Evils of our Day

Pray Fervently to God


Apostasy is the voluntary and conscious rejection of Christ by one who has been a Christian. How are we to preserve and live our beloved Catholic Faith in this time of widespread apostasy? The apostasy was already raging in the time of Pope Leo XIII (1878-1903), and has only progressively worsened. That saintly pontiff provided us with an admirable three-pronged plan.  First, we must offer fervent prayer, for it wins certain help from God. We are at a point where natural solutions are wholly insufficient and only supernatural aid will overcome the evil. Only God - and Our Lady - can help us now. [...]

Pray Fervently to God2019-10-28T12:46:12-04:00

Commandments Not Unreachable Ideals


A very dangerous idea that has crept into moral theology is that the Commandments of God are only ideals; hence, modern man can adapt them to his concrete circumstances. It is now claimed that a faithful indissoluble marriage directed towards procreation is just for those with heroic virtue, instead of a universal norm. This is gravely contrary to Christ's immutable teaching and a pastoral disaster. It turns all the Commandments into mere counsels or suggestions which may or may not be followed by a "good conscience." We need to hear from our shepherds the thundering voice of John the Baptist which demands [...]

Commandments Not Unreachable Ideals2019-09-06T06:04:00-04:00

Suppression of the Jesuits


By his decree, Dominus ac Redemptor, Clement XIV suppressed the Jesuits in 1773. The sons of St. Ignatius's had done much to stem the protestant revolt, evangelize new lands, and defend the Church. This was one of the Church's lowest moments. It opened the door to great evils ushered by the French Revolution and Communism. Why does God allow such things? So that greater good may come of it. This is an important lesson for us to learn today when we face a very dark time in the Church's life. Good orders and authentic Catholic life is being suppressed, but this [...]

Suppression of the Jesuits2019-09-01T06:06:23-04:00

Music Can Establish or Destroy Morality


Music has a profound effect on man as it is a 'language' which speaks directly to the soul. It can be used to bring order to man, refresh the human soul, and glorify God. Yet the devils can also pervert it to bring disorder, arouse the passions, and lead man into much sin and immorality. Studies have shown that music even affects plants and animals! Ancient traditions recount how bad music led the sons of Seth into sin, and we know it played a role in the quintessential idolatry of the golden calf. St. Peter Claver, not unlike Our Lord cleansing [...]

Music Can Establish or Destroy Morality2019-08-31T08:54:24-04:00

Turn to Marys Heart


In the wake of the mass murders in El Paso (and Dayton), many of us ask "Why does God allow such terrible evil to occur?" In response, I encourage you to always keep before you the perspective of eternity and the salvation of souls. Many bewail this great tragedy (rightfully so), but far more should we bewail the loss of so many souls falling into hell. What man should really dread is eternal damnation. Yet God has given us a tremendous grace to help us in any and every danger: the Immaculate Heart of His Mother! He wills that we turn [...]

Turn to Marys Heart2019-08-11T09:04:54-04:00

FaceBook OpenBook OpenDoor


We are meant to 'redeem the time' and 'work out our salvation.' St. Alphonsus made a vow never to waste time. Yet wasting time with worldly endeavors and vain entertainment may be the great weakness [sin] of our age. Social Media, epitomized by Facebook, is one of the most popular ways to 'kill the time.' Does it not open doors that lead to much trouble, to the world, the flesh, and the devil? Does it not steal time that ought to be spent on one's duties and lead to the loss of grace and virtue? It easily becomes an openbook that [...]

FaceBook OpenBook OpenDoor2019-08-11T08:37:16-04:00

Heaven Intervenes Only As Last Resort


Angels and saints are standing by as a vast army ready to help the Catholic Church assure the victory; why do they delay? Everyone seems to be looking only to this extraordinary Divine intervention. Yet, miraculous aid will only follow after the ordinary has been accomplished and proven insufficient. Using other words, historically, God only works miracles when the normal means have failed. Heaven intervenes when man has done his part! Have we really done our part in making the normal means work? How well do we fulfill the duties of our state in life (consider reviewing them here for Christians, [...]

Heaven Intervenes Only As Last Resort2019-08-05T08:39:03-04:00

One True Religion from Adam to Christ


There has only been and always will be only one True Religion that has been proclaimed and practiced by believers throughout history. True Religion, revealed by God, began with Adam and continued through Abraham, Moses, David, and various prophets. This True Religion received its perfection and completion in Jesus Christ. The Roman Canon, which in essence originated with St. Peter and comes from the oldest of the Church's liturgical rites, sublimely proclaims this reality. All other religions, including Judaism as it is practiced today, are false religions. Yet we pray that God will lift the veil from disbelieving Jews, as he [...]

One True Religion from Adam to Christ2019-08-05T06:44:29-04:00

Catholic or Worldling


The world is opposed to the Church. The world holds that each man should be able to judge what is good and evil for himself, and that government should preserve man's (false) freedom to choose to do evil things (to believe lies, to worship falsely, to poison himself). The worldling does not like conflict, fears appearing judgmental, and only holds his beliefs as a 'personal preference.' He claim to be Christ's disciple but loves the world (and the world loves him). The reality that Catholicism is the only true religion (no other religion is good, true, or saving) is abhorrent to [...]

Catholic or Worldling2019-07-30T07:30:07-04:00

Maturity Full Stature in Christ


Maturity is an essential trait for a servant of God. In a way, that is the purpose for our time on this earth - to mature into the full stature of Christ. Guided by the wisdom St. Paul, who coined this term, let us strive after this maturity (cf. Eph. 4:13-15; 2 Cor 4:7-9). The saints also guide us in this path. We ought to look to St. Anne as we approach her great feast. Why did God make Saints Joachim and Anne wait to receive a child? Apart from the significance of their age and sterility being linked to the [...]

Maturity Full Stature in Christ2019-07-22T08:37:32-04:00
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