
The Valiant Woman


In Proverbs, Solomon asks “Who shall find a valiant woman?” Ultimately, Solomon is speaking of the Catholic Church. Commenting on Lamentations, St. Albert notes it too refers to the search for a valiant woman, a kind of test which reveals and purifies. We can find this woman, but do we value her? The saints teach the whole world was created by God for the sake of the Church. The Church is the goal of all things and there is no salvation without her. All things are willed, or permitted, by God for the good of the Church. When Our Lord speaks of a treasure hidden in a field, [...]

The Valiant Woman2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

Church vs Occult Connectivity


There is lots of talk about how everything in the world is 'interconnected.' As with so many things, there is a good and true connectivity and also an evil and deceptive connectivity. Through His One Holy Catholic Church, God does establish a universal connectivity, which goes even beyond this world. His connections are ordered, based upon grace, and are imminently vertical. The Church's one Faith, one Priesthood, and Sacraments establish and maintain this connection. The devil's interconnections are horizontal, based on earthly things (e.g. environmentalism, animism, false brotherhood). God's is like a ladder; the devil's is like a spider’s web. The [...]

Church vs Occult Connectivity2019-11-18T05:26:56-05:00

Heresy of Apollinarianism and the Tilma


We have reason to rejoice in our Holy Mother: The Church and Our Lady. Mary is the perfect type of the Church.  The miraculous tilma of Guadalupe points to numerous truths about the Church: She is divine, she is alive, Jesus lives in her, she is indestructible, she is sweet even as she corrects and reproves. We also recently celebrated Pope St. Damasus (+384), who battled an anti-pope, upheld the Sacred Scriptures, and condemned heresy. He defended the Person of Christ and His two natures. These truths dispel today's popular errors that animals may be resurrected, redeemed or have eternal souls.

Heresy of Apollinarianism and the Tilma2024-12-20T12:26:04-05:00

One True Religion from Adam to Christ


There has only been and always will be only one True Religion that has been proclaimed and practiced by believers throughout history. True Religion, revealed by God, began with Adam and continued through Abraham, Moses, David, and various prophets. This True Religion received its perfection and completion in Jesus Christ. The Roman Canon, which in essence originated with St. Peter and comes from the oldest of the Church's liturgical rites, sublimely proclaims this reality. All other religions, including Judaism as it is practiced today, are false religions. Yet we pray that God will lift the veil from disbelieving Jews, as he [...]

One True Religion from Adam to Christ2019-08-05T06:44:29-04:00

Unity of One Flock


Let us consider the desire we have for unity and how best to nourish it. Christ calls us to be one as He and the Father are one. He is the only Gate by which to enter Heaven, and thus He has established one Church in which all are to be united in the one true Faith. There is no unity without truth, but a sign of truth is unity. Hence it is one of the marks of the Church. Unity has great attractive power. We can only find it in Tradition and by submitting, not to the spirit of the [...]

Unity of One Flock2019-05-30T10:20:43-04:00
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