Enemies of Soul

Special Lenten Graces


Lent [1] makes us aware of our obligation to do penance throughout our lives, [2] calls us to imitate Our Lord's fast, and [3] prepares us to celebrate Easter in a holy and worthy manner. God makes special graces available during Lent, including the grace of conversion. So do not live this season as it were just any other time. Look to the example of St. Francis of Assisi and contemplate divine realities. During Lent – by means of prayer, fasting and almsgiving – focus on the importance of grace, sin, and eternity. If you do not use these means to [...]

Special Lenten Graces2024-03-13T06:12:34-04:00

To Undergo a Mystical Death


One who "walks in the Spirit of God" is not guided by the world or governed by his natural likes and inclinations, The Holy Ghost is always opposed to our three-fold concupiscence: lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, of the pride of life. On a practical level, if I am not fighting constantly against these, then I am not being led by the Spirit of God. The Mass is meant to help us overcome this fallen tendency. Yet one must strive to have the same dispositions Christ had upon the cross. One must deny himself and freely do penance [...]

To Undergo a Mystical Death2023-09-29T09:03:01-04:00

Walk in the Spirit


To 'walk in the Spirit' is an apt description of the Catholic life, of grace at work, and of the Holy Ghost bringing about salvation and sanctification. Yet we all suffer from concupiscence, a consequence of original sin. This is our inclination to evil that desires what seems agreeable whether good or evil, true of false. It operates upon every aspect of our being, exterior and interior senses. This battle is not easy and lasts all life long. Take this struggle seriously. As soldiers of Christ we are called to fight this battle. Where do we get the grace to conquer?

Walk in the Spirit2023-09-05T06:23:09-04:00
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