Evils of our Day

Of Masks and Blood


'I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery'. Sadly, many will even surrender fundamental liberties to obtain a perceived level of security. Unfortunately, it is usually only an illusion as man relinquishes his God-given rights. Today we have entered into an Orwellian society. We have double-speak and double-think. Policies are arbitrary and reversed on a dime. Authorities expand their reach into our lives. With the Church, let us then turn our attention to the Precious Blood our Lord shed for us. The shedding of blood always has to be avenged, as we learn from the Old Testament. And without the shedding of blood [...]

Of Masks and Blood2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

Which Blood Shall be Shed


Ours is a culture of death because so many seek to solve 'problems' by resorting to violence and death. Revolutionaries seek to inflame anger; thereby increasing violence and killing. This makes us liable to much judgment (the wrath of God) and deserving of chastisement. Expect more of the same as long as the causes of anger in man's heart remain far from being resolved. In humility, we should admit that we too are infected, to some degree, by revolutionary anger. And all these problems are not unrelated to the Holy Mass, to its power and purpose. For if we do not bring our [...]

Which Blood Shall be Shed2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

Laugh at Evils Short Lived Attempts


Saints can laugh in the face of martyrdom. We need their sense of humor. St. Albert describes the Valiant Woman's laughing as a swelling in joy of mind and heart which keeps propriety and grace. The cause of the saints' laughter is rooted in their union with God. There is never any laughing in hell. God allows wicked men to be cruelly chastised by fierce demons because they voluntarily submit themselves to the devil. God devastates every place where idolatry is practiced. We ought to see though, laugh at, and mock the communistic marxist phrases and techniques being used today. This helps us resist their brainwashing, not fall [...]

Laugh at Evils Short Lived Attempts2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

We Desperately Need Fortitude


Fortitude is the gift of the Holy Ghost that strengthens our will to banish all timidity and human respect;  it strengthens the soul to hate sin, to practice virtue, and to prefer contempt, temporal loss, persecution, and even death, rather than to deny Christ by word or deed. By this gift, we are empowered to fight and overcome the enemies of our salvation. Fortitude enables us to fulfill the will of God in the midst of temptations, difficulties, and persecutions. It makes us ready and courageous to undertake the greatest sacrifices for our salvation. Today, we need to grow in fortitude! [...]

We Desperately Need Fortitude2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

Fatherhood is Sacred


Christ's entire mission is to reveal the love of God the Father. When He ascends, He leaves [spiritual] fathers in His place. All fatherhood is meant, in some way, to reflect God's holy fatherhood. The father's vocation is to rule, sanctify and teach His family. He leads, protects and provides for his family. Fathers, lead your family to God and to Heaven! This is why God gives the father authority. The father must be the first to pray, to love, to sacrifice and to die to himself. As fatherhood is so essential for salvation, it makes sense that the devil is waging an all-out war [...]

Fatherhood is Sacred2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

Problems of Fatherhood


One of the root causes of today's troubles is not 'color' but other factors. The lack of virtuous fatherhood, both inside and outside the Church, is at the top of the list. Fatherhood issues are at the root of many deadly and grave disorders. King David indicates in Psalm 77 that bad fathers can work such havoc as to call down the anger of God. The prophet Malachi indicates how this can be prevented by another Elias re-establishing an orderly fatherhood. Today's chaos will only be resolved once proper fatherhood is re-established. (1) Let us cease blaming our fathers for our [...]

Problems of Fatherhood2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

Reasons Why God Allows Evil Times


Why does God allow evil? This mystery of iniquity induces many to doubt God's goodness / existence. If evil is only considered by itself, then it is terribly ugly and detested. But when seen in light of the whole, the saint perceives how it is needed for completeness. We must be tested, crushed, ground, and tried by fire. Some will fall. Some will be victorious. Yet the victory exceeds the losses endured and brings about greater glory. This world is designed to bring about the greatest beauty / glory possible. This requires true sacrifice. God allows evil because He made us for [...]

Reasons Why God Allows Evil Times2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

Recover the Majesty of God


Christ our Savior made a great sacrifice to which all are invited. But many make excuses, having more 'important' things to do. Consider our situation today. So many have 'Covid related excuses' for canceling or missing Mass. God desires us to give Him glory and make Him first in our life. The most important way we do this is by uniting ourselves to the glory that only Christ can give God, and that is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. If the Mass is set aside, it is impossible to give just and due glory to God! Yet we are 'too [...]

Recover the Majesty of God2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

Baptism not Transhumanism


Some elitist secular humanists are dreaming of a futuristic 'bionic man' who does not suffer, is filled with knowledge and has immortality. Yet this "transhuman" would not be divine; he'd be more like a 'walking smart phone.' The false promise of such an 'evolved being' reminds us of satan seducing Eve, 'You will be like gods.' No, such an artificial 'evolution' would make us more akin to preternatural demons. On the other hand, the baptized Catholic IS filled with the Holy Ghost and participates in the Divine Nature itself. Through grace, we don’t become simply spirits or angels, but we become divinized. At every Baptism, the Holy Ghost comes [...]

Baptism not Transhumanism2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

Hold Fast to Tradition


Over the last few months, everything has appeared in a state of fluidity and uncertainty. Random protocols are made and revised, often making little sense. Those who favor the destruction of God's order, such as communists, thrive by promoting conflict and revolution. They leave men's souls in troubled unrest. The Holy Ghost, on the other hand, provides peace amidst trials and tribulations. Whereas fallen man, spurred by the spirit of evil, entrenches himself in error and sin on account of stiff-necked pride, the Spirit of God leads man to an immobility in divine Wisdom beyond his nature. Through Him, the Christian is unflinching in [...]

Hold Fast to Tradition2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00
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