Current Events

New Scandalous Vatican Document


Fiducia Supplicans, the latest scandalous document from the Vatican, is a direct contradiction of the truths of the four great comings of Christ. Only one without faith in Christ could author or support this document. It is truly diabolical and the height of sinister modernism, attempting to create a new kind of "pastoral" blessing. The truth is that God calls us to repent, to convert, and turn away from sin. Christ came to give us the grace and strength to overcome sin and to be able to make heroic sacrifices. Sadly, only a few Catholic bishops have given faithful public responses. [...]

New Scandalous Vatican Document2023-12-30T22:19:16-05:00

Tranissaries and Alphabet Ideology


How terrible that Audrey Hale attacked a Christian school in Nashville. Not all has been revealed for it is too dangerous and destructive. But what happened to her? And how is it that ideologues declare her the victim and brazenly blame attack those who uphold Christ's teachings? The dynamic at work is reminiscent of the Janissaries, an elite core of greatly feared soldiers. These brutal soldiers were blindly loyal and terribly wicked. They were psychologically deconstructed, abused, and subjected to unnatural vice. Many youth today are being virtually kidnapped and turned against their own.

Tranissaries and Alphabet Ideology2023-05-30T16:26:42-04:00

Return of Pagan Demons Repelled by Heroism


The Pantheon in Rome honored all the pagan gods (demons) of the Empire. Yet Christ conquered and this became the Basilica of St. Mary and the Martyrs. Prior to Christianity, tyranny and oppression reigned, the most revolting vices were promoted, and half the world's population was enslaved. Yet Christ's light dispelled these evils and elevated civilzation to a level hitherto unknown; it was the glory of Christendom. Now the demons, seven times more wicked, have returned to repossess society. Today we have a crisis of saints. We need heroic faith and the practice of heroic virtue in our daily lives. So [...]

Return of Pagan Demons Repelled by Heroism2023-03-01T12:54:30-05:00

Anarchy and Tyranny in Church and State


Those in power are employing a purposeful strategy of oppression to strengthen their authority. Oppressive government power is used against the law abiding. Yet a grotesque paralysis sets in when that same power should carry out the most basic duties. They use disorder to terrorize opponents and protect chaos to crush resistance. The Catholic faithful are also suffering terribly under the anarchy-tyranny of shepherds who are leading the sheep to slaughter.  

Anarchy and Tyranny in Church and State2023-01-29T21:10:29-05:00

Guardians of Tradition or Traitors


Divide and conquer is an age old strategy. It is frequently used in politics and now we see it in our beloved Church. The goal is to make groups disagree and fight with one another so they don't unite against the real enemy. A fictional reality is propagandized to vilify part of the group, a 'crusade' is launched against them, and people are forced to choose. As the president seeks to divide a political party, so certain hierarchs strive to divide traditional Catholics from the general Catholic population and against each other. Yet to advance forward, under God's providence, one must [...]

Guardians of Tradition or Traitors2022-10-06T10:10:25-04:00

Saintly Monarchs and Machiavellian Apostates


The Church recently celebrated two great monarchs: St. Louis IX of France and St Stephen of Hungary. What a great blessing for a nation to have a virtuous Catholic ruler! But what a curse it must be to have an bad [apostate] Catholic in power – as we do today. Apparently heeding Machiavelli's advice, he acts as if the ends justify the means and prefers to be feared than loved. He eschews natural and divine laws, following instead Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. His cruel methods serve to anger, hurt and polarize. Might this signal a twilight of 'The American Experiment?'

Saintly Monarchs and Machiavellian Apostates2022-09-22T07:40:56-04:00

Vax-Cult Opposes Christs Kingship


Few remember the destruction wrought by vaccine mandates in 19th century England. If we don't learn from history, then we're doomed to repeat it. Strange how modern governments, which claim to be so enlightened, can be so despotic. The modern state sees itself as absolute. All must submit to its authority and doctrines, while it submits to none. Yet a tyranny sincerely exercised for the 'good' of its victims is the most oppressive. Thus, the vax-cult sets itself up as false religion against the Kingship of Christ.

Vax-Cult Opposes Christs Kingship2022-01-23T13:31:37-05:00

Lies, Delusion, and Deceit of the Pandemic


Christ is source of ALL reality. When we depart from Him, we have no option but to live in a mad world filled with delusion and deception. Such lies are clear signs that satan is at work. Looking over the covid and vaccine narrative for the past two years, it is clear that it has been filled with lies. A work is known by its fruits. Resist the lies, psy-ops and abuse as best you can and live in accordance with truth!

Lies, Delusion, and Deceit of the Pandemic2022-01-15T17:37:01-05:00

The Debacle


The United States' exit from Afghanistan has been an utter debacle. It has resulted in humiliation, chaos, and death. We must re-evaulate our entire strategy. We should return to the traditions of our past. Yet in our modern day, the ruling class of elites never suffer consequences for the destruction resulting from their erroneous ideologies. The same holds true within the Church! For decades now, we have had to deal with decisions of the hierarchy that has devastated the Church. Nevertheless, Church leaders now intensify their attack on Tradition, which is the area of the Church showing the most vitality.

The Debacle2021-09-02T07:44:20-04:00

Pharisaical vs Publican Liturgies


Today's gospel provides a powerful analogy by which to compare and contrast the Traditional and New Mass. We have a pharisaical liturgy for modern man where man stands with pride before God making it 'all about himself.' We have a publican liturgy for the marginalized man who kneels in recognition of his nothingness and God's greatness, not daring to enter the sacred sanctuary. With the new motu proprio, are we doomed to repeat the terrible errors which overtook the Church in the 60s and have left a loss of faith and devastation in their wake? How could anyone forget the ancient [...]

Pharisaical vs Publican Liturgies2021-09-18T15:06:25-04:00
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