
The Holy Ghost and Our Lady


Frequently pray the Church's three most important prayers to the Holy Ghost. In the time between the Ascension and Pentecost Our Lady humbly guided the Apostles. Our practice of praying novenas originates from these days. Our Lady is a most perfect Mother, and her concerns for us, her children, are centered on eternity, grace and sin. Christian Mothers, imitate HER! The Holy Ghost is particularly active in carrying out the Mission of Christ where – and in whom – He finds His Spouse, the Ever Virgin and Holy Mary.

The Holy Ghost and Our Lady2024-06-17T17:36:38-04:00

Five Simple Points


Our Risen Lord made His first resurrection appearance to His most Blessed Mother. This Easter, we have asked "What is the foundation of the Christian Religion?" It is Christ, His Mission, and His Church. Understanding this answer helps us love our Catholic Faith and live it well. Five simple points from the resurrection narratives in the gospel help us summarize this answer.

Five Simple Points2024-06-18T09:15:56-04:00

Christ is the Foundation


As a fruit of the Resurrection, Jesus is now present in a new way, different from before His Passion. He is alive and present by the power of the Holy Ghost in His Church! In His Church, He teaches the truths which save us. In and by His Church, He bestows life through His sacraments. The Scriptures clearly profess this. So too the witnesses of the Resurrection, who teach with the authority that Christ Himself has given. Contemplate Christ. Keep your eyes constantly fixed on Him. Set your heart on Him alone.

Christ is the Foundation2024-05-08T20:21:58-04:00

The Road to Emmaus


Contemplate Christ. Keep your eyes fixed on Him. Set your heart on Him alone. Meditate upon the gospels and epistles from Easter week. St. Peter and St. Paul teach – by the power of the Holy Ghost – not their own ideas but they 'teach Christ.' The disciples journeying to Emmaus pattern a progressively deeper encounter with the Risen Lord. [1] They desire Christ, sharing their limited knowledge and love of Him. [2] Jesus then teaches them the Scriptures, showing we all need proper interpretation from the rightful authority. [3] Christ remains with them and feeds them. Every Christian is called [...]

The Road to Emmaus2024-05-02T06:41:00-04:00

Two Lessons from the Easter Encounters


Contemplate Christ's words and actions following the Resurrection. He abides in our midst, teaches the truth, calls us to faith, feeds us, and commands us. Clearly, the foundation of the Catholic Faith is Jesus Christ. He is alive and active in the Church He founded. He commands that we go to all nations (no exceptions) teaching everyone the truth and baptizing all.

Two Lessons from the Easter Encounters2024-05-02T06:22:28-04:00

Holy Mother Church Amidst the Storms


The Church has many names, each giving insight into her mysteries. Perhaps the most beautiful is 'Holy Mother.' She gives us spiritual life, nourishes us, heals us, and strengthens us. If we make it to Heaven, it WILL be because of Her. Therefore we should truly love her! Never lose sight that she is the perfect and immaculate Bride of Christ despite the sinfulness of her members. No matter how terrible the storm, Christ will preserve and save her. Have confidence too in the powerful intercession of Our Lady and St. Joseph!

Holy Mother Church Amidst the Storms2022-01-31T07:35:57-05:00

Three Brief Lessons on Holiness


Holiness consists in being united to Christ. [1] Jesus Himself calls us to holiness through the Church Triumphant and the Church Suffering. [2] We are the Church Militant because we are fighting for what? for holiness! To be Catholic is to strive to be holy. God's plan for our holiness is His Church, and outside His Church there can be no true holiness. [3] Holiness consists in conformity to the will of God.

Three Brief Lessons on Holiness2021-11-20T06:36:59-05:00

Gender Confusion within Gods Sanctuary


The liturgical revolution has turned God’s sanctuary into a place that mirrors the grave errors of our day. Ancient tradition established seven steps leading to the priesthood (minor and major orders). Yet in 1972, Paul VI suppressed the minor orders and subdiaconate or turned them into “lay ministries.” Women then began to assume “lay ministerial roles” - even within the sanctuary. Francis is now accelerating this liturgical collapse with his revolutionary change that women may be permanently enrolled in the office of lector and acolyte. The next obvious step is to ordain women to the diaconate. If women can receive the [...]

Gender Confusion within Gods Sanctuary2021-02-15T06:36:23-05:00

Truth, Faith, and Authority


In today's epistle (1 Cor 15), St. Paul teaches on the first foundation of our salvation (faith!) and on the scope and purpose of apostolic authority. Christ gives His Church authority for a purpose: to teach, transmit, guard and defend the truth which He taught (deposit of faith). Church leaders are to faithfully transmit what they have received from Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture - and thus save souls. The vast majority of Catholics do not believe in the pope in a truly Catholic way, for our love and loyalty to the pope must be rooted in our more fundamental love and loyalty [...]

Truth, Faith, and Authority2020-11-13T21:49:49-05:00

Mary Spouse of the Holy Ghost


Many saints have pondered the infinite fertility of the Most Blessed Trinity. The Heavenly Father eternally begets the Divine Son. From the infinite love of these Two Divine Persons eternally proceeds the Holy Ghost. Yet the Third Person does not bring forth another Divine Person. Rather, He is fruitful through His union with Holy Mary. Together they brought forth the Incarnate Christ. In each Christian they bring forth "another Christ." Thus, the Church is the continuation of the mission of the Incarnate Son of God; what Jesus is by nature, we become by grace. We could say Mary is the mold of God [...]

Mary Spouse of the Holy Ghost2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00
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