Mother’s Day

What Is a Woman?


The world is being plagued by a more wicked and perverse society than Sodom of old. There is no logic upon which it can be based. Its confusion is an effect of communism, which attacks womanhood. A woman is a copy of the great original, the Blessed Virgin Mary. She is the indispensable helpmate of man; his complement not replacement. She is his beloved and treasured heart. She is captivatingly mysterious and intuitive. She strives for modesty and self-effacement. She suffers the same wounds as her man, but inwardly and quietly. She saves by supporing her man and by bearing and [...]

What Is a Woman?2023-08-20T12:57:28-04:00

Three Stories of Our Lady


Father shares three true stories to encourage you to be more devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary. He exhorts you to place greater confidence in her and never tire in taking your prayers to her. These stories – Our Lady of Montserrat, St. Joan of Arc, and The Bouquet from 1857 – also provide an example for mothers (and children). He concludes with twelve simple ways to practice devotion to Mary (in honor of the twelve stars of her crown).

Three Stories of Our Lady2023-08-20T17:21:43-04:00

Motherly Instinct and Abortion


Saint Monica is a mother par excellence. Her prayers, tears, and sacrifices ultimately converted her husband and children. Today we celebrate motherhood, remembering our mother's love and her labor pains (which often endure into our adult years). Yet our world is trying to destroy femininity and the motherly instinct. Abortion has even become an explicit satanic ritual act. This culture of death is in desperate need of much healing. Even if Roe v. Wade is overturned, we need to win hearts and minds.

Motherly Instinct and Abortion2022-06-12T14:20:28-04:00

Aspire to be a Holy Catholic Mother


Motherhood is so important, that in the order of grace, God gives us two mothers: His own Mother and the Church. The world devalues motherhood because it is so lost. Resist this temptation. Look to the Immaculate Heart of Mary to be your model. Pray that the Holy Ghost will shape your heart after hers. Three recommendations: [1] Our Lady never ceases praying and offering sacrifices for us her children. Imitate her. [2] Live and teach the virtues opposite the great vices of heresy, blasphemy and impurity. [3] Feed and nourish you children spiritually. Bring them to the Holy Eucharist.

Aspire to be a Holy Catholic Mother2021-05-30T06:05:08-04:00

Eight Points of Reflection on Motherhood


Motherhood is under a terrible attack by the diabolical errors or Russia. Using typology we can look to the Ark of the Covenant (Our Blessed Mother) for eight points which help heal the wound in woman caused by Eve. These points of reflection include teaching, correcting, compassion, chastity, modesty, self-effacement, and others. Dear Mothers, know and take up your place, mirroring the Ark of the Covenant: to raise up saints to help the Church in this time of need. You may not be known in this world but many will say of your children, 'You must have had a good mother."

Eight Points of Reflection on Motherhood2021-05-12T10:00:25-04:00

Mary Our Mother and Queen


No matter how old we are, we owe devotion to our mothers for all they have done in forming and loving us. One must also have devotion to Our Lady. We all owe her our very salvation. Unlike with the saints, devotion to Our Lady is NECESSARy for salvation. Without her we would not have the Mass, the Church, nor salvation in Jesus Christ, true God and man. She is a most tender Mother and worthy Queen. May we confidently entrust to her all things that are ours; our joys, our troubles, our hopes—especially as more difficult times fall upon the [...]

Mary Our Mother and Queen2021-05-11T17:46:57-04:00

The Valiant Woman


In Proverbs, Solomon asks “Who shall find a valiant woman?” Ultimately, Solomon is speaking of the Catholic Church. Commenting on Lamentations, St. Albert notes it too refers to the search for a valiant woman, a kind of test which reveals and purifies. We can find this woman, but do we value her? The saints teach the whole world was created by God for the sake of the Church. The Church is the goal of all things and there is no salvation without her. All things are willed, or permitted, by God for the good of the Church. When Our Lord speaks of a treasure hidden in a field, [...]

The Valiant Woman2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

Great Gift and Responsibility of Motherhood


God's best gifts come from above. They are perfect and unchanging. They make us more like Him. We are to conform our lives to them. Motherhood is one such gift. It is sacred and unchanging. However, our fallen world is doing much to try to change, devalue, even destroy motherhood. It is so great a gift that God provides us with two spiritual mothers: Our Lady and the Church. It is through them that God chooses to transmit His life (grace) to us. A mother [1] gives life and she [2] nourishes life. She must also strive to [3] bring the life of [...]

Great Gift and Responsibility of Motherhood2020-11-13T21:49:51-05:00

Patterns Learned from the Holy Family


God used the first Christmas and Epiphany to reveal His established order and His saving patterns. What He did then, He continues to do in our day and will do unto the consummation of the world. God does not change. St. Thomas explains, "Whatever is first in an order is the cause of everything which follows it." Thus, we ought to model our life upon these patterns. Today we note seven patterns regarding the family: [1] worship, [2] hierarchy; [3] unity; [4] respect for authority; [5] rejection of divorce; [6] the Last Things; and [7] accepting differences. If Christian families conform to [...]

Patterns Learned from the Holy Family2020-02-11T10:32:16-05:00

Every Catholic Family


The Catholic family is to be led by the light of Christ (the Epiphany Star!). The Catholic family is to adore the Lord bringing gifts. These are symbolized by the Magi's gifts: love (gold), prayer (frankincense) and mortification (myrrh). Consider how much improved our society would be if families loved God, adored God and obeyed God. At present, there is horrendous disobedience against God and so many are being led astray by the devil. Simply compare God's Law to what is being approved by the leaders of nations and even of the Church. Fathers, mothers and children must strive to fulfill [...]

Every Catholic Family2020-02-11T09:57:35-05:00
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