
The World Is Lost


Epiphany is one of the five holiest days of the year, yet nearly everyone has 'moved past' Christmas. You must think and act like Catholics. The feasts of Church should shape your mindset. Know that the purpose of your marriage and family is to lead people to Christ, to inspire a greater love for Him – find great joy in this! The light that guides the Three Kings also represents faith. They are men of great obedience and faith who follow the light from God. Catholic, do the same!

The World Is Lost2023-03-25T07:53:49-04:00

Holy Matrimony is Practicing for Heaven


The bride and groom who marry do not have true love. What they have has the potential to reach perfection as authentic ennobling love. Sadly, it can also develop into a mere coexistence and ignobility. Which shall it be? In this world, suffering is the proof of love and gives love its meaning and value. Love in marriage must mirror the love of the Blessed Trinity. It is indissoluble and self-effacing, thereby spirating love and life. Sacrifice your excellence. Bear one another. In the company of saints we become saints. The moving example of Saint Eulogius and the Cripple teach us [...]

Holy Matrimony is Practicing for Heaven2023-01-13T09:36:20-05:00

Families Need A Spirit of Development


We are fighting a battle we can't afford to loose. Catholic families need to foster an environment that is all about continual development. Examine your level of desire to attain perfection and the means you are using to attain it. Spouses and parents must set goals, establish strategies, and provide accountability. This require constant communication, collaboration, and evaluation. Our weakness and strengths play a critical and unique role in how God is calling us to sanctity. When spouses say "I DO" they should be promising that every day, for the rest of their lives, they will slave away to build saints [...]

Families Need A Spirit of Development2022-09-22T11:11:17-04:00

Motherly Instinct and Abortion


Saint Monica is a mother par excellence. Her prayers, tears, and sacrifices ultimately converted her husband and children. Today we celebrate motherhood, remembering our mother's love and her labor pains (which often endure into our adult years). Yet our world is trying to destroy femininity and the motherly instinct. Abortion has even become an explicit satanic ritual act. This culture of death is in desperate need of much healing. Even if Roe v. Wade is overturned, we need to win hearts and minds.

Motherly Instinct and Abortion2022-06-12T14:20:28-04:00

Teach Catholic Men to Fight


Catholic manhood is under attack. Modern men suffer from effeminacy of the body, mind, and will. Man is attached to pleasure and fears that which is difficult. He suffers an inability to seek the truth, preferring emotion over truth. He rationalizes and justifies everything to get what he wants. Christ's rebuke of the Apostles during the storm illustrates three points integral to a manhood: [1] Christ wanted them to face something difficult and overcome fear. [2] Christ was intentionally asleep; wanting them to wake Him. [3] Christ called the Apostles to get into the boat, to cast out into the deep. [...]

Teach Catholic Men to Fight2022-04-05T06:48:52-04:00

The Flight Into Egypt


The latter six Mysteries from the Infancy and Childhood of Christ clearly manifest and admirably summarize the Holy Family. The Mystery of Christ can't be fully understood apart from the Holy Family; for Christ does not just bring us salvation, but He does so with and through the Holy Family. Our response to these Mysteries must not just be to believe, love and obey, but also to reflect upon them -- and to do so with faith! Let us consider the Flight into Egypt. This Mystery provides many important lessons for how we are to save our souls, especially in these [...]

The Flight Into Egypt2022-04-01T13:27:35-04:00

Families Recover Catholic Identity


The Catholic family is in decay. Two things families are not accomplishing on a wide scale are [1] establishing a firm Catholic identity and [2] fighting against the spirit of the world. Our youth lack a clear identity. Parents, be consistent! Don't give up and allow your family to be entrenched in worldliness. The world is the enemy and is seeking to destroy the souls of your children. Be in love with your vocation - with forming saintly souls for Heaven!

Families Recover Catholic Identity2022-02-19T16:48:13-05:00

Presentation and Purification


Consider the Twelve Mysteries of Christ's Infancy and Childhood. The Holy Family suffers much and endures many trials. Why? Because they are obedient to God's holy will. So how should we respond to these Mysteries? With obedience. What of those who are fearful and have heard this 'virus-crisis' excuses them from Sunday Mass? Meditate upon the connection between Christ's Presentation in the Temple, His Sacrifice on Calvary, and the Mass. Imitate Our Lady.

Presentation and Purification2022-02-19T13:14:54-05:00

Our Response Must Be True Catholic Obedience


How are we to respond to Epiphany - to this great manifestation of Jesus' divinity? We must [1] believe, [2] adore and [3] obey. This is the example of Mary and Joseph, the angels, the shepherds and the Three Kings. Obedience is first given to God. The star represents Faith, the light that comes from God. Then obedience is given to the human authorities God places on earth. This priority must be respected. Human authority can be abused; yet the virtue of obedience exists to conform our will to God's holy will.

Our Response Must Be True Catholic Obedience2022-02-05T08:06:25-05:00

Martyrdom of St Agnes


Consider, the immemorial witness of St. Agnes of Rome. Despite her young age, she withstood grandiose bribes and horrific tortures. As our world hurtles towards Sodom and Gomorrah, and many Catholics apostatize, will we be given the grace to endure martyrdom? More importantly, are we disposed for that grace? Measure yourself. One must live a white martyrdom now to best prepare for a red martyrdom.

Martyrdom of St Agnes2022-01-25T16:22:03-05:00
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