Evils of our Day

Hold Fast to Tradition


Over the last few months, everything has appeared in a state of fluidity and uncertainty. Random protocols are made and revised, often making little sense. Those who favor the destruction of God's order, such as communists, thrive by promoting conflict and revolution. They leave men's souls in troubled unrest. The Holy Ghost, on the other hand, provides peace amidst trials and tribulations. Whereas fallen man, spurred by the spirit of evil, entrenches himself in error and sin on account of stiff-necked pride, the Spirit of God leads man to an immobility in divine Wisdom beyond his nature. Through Him, the Christian is unflinching in [...]

Hold Fast to Tradition2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

The Fundamental Duty of Man


Christ is present and lives in the Most Holy Eucharist. Under the impulse of His divine Love, He ceaselessly renews His Sacrifice. This Sacrament is the very soul of the Church. From this source the Church draws and has all her strength. From the rising to the setting of the sun, there should be no cessation of the Hymn of Praise and Thanksgiving [the Mass] which man owes to God. Indeed, man's chief duty and supreme dignity is to participate in the Eucharistic sacrifice. This is all Catholic teaching from the popes. Listen to it with faith, begging our Lord to [...]

The Fundamental Duty of Man2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

The Valiant Woman


In Proverbs, Solomon asks “Who shall find a valiant woman?” Ultimately, Solomon is speaking of the Catholic Church. Commenting on Lamentations, St. Albert notes it too refers to the search for a valiant woman, a kind of test which reveals and purifies. We can find this woman, but do we value her? The saints teach the whole world was created by God for the sake of the Church. The Church is the goal of all things and there is no salvation without her. All things are willed, or permitted, by God for the good of the Church. When Our Lord speaks of a treasure hidden in a field, [...]

The Valiant Woman2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

Great Gift and Responsibility of Motherhood


God's best gifts come from above. They are perfect and unchanging. They make us more like Him. We are to conform our lives to them. Motherhood is one such gift. It is sacred and unchanging. However, our fallen world is doing much to try to change, devalue, even destroy motherhood. It is so great a gift that God provides us with two spiritual mothers: Our Lady and the Church. It is through them that God chooses to transmit His life (grace) to us. A mother [1] gives life and she [2] nourishes life. She must also strive to [3] bring the life of [...]

Great Gift and Responsibility of Motherhood2020-11-13T21:49:51-05:00

Compare Fatima with Today


Reflect upon the Message of Our Lady of Fatima because the words which Our Lady spoke on this first apparition, exactly 103 years ago, are extremely relevant today. Her conversation with Sr. Lucia is strikingly different to what we hear from Church leaders today. Tyranny and totalitarianism have descended upon us. We are witnessing things Our Lady warned would occur if we would not obey.

Compare Fatima with Today2020-05-15T06:30:38-04:00

Come to Me and I Will Refresh You


What has happened to our Catholic Faith that we have fallen into this present abyss? How can some speak as if taking our Lord in the Eucharist away is the will of God? The very words of Christ run counter to this. He promised to remain with us always in the Holy Eucharist - to nourish and strengthen us. He calls all who labor and are burneded to come to Him, always and everyday, and He shall refresh us. Compare the words we hear today from our prelates with those of the saints and teaching of Pope Leo XIII. The Mass [...]

Come to Me and I Will Refresh You2020-05-14T00:26:22-04:00

Do You Really Believe


St. John teaches that true faith in Jesus Christ conquers the world. The Easter Gospels are replete with examples of belief that Jesus is God. Moreover, true faith in Jesus must necessarily be a Eucharistic faith. Our human nature wants to "see" and understand, but this Mystery is beyond human limits. Many profess to be Christians but do not believe; even many Catholics. When urged to go see a Eucharistic Miracle, St. Louis IX remained before the Blessed Sacrament explaining, "Let those who do not beleive by faith go and see. I believe more firmly than if I saw Christ with my eyes!" Would [...]

Do You Really Believe2020-04-26T05:16:51-04:00

Prophecy is Difficult to Discern


We have yet to suffer as the saints, despite what we are enduring. Considering the grave tribulations others have survived, helps us appreciate our tiresome duties and present difficulties. Men have a natural tendency to want to survive life's trials on their own terms and be in the know. Many look to prophecy, but easily misinterpret it thinking now is the time of fulfillment. Proceed with caution for prophecy is mysterious and very hard to understand. It helps when approved prophecies harmonize as that provides a clearer picture. For example, consider what we know of the Three Days of Darkness. Those [...]

Prophecy is Difficult to Discern2020-04-15T10:15:49-04:00

Radical Emphasis on the Supernatural


One of the most outstanding characteristics of our Catholic Faith is its radical emphasis on the supernatural. For example, at this moment of crisis, what we most is God's grace, mercy and help. Now is not the time to be limiting or cancelling Sacraments! From the supernatural perspective, this makes absolutely no sense. Our Lord tells us that those who remain faithful, will suffer the cross and persecution. May God grant us the grace to not abandon Christ, the Mass or the Faith.

Radical Emphasis on the Supernatural2020-04-09T10:58:05-04:00

Do We Believe Christ is King


As Catholics, we affirm the Kingship of Jesus Christ. We also commemorate His passion and death. And these two go together, as we so clearly see in the Mass of Palm Sunday. Now to affirm Christ as King, we must be united to His Passion. This is why so many souls do not truly acknowledge His Kingship, because they are unwilling to follow Him in His passion and death. Yet we beleive 'Christ conquers, Christ reigns, Christ commands.'   This has many implications. Let us consider some especially relevant right now. Does our reaction to the threat of COVID-19 reflect our firm belief that Christ [...]

Do We Believe Christ is King2020-04-07T05:53:23-04:00
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