Evils of our Day

Thou Hast Redeemed Us In Thy Blood


Beware of false prophets, whom you shall know by their fruits. There is much 'rotten fruit' in the Church. Things are not good. The faith is very weak. Few make Holy Hours, vocations are scarce, and the Mass is everywhere shut down. Even worse, the Mass of All Time - which yields much good fruit - is being persecuted. The grave crisis should be obvious to everyone. In response, grow in your devotion to the Precious Blood and seek to imitate Christ in His Passion and Sacrifice. At Mass, "see" with faith our Bloody Lord (instead of the priest), for thus [...]

Thou Hast Redeemed Us In Thy Blood2021-08-04T13:09:50-04:00

Critical Theory is Destroing Our Nation


'Critical Theory' is being advanced in every facet of society. Fueled by lies, it compels men to see structural and systemic evils in all of traditional western civilization. It promotes self hate, alienation, and despair. Why? Because it is ultimately a marxist ploy aimed at furthering global revolution to enthrone a new world order based on the errors of Russia. Our country does have its original sins. It failed to recognize God as the source of authority, embraced naturalism and free masonic principles, and did not proclaim the social kingship of Christ. However, we do well to appreciate the good in [...]

Critical Theory is Destroing Our Nation2021-07-12T10:33:24-04:00

Take Back the Moral High Ground


In any battle, it is more advantageous to hold the higher ground. John the Baptist held moral superiority over adulterous Herod. John's preaching based on divine authority trumps the opinions of fallen men. Yet today's cultural war suffers from a revolutionary inversion. Church leaders ceded the high ground by choosing to dialogue with the world, trumpeting tolerance and coexistence. Religious indifference and moral ecumenism dominate our pulpits. The anti-prophets now demand affirmation and approval of heinous sins, while condemning and silencing all opposition. They are moral crusaders fully committed to their cause while the Church weakly whispers and compromises. One may [...]

Take Back the Moral High Ground2021-07-12T09:05:08-04:00

Walk in the Spirit


The Catholic religion exists in order to make the Mystery of the Holy Trinity known and to glorify God. We give Him glory by praising and adoring Him, by thanking and loving Him, by serving Him, and by leading other souls to Him. Reflect upon this often and ask yourself each day, "Am I glorifying God?" How does man render special glory to God the Holy Ghost? By obeying Him, by responding well to the graces He offers, and by begging Him for more grace. Yet how can one differentiate the Holy Ghost's promptings from the devil, the world, and the [...]

Walk in the Spirit2021-07-12T07:10:58-04:00

Vatican Two Had the Spirit of the World


This Pentecost, we highlight just one aspect of the Holy Ghost's mission, that of sanctifying and saving souls. In order to receive the Holy Ghost, we have to 'make space' for Him. In so far as one is filled with the spirit of the world, of the flesh, and of self-love, one does not allow Him to work in our souls. The choking spirit of the world is ubiquitous within the Church. The doors were flung wide for this false spirit at Vatican 2 and it remains the single greatest source of the Church's evils today. Note how tell-tale signs of [...]

Vatican Two Had the Spirit of the World2021-06-28T03:49:36-04:00

The Virus of Cowardice


It is extraordinary what fear has done to us as a people. Despite the tremendous decline in virus related cases, which happened well before the introduction of any vaccine, the fear continues. Masks have become part of everyday life. Segregation is back: the vaccinated are ‘privileged’ but others are treated as ‘lepers.’ We have become silly and weak. We are afraid to die. Why? Because we are filled with a worldly spirit as opposed to the Holy Ghost. Can we ever see in our day anything similar to what martyrs and previous Catholics did for the glory of God? Consider the [...]

The Virus of Cowardice2021-05-30T05:52:02-04:00

Holy Communion and Fatima


The mission of the Holy Ghost is to bring Christ's work of redemption to fulfillment. He brings to souls the grace merited by Our Savior in His Passion and Death. He judges the world as to wether one believes and accepts - or rejects - Christ. Just as our Lady cooperated uniquely with Christ in Redemption, so she cooperates uniquely with the Holy Ghost in His mission, particularly through her apparition at at Fatima. She comes to warn the world of sin and judgment. She also brings the grace of her Son in a beautiful and special way, through devotion to [...]

Holy Communion and Fatima2021-05-13T18:41:04-04:00

Eight Points of Reflection on Motherhood


Motherhood is under a terrible attack by the diabolical errors or Russia. Using typology we can look to the Ark of the Covenant (Our Blessed Mother) for eight points which help heal the wound in woman caused by Eve. These points of reflection include teaching, correcting, compassion, chastity, modesty, self-effacement, and others. Dear Mothers, know and take up your place, mirroring the Ark of the Covenant: to raise up saints to help the Church in this time of need. You may not be known in this world but many will say of your children, 'You must have had a good mother."

Eight Points of Reflection on Motherhood2021-05-12T10:00:25-04:00

No Sympathy for Satan


A good shepherd removes all blockages that prevent his sheep from reaching their end. Like a boxing trainer, he prepares those under his care to persevere unto victory. On the other hand, the world seduces men into accepting these blockages. It leads us to feel sorrow for whom we ought not feel sorrow. A clear sign of warped evil is sympathy for satan (this theme runs in literature, art, music, movies). It even motivates many within the Church Militant (think of those who sympathize with Judas). Be on your guard! Avoid supporting anything that does not have a solid Catholic foundation [...]

No Sympathy for Satan2021-04-26T23:51:28-04:00

Our World is Being Forever Altered


A new social ethics has been created with its own twisted sense of virtue, false commandments, and moral imperatives. That in itself is terrible. Yet even more sickening is how these values—of a materialistic God-denying culture—have become the standard for so many within the Church Militant. The eternal good of the soul, and those things necessary for salvation, are discouraged or cancelled. The opinions of men are believed over the divine word of God. Any wonder why many are leaving the Faith? May God forgive us!

Our World is Being Forever Altered2021-05-01T22:19:29-04:00
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