
Be Guided by Light of Faith


The Epiphany Star represents Jesus, the True Light. Secondarily, it represents the true Faith. Today, a Catholic simply can't rely on what this priest or that bishops says because so many of them are no longer guided by true worship and right doctrine. Instead, each Catholic has to strive to learn the truth. Live your vocation within the family so as to offer it as fitting adoration to the Christ Child. Parents are especially called to educate their children in the truth and to offer reparation for past failings.

Be Guided by Light of Faith2025-02-22T14:23:29-05:00

Leper and Centurion


Given how Our Lord delivered the Sermon on the Mount, He was asserting His divinity. His miracles provide abundant proof. Our Lord's healing of physical leprosy points to spiritual truth. Leprosy not only caused physical and psychological suffering, but inflicted social and religious pain. The centurion's faith prompts Our Lord to utter a wonderful prophecy and a chilling warning (it is the first of many times that Jesus speaks of hell). The Leper and Centurion share similarities and teach valuable lessons. God wills to make us whole. Christ speaks and His word is fulfilled. Both Jew and Gentile are brought into [...]

Leper and Centurion2024-08-13T10:03:20-04:00

Constantly Called to Faith


You that have been in sorrow, exult! These are words a soul hears upon entering Heaven. The only thing that truly matters is that you save your soul. Faith and humility are necessary to save your soul. Prayer, fasting and almsgiving are the best spiritual weapons to fight against sin and to be receptive to grace. He who does not employ these arms will surely be lost. Do not receive God's grace in vain! Make good use of it to get to Heaven.

Constantly Called to Faith2024-03-23T08:02:26-04:00

Catholic Origins of Thanksgiving


Have you ever wondered why we eat turkey at Thanksgiving? Most Americans know the story about the Puritan Pilgrims who came aboard the Mayflower and landed at Plymouth in 1620. They nearly starved to death but were helped by the Wampanoag tribe. The next fall they held a food-filled autumn fest celebrating their friendship and thanking God – for their survival.It was quite natural for the pilgrims to hold such a celebration, as autumn harvest feasts had been celebrated in Europe since time immemorial. But have you ever wondered why a large fowl served as the centerpiece?Although the protestant Puritans had [...]

Catholic Origins of Thanksgiving2023-11-21T12:21:42-05:00

We Must Recognize the Risen Lord


Some disciples adored the Risen Christ, yet others doubted. All had difficulty recognizing Him. Why? His appearance is clearly different. He chooses to remain with us in His mysteries. Thus, our focus should be on how He is present at Mass – by faith and by the power of the Holy Ghost. Sadly, many aspects of the Mew Mass deform our belief in the Mass and our understanding of what it means to participate in the Mass. Pay special attention to Our Lady's role in the Mass and participate in the Mass after her example.

We Must Recognize the Risen Lord2023-05-31T06:22:13-04:00

Teach and Baptize All Nations


Let us dwell on the final words Christ speaks on earth before ascending (Mt 28:16-20). Do you believe Christ has power to do all things? Do you act as if He does? He told the pope and bishops they must teach His truth to everyone. He call you to this as well, i.e. according to your state of life. In the Infant Church we see already present every essential element. It is here that Christ fulfills His great promise: to always remain with His Church. It is here that Faith grows.

Teach and Baptize All Nations2023-05-23T07:52:17-04:00

Mane Nobiscum


Read the resurrection accounts with faith for a deeper understanding. Far too many people invent their own way of believing in Jesus. Instead, note how Christ establishes His Church and chooses to remain with us (Teaching, Apostles, Mass, Eucharist). These are patterns He continues to this day. Follow the examples of St. Mary Magdalene, the Emmaus disciples, and St. Thomas. With great desire remain with Christ!

Mane Nobiscum2023-05-22T08:06:42-04:00

Twelve Apparitions of the Risen Lord


The Risen Lord calls His disciples to know Him and believe in Him in a deeper way, i.e. through faith. And He provides the necessary grace. We see this in twelve apparitions between the resurrection and ascension (ten from scripture, two from tradition). During this time, Christ is setting the pattern for all those who come after to follow. He reveals Himself in His Church by His teaching and His Sacraments.

Twelve Apparitions of the Risen Lord2023-05-10T13:16:38-04:00

A Potent Collect Prayer


Draw your attention to the Church’s Collect Prayer in general and today in particular. We beg God for an increase of faith, hope and charity. We can’t grow in them based on our own will and effort. God promises them to us and they are His free gifts to us. Nevertheless, we must do our part to merit them. We also ask God to help us love His Commandments. Too often men erroneously view God’s law as burdensome; yet it is an expression of His love.

A Potent Collect Prayer2022-11-26T07:31:19-05:00

Our Response Must Be True Catholic Obedience


How are we to respond to Epiphany - to this great manifestation of Jesus' divinity? We must [1] believe, [2] adore and [3] obey. This is the example of Mary and Joseph, the angels, the shepherds and the Three Kings. Obedience is first given to God. The star represents Faith, the light that comes from God. Then obedience is given to the human authorities God places on earth. This priority must be respected. Human authority can be abused; yet the virtue of obedience exists to conform our will to God's holy will.

Our Response Must Be True Catholic Obedience2022-02-05T08:06:25-05:00
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