Evils of our Day

Our Revenge Will Be In the Laugther of Our Children


There is a great parallel between the Holy Cross of Christ and the Traditional Latin Mass. Intimately connected to Christ's Sacrifice, both have been attacked, lost, and recovered. A great theft was perpetrated against Catholics as the True Mass was wrongfully suppressed. Even worse, the injustice was committed by our own pastors. After a brief respite, it is now under terrible attack again. Why? [1] Many churchmen hate tradition. [2] The pride and selectivity of traditionalists. Do we embrace all tradition - including penance, prayer, modesty, humility? [3] God has allowed it. Perhaps, that we may properly appreciate His Sacrifice. So, [...]

Our Revenge Will Be In the Laugther of Our Children2021-11-20T07:31:35-05:00

Population Control for the Dead


This is an ugly sermon, but the topic needs to be preached. The modern world immersed in a culture of death largely hates the body of man. This is seen in how we treat the remains of the deceased. Cremation is forbidden by traditional Catholic teaching. Yet even this desecration is insufficient. The environmentalist ideology, embraced by some prelates, now promotes the liquifying of human bodies or turning them into compost. The body effectively becomes a sacrificial offering to the diabolic earth goddess pachamama. It is truly Catholic to respect the human body in the womb and in the tomb.

Population Control for the Dead2021-11-09T08:30:19-05:00

Christ the King vs the Virus and Jab


Christ the King commands us to be faithful to truth and to life. Archbishop Vigano has written an open letter which I strongly urge you to read. The potential evil of the vaccine far outweighs the potential good. Human babies are being murdered in the continued production of the vaccine. This scamdemic is filled with misinformation, lies, evil, and death. We have to oppose this vaccination agenda with all our strength. What can you do? Recognize the extreme situation we are in. Look to Christ the King on the Cross. Make an act of faith: He is the truth, we follow [...]

Christ the King vs the Virus and Jab2024-10-23T14:17:20-04:00

Mourn With Our Lady of LaSalette


God always prepares us, never blindsiding His faithful ones. He uses types and prefigurements. Consider how Our Lord raising the Widow of Naim's son is a type. He also provides us with prophecy; though we must be careful in our interpretation. In 1846 at LaSalette, Our Lady of Sorrows foretold much of what was to come - in those days, in our time, and at the end of time. Other prophecies from approved apparitions of Our Lady and saints help us better understand her terrible message. When one is forewarned, one can be better prepared and the suffering is lessened. We [...]

Mourn With Our Lady of LaSalette2021-09-11T06:39:04-04:00

The Debacle


The United States' exit from Afghanistan has been an utter debacle. It has resulted in humiliation, chaos, and death. We must re-evaulate our entire strategy. We should return to the traditions of our past. Yet in our modern day, the ruling class of elites never suffer consequences for the destruction resulting from their erroneous ideologies. The same holds true within the Church! For decades now, we have had to deal with decisions of the hierarchy that has devastated the Church. Nevertheless, Church leaders now intensify their attack on Tradition, which is the area of the Church showing the most vitality.

The Debacle2021-09-02T07:44:20-04:00

Pharisaical vs Publican Liturgies


Today's gospel provides a powerful analogy by which to compare and contrast the Traditional and New Mass. We have a pharisaical liturgy for modern man where man stands with pride before God making it 'all about himself.' We have a publican liturgy for the marginalized man who kneels in recognition of his nothingness and God's greatness, not daring to enter the sacred sanctuary. With the new motu proprio, are we doomed to repeat the terrible errors which overtook the Church in the 60s and have left a loss of faith and devastation in their wake? How could anyone forget the ancient [...]

Pharisaical vs Publican Liturgies2021-09-18T15:06:25-04:00

Offer Reparation for the Lack of Faith


The great tragedy of 'Traditionis Custodes' is that Catholics today have almost completely lost faith in the infinite grandeur, sanctity and richness of the Mass. What was most sacred and filled with graces for past generations must remain so for us. If anyone, even the pope, wanted to radically change the Bible, hopefully you would respond that no one has the power to do that. Yet the Mass is even more sacred than the Bible. Consider four truths about the Mass. It is [1] The mystery of the Incarnation made present; [2] The birth of Jesus Christ; [3] The same sacrifice [...]

Offer Reparation for the Lack of Faith2021-08-06T23:38:31-04:00

The Mass is a Divine Work Not a Human One


The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is not about us (man), but about God! This is an extremely important principle, but it has largely been forgotten on account of the diabolical changes proposed to the Mass in the aftermath of Vatican II. Holy Mass must be offered in a way that pleases God not man! It is the Holy Sacrifice of Christ which gives perfect glory, adoration and thanksgiving to God. It perfectly satisfies God's justice for the terrible offense of man's sins. God is eternal. He does not change nor do His great works. The truth He reveals does not [...]

The Mass is a Divine Work Not a Human One2021-08-06T23:32:05-04:00

Deeper Problem of the Motu Proprio


Over the past sixty years, the Catholic world has been losing Faith in the Mass. It is not an imitation or memory of Calvary, but the same Sacrifice that Christ offered on the Cross, differing only in the manner of offering. Nothing gives God more glory or provides men with more benefits than the Mass. If one believes this infallible dogma of God, then how could on ever dare make radical changes to something so perfect and divine?

Deeper Problem of the Motu Proprio2021-08-06T23:31:32-04:00

Resist the False Attack upon the Mass


A terrible document aimed at destroying the Mass of All Time is upon us. It goes against the Church's ancient Tradition; against God Himself. Hence we cannot obey it. We must stand fast despite being persecuted. Sadly, many Catholics do not realize that there are limits to the authority of the pope and bishops - limits witnessed to by the Church Herself. The hierarchy has authority so as to guard, protect, and transmit the Catholic doctrinal, moral and liturgical tradition - not to eliminate it! We have been infected with the falsehood that the liturgy is our work. No. It is [...]

Resist the False Attack upon the Mass2021-07-19T09:15:03-04:00
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