
Be a Master of Your Craft


Here are three means to progress and excel in the spiritual life. [1] An ability to identify defects. We usually don't want to hear any critique of ourselves. Yet seeing our [minor] defects, which aren't easy to self detect, is the only way to make progress. [2] Humility in the spirit of collaboration. Every criticism has an element of truth, so be hungry for criticism (not paranoid or angry). [3] Love what you do and study your craft. Be obsessed with being Catholic. If you love your state in life, then at every moment you will try to learn how to [...]

Be a Master of Your Craft2023-11-26T19:38:16-05:00

The Brown Scapular and Holy Mass


In today's Gospel, Our Lord speaks directly about what one must do to enter Heaven. It is not enough to call on Him in speech. Rather, the chief disposition of our heart must be to do the will of His Father. Holy Mass has the purpose of helping us become more committed to doing God's will by uniting ourselves to Christ. These are the same goals of the Brown Scapular. This is where its power to save comes from: the unlimited intercessory power of Our Lady, the omnipotent Blood of Christ, and the Father's perfect divine will.

The Brown Scapular and Holy Mass2023-08-29T06:48:39-04:00

The Supreme Dignity of Man


What will help us most, in our spiritual and material well-being, is true and faithful participation in the Holy Sacfrice of the Mass. This applies to every single person. The best thing we can do for our neighbor is help him carry out this chief duty, which is also his supreme dignity. Strive to have the dispositions Jesus had when He offered Himself. (See Pius XII's Mediator Dei, No, 80-81.) Deny yourself, do penance, detest sin, offer reparation, and die a mystical death: to your will, you desires, and your sense of self-importance.

The Supreme Dignity of Man2023-08-27T12:25:32-04:00

The Chief Duty of Man


To participate in the Eucharistic Sacrifice is man's chief duty and supreme dignity. And not in an inert and negligent fashion, but with such earnestness and concentration as to have a profound union with Christ the High Priest. Take this teaching to heart! Because most Catholics today are clueless about it. In fact, this is one of the reasons why the Church is enduring such a terrible crisis. The first step is to know this, the next is to believe it. The Traditional Latin Mass shows this in many ways, the New Mass does not. Devotion to the Sacred Heart and [...]

The Chief Duty of Man2023-08-20T11:56:06-04:00

Eight Points of Reflection on Motherhood


Motherhood is under a terrible attack by the diabolical errors or Russia. Using typology we can look to the Ark of the Covenant (Our Blessed Mother) for eight points which help heal the wound in woman caused by Eve. These points of reflection include teaching, correcting, compassion, chastity, modesty, self-effacement, and others. Dear Mothers, know and take up your place, mirroring the Ark of the Covenant: to raise up saints to help the Church in this time of need. You may not be known in this world but many will say of your children, 'You must have had a good mother."

Eight Points of Reflection on Motherhood2021-05-12T10:00:25-04:00

The Church Seemingly Possessed


Consider Bl. Miriam of Jesus Crucified (+1878) as a type for the Church. God allowed the devil to possess this Carmelite mystic for forty days as a victim soul. She suffered terribly but never sinned as God preserved her soul in grace. Could Holy Mother Church presently be enduring a similar trial? The Church has so many failures and is seemingly possessed, yet she remains the holy and immaculate Bride of Christ. This has caused a breakdown in authority. All faithful souls feel a certain aloneness as they struggle to defend their fortress. We need great patience, perseverance and fortitude to [...]

The Church Seemingly Possessed2021-03-09T08:01:31-05:00

Patterns Learned from the Holy Family


God used the first Christmas and Epiphany to reveal His established order and His saving patterns. What He did then, He continues to do in our day and will do unto the consummation of the world. God does not change. St. Thomas explains, "Whatever is first in an order is the cause of everything which follows it." Thus, we ought to model our life upon these patterns. Today we note seven patterns regarding the family: [1] worship, [2] hierarchy; [3] unity; [4] respect for authority; [5] rejection of divorce; [6] the Last Things; and [7] accepting differences. If Christian families conform to [...]

Patterns Learned from the Holy Family2020-02-11T10:32:16-05:00

Every Catholic Family


The Catholic family is to be led by the light of Christ (the Epiphany Star!). The Catholic family is to adore the Lord bringing gifts. These are symbolized by the Magi's gifts: love (gold), prayer (frankincense) and mortification (myrrh). Consider how much improved our society would be if families loved God, adored God and obeyed God. At present, there is horrendous disobedience against God and so many are being led astray by the devil. Simply compare God's Law to what is being approved by the leaders of nations and even of the Church. Fathers, mothers and children must strive to fulfill [...]

Every Catholic Family2020-02-11T09:57:35-05:00

Heaven Intervenes Only As Last Resort


Angels and saints are standing by as a vast army ready to help the Catholic Church assure the victory; why do they delay? Everyone seems to be looking only to this extraordinary Divine intervention. Yet, miraculous aid will only follow after the ordinary has been accomplished and proven insufficient. Using other words, historically, God only works miracles when the normal means have failed. Heaven intervenes when man has done his part! Have we really done our part in making the normal means work? How well do we fulfill the duties of our state in life (consider reviewing them here for Christians, [...]

Heaven Intervenes Only As Last Resort2019-08-05T08:39:03-04:00
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