-13T21:49:49-05:00

Fatherhood is Sacred


Christ's entire mission is to reveal the love of God the Father. When He ascends, He leaves [spiritual] fathers in His place. All fatherhood is meant, in some way, to reflect God's holy fatherhood. The father's vocation is to rule, sanctify and teach His family. He leads, protects and provides for his family. Fathers, lead your family to God and to Heaven! This is why God gives the father authority. The father must be the first to pray, to love, to sacrifice and to die to himself. As fatherhood is so essential for salvation, it makes sense that the devil is waging an all-out war [...]

Fatherhood is Sacred2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

Problems of Fatherhood


One of the root causes of today's troubles is not 'color' but other factors. The lack of virtuous fatherhood, both inside and outside the Church, is at the top of the list. Fatherhood issues are at the root of many deadly and grave disorders. King David indicates in Psalm 77 that bad fathers can work such havoc as to call down the anger of God. The prophet Malachi indicates how this can be prevented by another Elias re-establishing an orderly fatherhood. Today's chaos will only be resolved once proper fatherhood is re-established. (1) Let us cease blaming our fathers for our [...]

Problems of Fatherhood2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

The Valiant Woman


In Proverbs, Solomon asks “Who shall find a valiant woman?” Ultimately, Solomon is speaking of the Catholic Church. Commenting on Lamentations, St. Albert notes it too refers to the search for a valiant woman, a kind of test which reveals and purifies. We can find this woman, but do we value her? The saints teach the whole world was created by God for the sake of the Church. The Church is the goal of all things and there is no salvation without her. All things are willed, or permitted, by God for the good of the Church. When Our Lord speaks of a treasure hidden in a field, [...]

The Valiant Woman2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

Great Gift and Responsibility of Motherhood


God's best gifts come from above. They are perfect and unchanging. They make us more like Him. We are to conform our lives to them. Motherhood is one such gift. It is sacred and unchanging. However, our fallen world is doing much to try to change, devalue, even destroy motherhood. It is so great a gift that God provides us with two spiritual mothers: Our Lady and the Church. It is through them that God chooses to transmit His life (grace) to us. A mother [1] gives life and she [2] nourishes life. She must also strive to [3] bring the life of [...]

Great Gift and Responsibility of Motherhood2020-11-13T21:49:51-05:00

More Saving Patterns from Cana and Baptism


Let us consider a few more patterns laid down by our Savior, as presented to us by Holy Mother Church, in Christmastide feasts: The Baptism of the Lord and the Wedding at Cana.  (Both feasts are also part of the Mystery of Epiphany.) Note that Baptism [1] is the sure and clear way to Heaven; [2] brings about the indwelling of the Holy Ghost and habitual sanctifying grace; [3] and produces faith in the Triune God. The Wedding of Cana establishes patterns for validity in marriage, the purpose of marriage, and the importance of Our Lady and of sacrifice in marriage. [...]

More Saving Patterns from Cana and Baptism2020-02-11T10:42:53-05:00

Patterns Learned from the Holy Family


God used the first Christmas and Epiphany to reveal His established order and His saving patterns. What He did then, He continues to do in our day and will do unto the consummation of the world. God does not change. St. Thomas explains, "Whatever is first in an order is the cause of everything which follows it." Thus, we ought to model our life upon these patterns. Today we note seven patterns regarding the family: [1] worship, [2] hierarchy; [3] unity; [4] respect for authority; [5] rejection of divorce; [6] the Last Things; and [7] accepting differences. If Christian families conform to [...]

Patterns Learned from the Holy Family2020-02-11T10:32:16-05:00

Every Catholic Family


The Catholic family is to be led by the light of Christ (the Epiphany Star!). The Catholic family is to adore the Lord bringing gifts. These are symbolized by the Magi's gifts: love (gold), prayer (frankincense) and mortification (myrrh). Consider how much improved our society would be if families loved God, adored God and obeyed God. At present, there is horrendous disobedience against God and so many are being led astray by the devil. Simply compare God's Law to what is being approved by the leaders of nations and even of the Church. Fathers, mothers and children must strive to fulfill [...]

Every Catholic Family2020-02-11T09:57:35-05:00

Holy Family Heals Our Families


On this feast, let us compare two diametrically opposed families living just six miles apart: The Holy Family and the family of Herod. Herod's was a worldly family filled with every kind of vice, envy, pride and murder. Yet to all fathers of families, Joseph is verily the best model of paternal vigilance and care. In the most holy Virgin Mother of God, mothers may find an excellent example of love, modesty, resignation of spirit, and the perfecting of faith. And in Jesus, who was subject to His parents, the children of the family have a divine pattern of obedience which [...]

Holy Family Heals Our Families2020-01-27T08:47:16-05:00
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