Evils of our Day

Ten Sins Against Marriage


Go spiritually to the cave at Bethlehem. Contemplate what you see: the Holy Family. You have a role within a family. Offer it to Baby Jesus as a gift; that it may please, serve and honor Him. We can't change someone else, but we must know the truth and stand fast in what Christ the King teaches regarding holy Matrimony. Do your best to live according to His truth, transmit these truths to others, and resist the errors and evil of others. Offer prayers and sacrifices for the failings of your past sins against marriage and in reparation for mankind's many [...]

Ten Sins Against Marriage2025-02-11T17:19:04-05:00

The Two Cleansings of The Temple


Always take gospel passages in context. Consider the three times Our Lord shed tears. For Lazarus; He mourns the sins in our personal relationships. For Jerusalem; He mourns His nation and the blindness that causes its destruction. For the world: His creation is in open rebellion and sin has alienated them from the love of God. Our Lord then cleanses the temple of those who use spiritual goods to make a profit. What terrible corruption when religious are more concerned with material good than the salvation of souls. As the leaders go, so go the people. We must pay for the [...]

The Two Cleansings of The Temple2024-12-05T19:37:20-05:00

Patronage of St Michael


St. Michael promotes and defends the glory of God, which includes the truth of God and what He has revealed. St. Michael is the guardian angel of the Holy Eucharist and of the Catholic Faith. He is the defender of the Church and of the Blessed Virgin Mary. When these are not upheld, his guardianship lessens. Catholic bulwarks are being dismantled and satan is wrecking havoc in the Church. Francis' latest statements, perhaps his worst on record, clearly contradict Our Lord. Priests are being persecuted by churchmen simply for defending the Church's doctrine and worship. Our love and devotion to St. [...]

Patronage of St Michael2024-11-04T08:48:23-05:00

Many Reject Christ’s Kingship


Jesus Christ is King. This is a great dogma of our faith. All things are created by Him and for Him. The State has an obligation towards Him and man's laws must be subject to His Law. The only way to have peace is for all nations to submit to Christ the King. Yet many so called Christians – even in the Church – reject His kingship.  Our presidential candidates do not confess Christ's Kingship. Bishops are not defending this truth. Francis' recent statements are blasphemous and heretical against this doctrine. As small individuals we may not be able to change [...]

Many Reject Christ’s Kingship2024-10-21T23:24:45-04:00

Carry Your Cross Well


Jesus and Mary were united at the foot of the cross – in His passion and death. When carried well, the cross is the source, food, and proof of love. To truly love Jesus, one must first learn to suffer. Now the gifts of grace do increase as trials increase. It seems a new phase in Father's trials has begun on the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, which has been the date many trials have begun throughout his priesthood. As many of you know, Fr Rodríguez dedicated his priesthood to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary at ordination. He [...]

Carry Your Cross Well2024-09-26T11:59:38-04:00

The Devil at Work in the Church


Breaking with all Tradition, Scripture, Natural Law, and God's Authority, Francis has allowed the "blessing" of couples engaged in unnatural vice. This confusion is dividing the Church and shaking the faith of many. It is a terrible abuse. Two great problems we suffer under today are the abuse by fathers - including spiritual fathers - and a misunderstanding of marriage. Yet it is not hard for us to know the truth. We simply rely on what the Church has always and everywhere taught to all (universality, antiquity and consensus). As the Church endures this terrible passion, remain close to Our Blessed [...]

The Devil at Work in the Church2024-08-28T19:56:11-04:00

Living Through The Crisis 1 – Faith


A divine chastisement is imminent. Our Lady has already warned us at Fatima and Akita. Very few Catholics, even in traditional circles, are spiritually prepared for what is coming. This series explores the virtues most needed to survive the coming years. Each one of us needs to be working on this now, while we still have the time. The first talk centers on the supernatural virtue of Faith.

Living Through The Crisis 1 – Faith2024-08-07T21:32:45-04:00

A Bishop Opposes Error


In the Epiphany mysteries, Jesus manifests His glory. He reveals the Truth about Himself. Yet man is always tempted to believe in Jesus how he sees fit. No! Focus on the Lord and do not engage in your own projects or ecclesial ideologies (this phrase is a recent gaslighting effort by Francis). Too many Catholics live their marriage based on their own ideas, preferences, and projects. No! Base it upon Christ's teachings and example. Bishops must faithfully transmit the teachings which come from Christ and the Apostles. Let us be grateful that a Peruvian Bishop has resisted Francis' grave error regarding [...]

A Bishop Opposes Error2024-02-01T16:19:29-05:00

Are Our Customs and Habits Too Secular?


We form our ideas, habits and custom from our childhood and if that is reinforced over time, it becomes who we are and how we live. At the root of the grave crisis in the Church is secularization. Too many Catholics have allowed the secular world to completely overrun our customs. We must begin to change this. It will not happen overnight. Take small steps in the right direction. How can you include more silence, prayer, recollection, and detachment from the world in your daily routine and celebration of Advent and Christmas? Because Christmas is not about cookies, eggnog and parties. [...]

Are Our Customs and Habits Too Secular?2024-01-04T09:12:57-05:00

A Wicked Voice in the Vatican


The world we live in is pagan; we must broadcast the Gospel everywhere to bring all to the obedience of faith. Today the Faith is being destroyed from the inside. We have had wicked popes, but none have tried to impose their [lack of] morality upon the Church. Yet Scripture and Tradition have  prepared us. We know the truth, because the Catholic Faith is what has been believed everywhere (universality), always (antiquity) and by all (consensus). What to do? Get on your knees and ask our Blessed Lady to protect our faith. Pray to have have the strength to live according to the [...]

A Wicked Voice in the Vatican2024-01-02T06:46:39-05:00
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