
Be a Master of Your Craft


Here are three means to progress and excel in the spiritual life. [1] An ability to identify defects. We usually don't want to hear any critique of ourselves. Yet seeing our [minor] defects, which aren't easy to self detect, is the only way to make progress. [2] Humility in the spirit of collaboration. Every criticism has an element of truth, so be hungry for criticism (not paranoid or angry). [3] Love what you do and study your craft. Be obsessed with being Catholic. If you love your state in life, then at every moment you will try to learn how to [...]

Be a Master of Your Craft2023-11-26T19:38:16-05:00

The Brown Scapular and Holy Mass


In today's Gospel, Our Lord speaks directly about what one must do to enter Heaven. It is not enough to call on Him in speech. Rather, the chief disposition of our heart must be to do the will of His Father. Holy Mass has the purpose of helping us become more committed to doing God's will by uniting ourselves to Christ. These are the same goals of the Brown Scapular. This is where its power to save comes from: the unlimited intercessory power of Our Lady, the omnipotent Blood of Christ, and the Father's perfect divine will.

The Brown Scapular and Holy Mass2023-08-29T06:48:39-04:00

The Supreme Dignity of Man


What will help us most, in our spiritual and material well-being, is true and faithful participation in the Holy Sacfrice of the Mass. This applies to every single person. The best thing we can do for our neighbor is help him carry out this chief duty, which is also his supreme dignity. Strive to have the dispositions Jesus had when He offered Himself. (See Pius XII's Mediator Dei, No, 80-81.) Deny yourself, do penance, detest sin, offer reparation, and die a mystical death: to your will, you desires, and your sense of self-importance.

The Supreme Dignity of Man2023-08-27T12:25:32-04:00

What Is a Woman?


The world is being plagued by a more wicked and perverse society than Sodom of old. There is no logic upon which it can be based. Its confusion is an effect of communism, which attacks womanhood. A woman is a copy of the great original, the Blessed Virgin Mary. She is the indispensable helpmate of man; his complement not replacement. She is his beloved and treasured heart. She is captivatingly mysterious and intuitive. She strives for modesty and self-effacement. She suffers the same wounds as her man, but inwardly and quietly. She saves by supporing her man and by bearing and [...]

What Is a Woman?2023-08-20T12:57:28-04:00

The Chief Duty of Man


To participate in the Eucharistic Sacrifice is man's chief duty and supreme dignity. And not in an inert and negligent fashion, but with such earnestness and concentration as to have a profound union with Christ the High Priest. Take this teaching to heart! Because most Catholics today are clueless about it. In fact, this is one of the reasons why the Church is enduring such a terrible crisis. The first step is to know this, the next is to believe it. The Traditional Latin Mass shows this in many ways, the New Mass does not. Devotion to the Sacred Heart and [...]

The Chief Duty of Man2023-08-20T11:56:06-04:00

What Is a Man?


A man is essentially a copy of Jesus Christ. The more a man conforms to his original, the more truly a man he becomes. The devil, father of all lies, seeks to pervert the truth, telling us the exemplar is an ape or single cell amoeba. (How crazy is that!) Man is a thinker. He loves truth. He uses reason and proper moderation to bring order. He remains calm and modest. He is just and religious, giving each man his due and his first fruits to God. Man looks for obstacles to overcome and rewards to gain. He needs someone to [...]

What Is a Man?2023-08-13T09:53:00-04:00

Three Stories of Our Lady


Father shares three true stories to encourage you to be more devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary. He exhorts you to place greater confidence in her and never tire in taking your prayers to her. These stories – Our Lady of Montserrat, St. Joan of Arc, and The Bouquet from 1857 – also provide an example for mothers (and children). He concludes with twelve simple ways to practice devotion to Mary (in honor of the twelve stars of her crown).

Three Stories of Our Lady2023-08-20T17:21:43-04:00

Will You Win the Battle Today?


Preparation is the focal point of the Blessed Trinity's message to man. Christ first prepares His Apostles (come see where I live) and only afterwards does He send them out. The war is upon us (Islamic sword, the world, the devil). Yet wars are won in preparation. While you sit idle, the enemy prepares every day. You must have a relentless aggressive push against the world. Rest is not an option. Prepare and work continually. Only then will you be prepared to fight the battle.

Will You Win the Battle Today?2023-02-05T12:43:15-05:00

The World Is Lost


Epiphany is one of the five holiest days of the year, yet nearly everyone has 'moved past' Christmas. You must think and act like Catholics. The feasts of Church should shape your mindset. Know that the purpose of your marriage and family is to lead people to Christ, to inspire a greater love for Him – find great joy in this! The light that guides the Three Kings also represents faith. They are men of great obedience and faith who follow the light from God. Catholic, do the same!

The World Is Lost2023-03-25T07:53:49-04:00

Holy Matrimony is Practicing for Heaven


The bride and groom who marry do not have true love. What they have has the potential to reach perfection as authentic ennobling love. Sadly, it can also develop into a mere coexistence and ignobility. Which shall it be? In this world, suffering is the proof of love and gives love its meaning and value. Love in marriage must mirror the love of the Blessed Trinity. It is indissoluble and self-effacing, thereby spirating love and life. Sacrifice your excellence. Bear one another. In the company of saints we become saints. The moving example of Saint Eulogius and the Cripple teach us [...]

Holy Matrimony is Practicing for Heaven2023-01-13T09:36:20-05:00
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