Evils of our Day

Teach Catholic Men to Fight


Catholic manhood is under attack. Modern men suffer from effeminacy of the body, mind, and will. Man is attached to pleasure and fears that which is difficult. He suffers an inability to seek the truth, preferring emotion over truth. He rationalizes and justifies everything to get what he wants. Christ's rebuke of the Apostles during the storm illustrates three points integral to a manhood: [1] Christ wanted them to face something difficult and overcome fear. [2] Christ was intentionally asleep; wanting them to wake Him. [3] Christ called the Apostles to get into the boat, to cast out into the deep. [...]

Teach Catholic Men to Fight2022-04-05T06:48:52-04:00

Families Recover Catholic Identity


The Catholic family is in decay. Two things families are not accomplishing on a wide scale are [1] establishing a firm Catholic identity and [2] fighting against the spirit of the world. Our youth lack a clear identity. Parents, be consistent! Don't give up and allow your family to be entrenched in worldliness. The world is the enemy and is seeking to destroy the souls of your children. Be in love with your vocation - with forming saintly souls for Heaven!

Families Recover Catholic Identity2022-02-19T16:48:13-05:00

Our Response Must Be True Catholic Obedience


How are we to respond to Epiphany - to this great manifestation of Jesus' divinity? We must [1] believe, [2] adore and [3] obey. This is the example of Mary and Joseph, the angels, the shepherds and the Three Kings. Obedience is first given to God. The star represents Faith, the light that comes from God. Then obedience is given to the human authorities God places on earth. This priority must be respected. Human authority can be abused; yet the virtue of obedience exists to conform our will to God's holy will.

Our Response Must Be True Catholic Obedience2022-02-05T08:06:25-05:00

Holy Mother Church Amidst the Storms


The Church has many names, each giving insight into her mysteries. Perhaps the most beautiful is 'Holy Mother.' She gives us spiritual life, nourishes us, heals us, and strengthens us. If we make it to Heaven, it WILL be because of Her. Therefore we should truly love her! Never lose sight that she is the perfect and immaculate Bride of Christ despite the sinfulness of her members. No matter how terrible the storm, Christ will preserve and save her. Have confidence too in the powerful intercession of Our Lady and St. Joseph!

Holy Mother Church Amidst the Storms2022-01-31T07:35:57-05:00

Martyrdom of St Agnes


Consider, the immemorial witness of St. Agnes of Rome. Despite her young age, she withstood grandiose bribes and horrific tortures. As our world hurtles towards Sodom and Gomorrah, and many Catholics apostatize, will we be given the grace to endure martyrdom? More importantly, are we disposed for that grace? Measure yourself. One must live a white martyrdom now to best prepare for a red martyrdom.

Martyrdom of St Agnes2022-01-25T16:22:03-05:00

Vax-Cult Opposes Christs Kingship


Few remember the destruction wrought by vaccine mandates in 19th century England. If we don't learn from history, then we're doomed to repeat it. Strange how modern governments, which claim to be so enlightened, can be so despotic. The modern state sees itself as absolute. All must submit to its authority and doctrines, while it submits to none. Yet a tyranny sincerely exercised for the 'good' of its victims is the most oppressive. Thus, the vax-cult sets itself up as false religion against the Kingship of Christ.

Vax-Cult Opposes Christs Kingship2022-01-23T13:31:37-05:00

Judas Has Plenty of Company This Christmas


There is much confusion over what it means to love Jesus. It is not primarily about feelings, thoughts, or scriptural interpretation. The Apostle of Love teaches us the essentials. To love Jesus we must keep His commandments and we must love our neighbor (emphasis on the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy). Ask Baby Jesus for the grace to love Him above everything. Far too many Catholics are willing to sacrifice Christ to maintain friendships and family ties. Even our Shepherds - those who should love Jesus most - are betraying Him. Given that belief in Christ means belief in the [...]

Judas Has Plenty of Company This Christmas2022-01-13T15:17:01-05:00

Lies, Delusion, and Deceit of the Pandemic


Christ is source of ALL reality. When we depart from Him, we have no option but to live in a mad world filled with delusion and deception. Such lies are clear signs that satan is at work. Looking over the covid and vaccine narrative for the past two years, it is clear that it has been filled with lies. A work is known by its fruits. Resist the lies, psy-ops and abuse as best you can and live in accordance with truth!

Lies, Delusion, and Deceit of the Pandemic2022-01-15T17:37:01-05:00

American Kulaks and Catholic Kulaks


Communist Soviets vilified and destroyed the Kulaks. They made them the scapegoats for everything going wrong in the Bolshevik Revolution. History is now being repeated. In the American landscape, the powers that be vilify all those who yearn for what made this country great. These 'American Kulaks' and must be destroyed. Similarly, in the ecclesial landscape, modernists who hold power vilify all Catholics who love the Faith and Tradition. These 'Catholic Kulaks' are made scapegoats for the failed spirit of Vatican II. Reasoning with the revolutionaries' hatred and suicidal tendencies is not possible. This only ends with the destruction of the [...]

American Kulaks and Catholic Kulaks2022-01-02T12:23:05-05:00

Mustard Seed of Tradition


The mustard seed can be likened to the Catholic Church, the True Faith, and the Ancient Mass. The Church had the humblest origins, yet has spread to cover the world. Today's Church elite consider the Latin Mass insignificant and wish to stamp out anything not reformed by modernism. False doctrines spread easily, because men readily embrace teachings of worldly power, lusts of the flesh, or a path of self-justified ease. Yet no matter how small the seed, the tree is to be judged by its fruits. The New Mass has much rotten fruit. Have confidence in Gamaliel's principle: "If this work [...]

Mustard Seed of Tradition2021-11-20T08:55:39-05:00
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