Evils of our Day

Vote for the Cause of Christ the King


In this upcoming election, the choice is very clear for any faithful Catholic. Though it may be that none of the candidates are "worthy" and all have positions contrary to the Catholic Faith, one of them will clearly - by his own promises and statements - do far greater damage to the cause of Christ the King. Catholics have a serious obligation to vote in a manner which most advances the cause of God's law, of good morals, of law and order, of our holy Faith, and of the truths enshrined in Natural Law. There are only two candidates who have [...]

Vote for the Cause of Christ the King2024-10-27T17:21:58-04:00

Fatherhood Patriotism and Voting


Good fathers are always needed to lead families and nations. Many old nations have saintly men as 'founding fathers.' The word patriotism patria, Latin for [love of] one's fatherland. We certainly live in confusing times. A revolution is underway. We are not called to 'choose a lesser to two evils' for one can never choose evil. Rather, we are called to choose in favor of life and of limiting evil as much as possible. This indeed is a good we can choose. Voting done well is indeed a virtuous act of legal justice and of true patriotism. Exercising one’s right to [...]

Fatherhood Patriotism and Voting2024-10-27T17:20:33-04:00

Fatherhood in the Ditch


The Church Fathers provide insightful understandings into the parable of the Good Samaritan. Our father, Adam, is the man going down from Jerusalem (Heaven) to Jericho (hell). He is waylaid by satan and his minions. The Old Testament priests and prophets are powerless to help him, as they too are on their way down. It is Jesus (the Good Samaritan) who saves man with His own flesh (beast of burden, cross) and entrusts him to the Church (inn) until His Second Coming (return). God's Fatherhood is needed to rescue man's fatherhood. Today, fatherhood is once again in the ditch; we are in [...]

Fatherhood in the Ditch2020-11-13T21:49:46-05:00

Neo-Gnosticism is Fatherless


Neo-gnostics believe the created universe to be their 'god' and strive for self-salvation. Thus they reject God as our Creator, our Savior and our Father. Literature influenced by neo-gnosticism rarely ever has good and strong father figures who lead, teach and defend their families well. It is a terrible tortue for a soul to suffer the lack of a good father. Without good fathers, man can't make heroic acts of loving sacrifice. A father's love is the highest form of love for a man. Piety needs a father. Our society - and our Church - desperately need fatherhood to be restored and maintained. Fortunately, [...]

Neo-Gnosticism is Fatherless2020-11-13T21:49:49-05:00

The Assumption Crushes Neo-Gnosticism


The world is currently enduring neo-gnosticism, which is a form of occultism. Gnosticism was the first heresy to attack the Church. It offers salvation through secret knowledge. Yet its very essence is to reject the revealed Genesis account of creation and substitute an unreal world for the real. Thus, it cannot be reconciled with Christianity. The reemergence of gnosticism constitutes the very essence of modernity. The fact that gnosticism has returned so strongly, and we are inundated in it, ought to concern us - especially since it has deeply infiltrated the Church. Neo-gnostics have given up on Heaven above and instead look to salvation by 'moving forward' to [...]

The Assumption Crushes Neo-Gnosticism2020-11-13T21:49:49-05:00

Truth, Faith, and Authority


In today's epistle (1 Cor 15), St. Paul teaches on the first foundation of our salvation (faith!) and on the scope and purpose of apostolic authority. Christ gives His Church authority for a purpose: to teach, transmit, guard and defend the truth which He taught (deposit of faith). Church leaders are to faithfully transmit what they have received from Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture - and thus save souls. The vast majority of Catholics do not believe in the pope in a truly Catholic way, for our love and loyalty to the pope must be rooted in our more fundamental love and loyalty [...]

Truth, Faith, and Authority2020-11-13T21:49:49-05:00

Danger of Becomming Demoralized


In many ways, demoralization is the greatest enemy to the spiritual life. It is a great threat to the survival of a nation and of the Church Militant. It is one of the devil's greatest weapons against us: to depress us so that we lose all hope and give up. This is also a strategy of leftist marxist revolutionaries. They know that the first stage in collapsing a free society is to demoralize. People ashamed of their own culture won’t defend it when it is attacked. Many Americans—particularly younger ones—have been conditioned to believe that one belief system is as good as [...]

Danger of Becomming Demoralized2020-11-13T21:49:49-05:00

Impurity Unleashes Destructive Passions and Death


We must understand the root causes which plague our Church and society. When man indulges an unchaste desire, he starts down a trajectory of sin that leads to violence and destruction. Unbridled passions in man's interior life lead to confusion, anger, frustration and unleash external acts of uncontrolled passion. Impure people are easily manipulated by the powers that be. Revolutionaries, hardened criminals and satanists are able to commit terrible atrocities because they first desensitize themselves by violations of the Sixth Commandment. As we are living though an unhappy time of unbridled luxury, we should expect that riots, acts of senseless violence, destruction, and public murder [...]

Impurity Unleashes Destructive Passions and Death2020-11-13T21:49:49-05:00

St Vladimir the Great


Before the coming of the Holy Ghost, the world was full of idolatry, superstition, tyranny, oppression and revolting practices. The poor and suffering were uncared for. Half the world was enslaved. Yet the Holy Ghost renewed the face of the earth! Civilization flourished and the world became a far better place, filled with truth and compassion. By way of example, we can look to Prince Vladimir of Kiev (+1015). He was a cruel, vice-ridden leader who even offered human sacrifice. Then he was baptized, married a Christian princess, destroyed idols, brought his nation to Christianity, and became a saint. Sadly in today's [...]

St Vladimir the Great2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

A Diabolical Campaign


Sister Lucia of Fatima: “It is necessary not to let yourself be drawn away by the doctrines of disorientated contradictors… The campaign is diabolical. We need to confront it, without getting into conflicts.” Today revolutionary marxists seek to use a dialectic as a catalyst for socio-political transformation (virus, masks, protests, racism). By dialectic we mean pushing two things to oppose each other - often in violent conflict - so as to work through them and advance one's own gain. Dialectics is the preferred method of the devil. These atheistic 'social organizers' pit people against each other so as to bring about a [...]

A Diabolical Campaign2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00
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