
Fatherhood in the Ditch


The Church Fathers provide insightful understandings into the parable of the Good Samaritan. Our father, Adam, is the man going down from Jerusalem (Heaven) to Jericho (hell). He is waylaid by satan and his minions. The Old Testament priests and prophets are powerless to help him, as they too are on their way down. It is Jesus (the Good Samaritan) who saves man with His own flesh (beast of burden, cross) and entrusts him to the Church (inn) until His Second Coming (return). God's Fatherhood is needed to rescue man's fatherhood. Today, fatherhood is once again in the ditch; we are in [...]

Fatherhood in the Ditch2020-11-13T21:49:46-05:00

Spirit of Truth vs Spirit of Teilhard


The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of Truth. He confirms the true teachings of Christ in our very souls. There is truth; hence the mind's primary function is to discover and to conform to Christ and the created order He has established. The human mind is not meant to create its own reality; it is not independent or alone. It has not license to create its own version of truth, for things are what they are. But in this modern world in which we dwell, the Spirit of Truth has been put aside in favor of the Spirit of Deception from [...]

Spirit of Truth vs Spirit of Teilhard2019-06-26T07:55:13-04:00

Apostle of Rome vs Apostle of Modern Thought


On this Pentecost, let us reflect upon two 'apostles' who were both filled with a spirit, albeit a different one. On the one hand, St. Philip Neri, known as the Apostle of Rome, who was inflamed with Divine Charity and helped Rome though the difficult and terrible times of Protestant revolution and Mohammedan invasions. On the other hand, the Jesuit Teilhard de Chardin, who preached a "Cosmic Christ" that is constantly evolving. His works were ambiguous and condemned, yet many modern prelates consider him the greatest theologian of the 20th century. Understanding his thought, and the spirit that imbued him, helps [...]

Apostle of Rome vs Apostle of Modern Thought2019-06-14T08:06:18-04:00
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