Current Events

Do You Really Believe


St. John teaches that true faith in Jesus Christ conquers the world. The Easter Gospels are replete with examples of belief that Jesus is God. Moreover, true faith in Jesus must necessarily be a Eucharistic faith. Our human nature wants to "see" and understand, but this Mystery is beyond human limits. Many profess to be Christians but do not believe; even many Catholics. When urged to go see a Eucharistic Miracle, St. Louis IX remained before the Blessed Sacrament explaining, "Let those who do not beleive by faith go and see. I believe more firmly than if I saw Christ with my eyes!" Would [...]

Do You Really Believe2020-04-26T05:16:51-04:00

Radical Emphasis on the Supernatural


One of the most outstanding characteristics of our Catholic Faith is its radical emphasis on the supernatural. For example, at this moment of crisis, what we most is God's grace, mercy and help. Now is not the time to be limiting or cancelling Sacraments! From the supernatural perspective, this makes absolutely no sense. Our Lord tells us that those who remain faithful, will suffer the cross and persecution. May God grant us the grace to not abandon Christ, the Mass or the Faith.

Radical Emphasis on the Supernatural2020-04-09T10:58:05-04:00

Do We Believe Christ is King


As Catholics, we affirm the Kingship of Jesus Christ. We also commemorate His passion and death. And these two go together, as we so clearly see in the Mass of Palm Sunday. Now to affirm Christ as King, we must be united to His Passion. This is why so many souls do not truly acknowledge His Kingship, because they are unwilling to follow Him in His passion and death. Yet we beleive 'Christ conquers, Christ reigns, Christ commands.'   This has many implications. Let us consider some especially relevant right now. Does our reaction to the threat of COVID-19 reflect our firm belief that Christ [...]

Do We Believe Christ is King2020-04-07T05:53:23-04:00

What Can Be More Important than Jesus


Stay at home directives are being issued everywhere. Only 'essential services' are being permitted. But are any of these activities as important as the worship of God or imploring His mercy in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass? If our present times are in fact particularly dangerous, can anything be of greater help than Jesus Himself? Let us invoke the intercession of the saints in their litany.

What Can Be More Important than Jesus2020-03-28T04:36:06-04:00

Remain Faithful at the Foot of the Cross


Come what may, we must remain faithful to Jesus Christ: to His Church, to the Sacraments, to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and to His Real Presence among us in the Holy Eucharist. No pandemic, no crisis, no human or ecclesial authority should ever separate us from the Love and Real Presence of Christ. Only He can save us! Let us persevere unto the end.

Remain Faithful at the Foot of the Cross2021-01-26T09:24:16-05:00

Guided by Faith Not Pandemic Precaution


As we pass through this supposed Coronavirus pandemic, let us have our eyes ever upon the Lord. In turning our hearts to God, we also seek the intercession if the saints, such as St Roch, and St. Rosalia. I pose to you three questions having to do with Faith which every Catholic ought to seriously ponder. [1] Do I truly believe that the most dangerous virus is sin? That sin is disastrous for the soul and the body? [2] Do I truly believe that that Jesus Christ is present in the Holy Eucharist? [3] Do I truly believe in the present reality [...]

Guided by Faith Not Pandemic Precaution2020-03-23T15:03:05-04:00

Power of Sacramentals


We should obviously be careful in regards to preventing the spread of the coronavirus by practicing proper hygiene. Those who are sick should not come to Mass – out of charity to others. The history of past flus, such as the Spanish Flu (1918) or Swine Flu (2009), should serve as warnings that these diseases can be deadly. Yet more importantly, we should employ spiritual means to combat such diseases: holy water, blessed palms, scapulars, the St. Benedict Medal and processions to name a few. Churches should be open, Holy Mass available, and public prayer encouraged. Above all, this is a [...]

Power of Sacramentals2020-03-18T05:17:55-04:00

Pray for Courage


St. John of the Cross explains that we need two kinds of purgation to make it to the higher levels of holiness and ultimately Heaven. Active purgation is taking on voluntary penances so as to overcome ourselves, as we do in Lent. But, truth be told, we are too weak, too slow and too small of soul in performing such penances. So, God provides the needed cleansing though passive purgation. God normally does this by allowing us to undergo various trials through our neighbors, attacks by the devils, and natural disasters, war, famine, and plagues. The soul that loves God will [...]

Pray for Courage2020-03-17T21:47:47-04:00

The Deadliest Virus


Many people are presently very concerned over the coronavirus. This is natural. However, by far the deadliest 'virus' is sin. We should be far more concerned about the state of our soul, resisting the capital sins, and avoiding the terrible sins of blasphemy, heresy and impurity so rampant in our world. If you are not, there is something very wrong with you. Closing churches and limiting our access to the sacraments and sacramentals is not the authentically Catholic response. We should instead look to the example of St. Gregory the Great. Also, use holy water and blessed candles. In faith, we [...]

The Deadliest Virus2020-03-16T21:49:26-04:00
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