
Ye Seek Jesus of Nazareth


"Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, Who was crucified." On Easter morning, despite their fears, the holy women went to the tomb to seek Christ - because they loved Him! This is the vocation of every Christian: to constantly seek and love Him more. 'Going to the tomb' is a beautiful description of the Catholic Mass, for the altar mystically represents the tomb. So ask yourself, which is greater: fear you have or your love for Christ? St. Thomas' faith was enlivened by touching the Sacred Wounds, signs of Christ's passion. We must be willing to sacrifice and suffer in order to seek Christ and [...]

Ye Seek Jesus of Nazareth2020-04-14T07:42:37-04:00

Do We Believe Christ is King


As Catholics, we affirm the Kingship of Jesus Christ. We also commemorate His passion and death. And these two go together, as we so clearly see in the Mass of Palm Sunday. Now to affirm Christ as King, we must be united to His Passion. This is why so many souls do not truly acknowledge His Kingship, because they are unwilling to follow Him in His passion and death. Yet we beleive 'Christ conquers, Christ reigns, Christ commands.'   This has many implications. Let us consider some especially relevant right now. Does our reaction to the threat of COVID-19 reflect our firm belief that Christ [...]

Do We Believe Christ is King2020-04-07T05:53:23-04:00

Guided by Faith Not Pandemic Precaution


As we pass through this supposed Coronavirus pandemic, let us have our eyes ever upon the Lord. In turning our hearts to God, we also seek the intercession if the saints, such as St Roch, and St. Rosalia. I pose to you three questions having to do with Faith which every Catholic ought to seriously ponder. [1] Do I truly believe that the most dangerous virus is sin? That sin is disastrous for the soul and the body? [2] Do I truly believe that that Jesus Christ is present in the Holy Eucharist? [3] Do I truly believe in the present reality [...]

Guided by Faith Not Pandemic Precaution2020-03-23T15:03:05-04:00

Mass is About Believing not Understanding


If we hope to stand firm in the faith we must go to Jesus. At Holy Mass, Jesus Himself is calling us to believe in Him. In fact, the greatest grace helping us to stand firm in the faith is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Holy Eucharist. You see, Mass is about believing, not about understanding (don't fall for the false complaint: "I don't understand the Latin Mass"). What is most important at Mass are the sublime hidden realities of our Faith (which can't be seen or understood by human reason). At Mass, all the visible signs of [...]

Mass is About Believing not Understanding2019-07-12T08:11:08-04:00

A Clear Understanding of Faith


Man must believe the truths revealed by God; this is what saves us! "Without faith it is impossible to please God." (Hebrews 11:6) Hence, we must have a clear understanding of what faith is. Faith has four main elements. [1] It is infused by God (source). [2] It believes the truths revealed by God (object). [3] One believes due to God's authority (motive). [4] God has revealed His truth through His Church (means). The Catholic Church exists to transmit the one same unchanging faith revealed by God. No one, not even the Church's hierarchy and the pope, can change the faith [...]

A Clear Understanding of Faith2019-07-10T05:35:54-04:00

Stand Fast and Firm in the Faith


There are many attacks on our Church from outside and within. This is why we must stand fast and firm in the faith. It’s difficult because the vast majority of Catholics, including those in the hierarchy, have lost the Faith. So pray for this grace and look to Our Lady and her message at Fatima. She came to warn us about dangers to the Faith and to always preserve the dogma of the Faith. She emphasizes the truth about God and her Son and especially that the truth about Christ centers upon the Mass and the Holy Eucharist.

Stand Fast and Firm in the Faith2019-06-25T09:58:06-04:00

Faith Like Our Lady


Faith is the virtue by which we firmly believe all the truths God has revealed on the word of God revealing them. it is impossible to be saved without faith. This is a grace which only God can give and He wills to give it to all. Many refuse it. Many fail to nourish it by not studying their catechism or by neglecting the practice of religion. It can wither when one needlessly exposed to things opposed to the faith or via unnecessary interaction with people opposed to the faith or shameless living contrary to it. Nor should one actively doubt, [...]

Faith Like Our Lady2019-05-19T22:52:37-04:00
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