
Affirm the Real Presence


True Faith in Jesus Christ means that we MUST receive Our Lord in Holy Communion - for He has commanded this! It is not just a faith of words or feeling, but the act of receiving the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ and conforming our life to this truth. If we truly believe, we must do our best to receive Him well; to fast, to prepare well and to thank Him abundantly. An excellent preparation is to renew your baptismal vows and make an Act of Fatih as our First Communicant does.

Affirm the Real Presence2021-07-12T08:10:16-04:00

Holy Communion and Fatima


The mission of the Holy Ghost is to bring Christ's work of redemption to fulfillment. He brings to souls the grace merited by Our Savior in His Passion and Death. He judges the world as to wether one believes and accepts - or rejects - Christ. Just as our Lady cooperated uniquely with Christ in Redemption, so she cooperates uniquely with the Holy Ghost in His mission, particularly through her apparition at at Fatima. She comes to warn the world of sin and judgment. She also brings the grace of her Son in a beautiful and special way, through devotion to [...]

Holy Communion and Fatima2021-05-13T18:41:04-04:00

Faith in Christ is a Eucharistic Faith


Our Savior gives us Himself in the Blessed Sacrament so that we may truly believe in Him. All the Easter Octave gospels emphasize that belief in Christ is centered upon the Holy Eucharist. Anyone who calls himself a Christian, but does not have this faith, is very confused. A conception of Christ without the Eucharist is terribly erroneous. Yet even those who profess this belief have a very weak and frail Eucharistic Faith. Has it been completely lost? Consider our lack of forgiveness, or our fear over sickness and death, or our willingness to believe the media and others to the [...]

Faith in Christ is a Eucharistic Faith2021-05-01T10:03:37-04:00

Easter, Baptism and Faith


All the Gospels of the Easter Octave clearly have in common Our Lord's call to faith. This is of great significance. Christ exhorts us to truly place our faith in His passion, death and resurrection. In fact, with two words we can easily summarize the Church's focus during the Easter Season: Baptism and Faith. By Baptism we die and rise with Christ. What overcomes the world is our faith. A great danger is for the world to contaminate, and thereby overcome, our faith. To fight against such danger, pray for a lively faith and a greater devotion to Holy Communion. Know [...]

Easter, Baptism and Faith2021-04-26T08:33:41-04:00

All Hangs Upon the Physical Resurrection


The Catholic Faith infallibly teaches Christ's physical resurrection. It was not just spiritual or a resuscitation; for Christ defeated death and will never die again. Yet there are those 'catholics' who deny this dogma. Pius XI says such they - not militant muslims, atheistic communists or secular jews - are the greatest enemies of the Church. Such modernists attempt to change Catholic dogma and worship. If they are right, the Faith is worthless and we are left with nothing but despair. Yet if He is risen, then our Faith is infinitely worthwhile. Christ's resurrection is the proof of all He stands [...]

All Hangs Upon the Physical Resurrection2021-04-19T09:15:16-04:00

Apostle of Christmas


St. John helps us to believe in - and live - Christmas. More than anyone else, he provides profound insight into the [1] Incarnation and [2] Holy Eucharist, both mysteries which are central to Christmas. These two mysteries each elicit from us a more profound faith. St. John shows that faith and adoration go together. He presents Christ as the light and life of the world. He teaches us what it means to truly believe and love. St. John gives us an example of perfect devotion to Our Blessed Mother and to the Sacred Heart. He calls us to remain faithful [...]

Apostle of Christmas2021-02-11T08:05:44-05:00

Truth, Faith, and Authority


In today's epistle (1 Cor 15), St. Paul teaches on the first foundation of our salvation (faith!) and on the scope and purpose of apostolic authority. Christ gives His Church authority for a purpose: to teach, transmit, guard and defend the truth which He taught (deposit of faith). Church leaders are to faithfully transmit what they have received from Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture - and thus save souls. The vast majority of Catholics do not believe in the pope in a truly Catholic way, for our love and loyalty to the pope must be rooted in our more fundamental love and loyalty [...]

Truth, Faith, and Authority2020-11-13T21:49:49-05:00

Do You Really Believe


St. John teaches that true faith in Jesus Christ conquers the world. The Easter Gospels are replete with examples of belief that Jesus is God. Moreover, true faith in Jesus must necessarily be a Eucharistic faith. Our human nature wants to "see" and understand, but this Mystery is beyond human limits. Many profess to be Christians but do not believe; even many Catholics. When urged to go see a Eucharistic Miracle, St. Louis IX remained before the Blessed Sacrament explaining, "Let those who do not beleive by faith go and see. I believe more firmly than if I saw Christ with my eyes!" Would [...]

Do You Really Believe2020-04-26T05:16:51-04:00

Resurrection Faith and the Mass


Four brief Easter week sermons.  The Easter Octave overflows with grace to increase our Faith, especially in the Sacrifice of the Mass and Holy Eucharist. Meditation with the ecuharistic prayers composed by St. Thomas Aquinas brings a greater depth of understanding and sheds greater light upon how terrible it is that Masses for the faithful have been cancelled. * Mary Magdalene lamented 'They have taken away my Lord.' We are living in such times. After Vatican II, modernists replaced the high altar with a table, removed crucifixes and tabernacles from the center of the catholic sanctuary, and destroyed communion rails and statues. Now [...]

Resurrection Faith and the Mass2020-04-24T05:54:38-04:00

Mane Nobiscum


Two brief Easter week sermons.  This Easter Octave, take time to reflect upon the readings of Holy Mass. They clearly show the Risen Lord is different and His disciples are now called to know Him in a deeper way, which is primarily by faith. Jesus is present through [1] the ministry of His Apostles, particularly Peter; [2] the Scriptures explained by Him; and [3] in the Holy Sacraments. Apart from these, one cannot come to truly know Christ. Our Lord's greatest desire is to remain with us and to nourish us. The Christian's greatest desire should be stay with Jesus, Mane nobiscum! In [...]

Mane Nobiscum2020-04-15T07:24:03-04:00
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