
Fathers Provide Truth and Obedience


During the Miracle of the Sun, the saintly children received a vision of St. Joseph holding the Christ Child and blessing the world. Fathers, bring Christ into your marriage and home. Fathers, imitate and teach two very important virtues of St. Joseph: truth and obedience. This is why God has given you authority over your family: teach the truth and obedience to Christ's doctrine and the inspirations of the Holy Ghost. Fathers, you do this primarily by example (though words can help). The world, the Church, and families are in dire straits on account of the many failings on the part [...]

Fathers Provide Truth and Obedience2021-08-10T08:12:19-04:00

The Cloak of St Joseph


Holy Joseph of the Old Testament serves as a type prefiguring St. Joseph. Numerous details lead us to this spiritual insight, including his parentage, his cloak, his purity, his royalty, and his dreams. Yet the fulfillment is always greater than the prefigurement. He was Christ's example of manhood and an icon of God the Father for the Christ Child. He is the exemplar of what all human fathers should be. See good St. Joseph as a true example of holy masculinity and as a real father to you every day. The Church also possesses several relics from him: his leather belt, [...]

The Cloak of St Joseph2021-06-28T04:07:51-04:00

Aspire to be a Holy Catholic Mother


Motherhood is so important, that in the order of grace, God gives us two mothers: His own Mother and the Church. The world devalues motherhood because it is so lost. Resist this temptation. Look to the Immaculate Heart of Mary to be your model. Pray that the Holy Ghost will shape your heart after hers. Three recommendations: [1] Our Lady never ceases praying and offering sacrifices for us her children. Imitate her. [2] Live and teach the virtues opposite the great vices of heresy, blasphemy and impurity. [3] Feed and nourish you children spiritually. Bring them to the Holy Eucharist.

Aspire to be a Holy Catholic Mother2021-05-30T06:05:08-04:00

Eight Points of Reflection on Motherhood


Motherhood is under a terrible attack by the diabolical errors or Russia. Using typology we can look to the Ark of the Covenant (Our Blessed Mother) for eight points which help heal the wound in woman caused by Eve. These points of reflection include teaching, correcting, compassion, chastity, modesty, self-effacement, and others. Dear Mothers, know and take up your place, mirroring the Ark of the Covenant: to raise up saints to help the Church in this time of need. You may not be known in this world but many will say of your children, 'You must have had a good mother."

Eight Points of Reflection on Motherhood2021-05-12T10:00:25-04:00

Mary Our Mother and Queen


No matter how old we are, we owe devotion to our mothers for all they have done in forming and loving us. One must also have devotion to Our Lady. We all owe her our very salvation. Unlike with the saints, devotion to Our Lady is NECESSARy for salvation. Without her we would not have the Mass, the Church, nor salvation in Jesus Christ, true God and man. She is a most tender Mother and worthy Queen. May we confidently entrust to her all things that are ours; our joys, our troubles, our hopes—especially as more difficult times fall upon the [...]

Mary Our Mother and Queen2021-05-11T17:46:57-04:00

The Church Seemingly Possessed


Consider Bl. Miriam of Jesus Crucified (+1878) as a type for the Church. God allowed the devil to possess this Carmelite mystic for forty days as a victim soul. She suffered terribly but never sinned as God preserved her soul in grace. Could Holy Mother Church presently be enduring a similar trial? The Church has so many failures and is seemingly possessed, yet she remains the holy and immaculate Bride of Christ. This has caused a breakdown in authority. All faithful souls feel a certain aloneness as they struggle to defend their fortress. We need great patience, perseverance and fortitude to [...]

The Church Seemingly Possessed2021-03-09T08:01:31-05:00

The Mission of Husband and Wife


Keep your Nativity Scene up until Feb 2 so as to continue looking upon the Holy Family - our exemplar model. Families should also strive to imitate the Three Kings, who offered gifts of love, prayer and mortification. By the command of Christ, marriage is meant to give rise to a people, fellow citizens with the saints in Heaven, who render fitting worship to the true God. Marriage is a sacrament and it symbolizes exalted mysteries, such as the union of Christ and His Church. Husband and wife must strive to subject themselves to God and hold their passions check. Chastity, [...]

The Mission of Husband and Wife2021-02-11T08:03:35-05:00

Christ Establishes Marriage and Blesses the Home


At the year’s start, for forty days, we look upon the Holy Family in the manger scene. At the Wedding at Cana, Christ establishes marriage as supremely sacred (man can’t alter it). A great tragedy is that so many misguidedly think they, or ‘their love,’ is the foundation of their marriage. Wrong! On account of our fallen condition, we have very little genuine and sincere love (symbolized by having no wine). Christ is the foundation of marriage; pray Him to bring His divine love into your marriage. Seek our Lady’s intercession, and keep her words in your heart throughout the year: [...]

Christ Establishes Marriage and Blesses the Home2021-02-11T08:04:46-05:00

Jesus is Inseparable from the Holy Family


Jesus brings us salvation — but He does not come alone. He comes as a member of the family. With His Incarnation and Nativity, He brings the model for all families. Through this Christmas feast, Christ teaches: [1] Marriage is something supremely sacred. It comes from God. He has willed it to be a primary instrument of our salvation and provides the laws which govern it. (Never fall into the deadly trap of thinking man can redefine marriage or determine how it ought to be lived.) [2] Marriage is meant by God to bring forth life — specifically life in Christ. [...]

Jesus is Inseparable from the Holy Family2021-02-11T08:05:14-05:00

Fatherhood Patriotism and Voting


Good fathers are always needed to lead families and nations. Many old nations have saintly men as 'founding fathers.' The word patriotism patria, Latin for [love of] one's fatherland. We certainly live in confusing times. A revolution is underway. We are not called to 'choose a lesser to two evils' for one can never choose evil. Rather, we are called to choose in favor of life and of limiting evil as much as possible. This indeed is a good we can choose. Voting done well is indeed a virtuous act of legal justice and of true patriotism. Exercising one’s right to [...]

Fatherhood Patriotism and Voting2024-10-27T17:20:33-04:00
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