
Hope and Daring


When you rise and when yo go to bed, ask yourself these two questions: [1] What drives you or fuels your desire? [2] What are you afraid of? We often know what we have to do but fail to do it because of something we fear. What keeps us from giving ourselves to God, and neighbor, as we are meant to do? During Advent, the Church calls to mind the example of St. John the Baptist and the Immaculate Conception. Saints change the world because they do what what others dare not. They achieve great virtue by their hope (the virtue [...]

Hope and Daring2023-12-17T12:04:51-05:00

Mystery is Essential to Christmas


Christ subverts the expectations of the worldly. Yet we are still in love with the things of this world – and our vice – because we have yet to see the true worth in tossing them aside. Christ changes the way we value things. The element of mystery, which surrounds Christmas, compels us to acts of greater virtue. (Note: Father's considerations of the Holy Family in Bethlehem touch upon matters not defined by Scripture or Tradition. Faithful Catholics are free to disagree on such details.)

Mystery is Essential to Christmas2023-12-08T16:06:31-05:00

Be a Master of Your Craft


Here are three means to progress and excel in the spiritual life. [1] An ability to identify defects. We usually don't want to hear any critique of ourselves. Yet seeing our [minor] defects, which aren't easy to self detect, is the only way to make progress. [2] Humility in the spirit of collaboration. Every criticism has an element of truth, so be hungry for criticism (not paranoid or angry). [3] Love what you do and study your craft. Be obsessed with being Catholic. If you love your state in life, then at every moment you will try to learn how to [...]

Be a Master of Your Craft2023-11-26T19:38:16-05:00

The One Thing That Prevents Your Sanctity


All Saints is time to reflect and celebrate those men and women who accomplished what they were born for. We are all meant to be saints and to reign in Heaven. Yet the Saints were at a time ordinary men and women. There is no difference between them and us on the level where we begin. So what did they do differently? What iron clad gates do we build up around our soul to prevent sanctity? Examine yourself and firmly resolve to eliminate just one simple thing which holds you back.

The One Thing That Prevents Your Sanctity2023-11-21T07:43:24-05:00

Three Classes of Men


In his Spiritual Exercises, St. Ignatius provides a powerful meditation on three classes of men. Which one are you? Do you strive to eliminate sin from your life? Do attachments prevent you from attaining your heavenly goal? Do you implement the means necessary to get rid of attachments? Or do you want both: God and your earthly goods. If so, you constantly rationalize your self-indulgence. Yet sanctity is radical. It is complete indifference. Nothing matters but God. This is the challenge before you. How do you respond to Christ the King? He calls you to follow Him in everything! Have you [...]

Three Classes of Men2023-08-13T06:14:54-04:00

The Art of Complaining


Complaining is a human universal. Why do we complain? Two reasons: [1] Because of our ingratitude. Reality does not line up with what we want. God has given us everything even though we don't deserve it. To complain is immature. We must grow up! [2] Because we lack courage. We complain to illegitimatize something and then not have to give ourselves to it. Complaining is delaying the necessity of action. We lack courage. The only cure is to know Christ – to believe in Him. We have no greater model than the Sacred Heart.

The Art of Complaining2023-06-30T18:46:23-04:00

Fire and Blood


Pentecost is a Christocentric feast. Today, the Apostles become Christ (no longer just followers). Something changed in them. It is the key to understanding Pentecost. Fire is full of hunger and consumes everything it can. It transforms all into itself. Blood spilled on this earth is what made the world Catholic. What kind of hunger do you have? What blood are you willing to suffer? You only have one life to live. Don't let it pass by in fleeting vanities. Only God can satisfy you.

Fire and Blood2023-06-01T11:18:52-04:00

When Is It Asking Too Much


Things are now different in Passiontide. The Church covers up her saints? Why? She is merely following the spirit of her Master, who now covers up His glory. If Christ has nothing to give you, will you still follow Him? What are the limits of your love for Him? All that really matters is that we fall in love with Christ. This is the Catholic Faith. These two weeks define us as Catholics, how will you respond?  

When Is It Asking Too Much2023-04-03T14:37:27-04:00
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